New Drift Competition Ideas- Call your Cars Now!!!

  • Thread starter Loon
I'm really up for the D1 series kinda thing... It's something I was hoping for back when the WDS was launched - the whole stick to one car through a series thing... Possibly limiting it to 2WD production cars below a certain price, or something like that...

The GTPDC died for a reason. The whole lap thing was not only time consuming and difficult, and therefore discouraging... Most of any lap is boring, and the driftable corners are all about damage control... making the drifts less crowdpleasing. The GTPDC format would be more suited to a time attack/race drift type compo, in my opinion.

Like has been said, panel judging would be the "best" choice, but finding someone that's dedicated/neutral enough and doesn't wanna enter himself could be close to impossible.... Having the contestants score each others' vids is one option, but if it happens "behind closed doors" it'll leave the public out a bit, unless people can get it done fast.

How about having people score the videos by the GTPDC system.. and post their scores with a quick comment, rather than just using a poll. Judges would at least have to justify their scores somehow, possibly reducing the chance of favoritism. In addition, it'd be a forum for constructive criticism that could even be slightly educational...

Just brainstorming a bit here, so take it as that ;)
It wouldn't have to be behind closed doors, we could make it a public poll but ask that only the entrants vote. If other people vote, we'll just not count there votes in the final tally.

Myself, I was sort of put off by the GTPDC rules, at first glance they look pretty complicated. Maybe if they were simplified a bit I could see them working. Just asking the judges which they think has the most speed, angle, and line, based on a scale from 1-10 would work. Sort of the same way the Tuning comp Duck ran for awhile.
i feel the gtpdc rules werent that complicated. i mean there is alot to read on it, but it basically went like this.
Person A challenges Person B(or more) to a drift off. they decide on the track and what other rules they want, they make their video with 2 views. music was added to keep it from being super boring. the judges voted and the winner was deicded.
Then, the group gtpdc, i forgot how they chose the track, i guess the head judge just picked a track and a few rules, and the rest is the same as above, but anyone was allowed to compete.
but yeah, ive always wanted a d1gp style competition starting with a drivers search, then they narrow it down to 30, then 16, then 8, 4, 1. but we have nowhere near enough people for that, so its never been possible.
but we could cut a few steps out and still have a competition like that.
and i like ske's idea about the judging. but then they could slightly copy others scores and reasons, so maybe having them send in a pm like what was done with gtpdc. then you could post them all in one post along with reasons why they gave who what and so on.
Well the only problem with doing the eliminations like in D1, is that we are incapable of tandeming unless you have xlink. So having the rounds go like that wouldn't work, UNLESS, 8 people enter for one section, those who have the best votes move on to a 4 person round, then to the top 2. So we'd have to have it like a tourney.
The idea of a scoring system sounds better then eliminations because it will keep people interested and wanted to join. I wouldn't want to see myself get eliminated then get screwed out of the next round that I know I could have done well on. The only way you could do eliminations is if you use the same course until one winner is achieved and that seems pointless.
The idea of a scoring system sounds better then eliminations because it will keep people interested and wanted to join. I wouldn't want to see myself get eliminated then get screwed out of the next round that I know I could have done well on. The only way you could do eliminations is if you use the same course until one winner is achieved and that seems pointless.

I agree completely.
and whats the DPT?
Drift Photo Tournament. Similar in fashion to the WDS, only using photos instead of videos. Was insanely popular when it was done, and only died because the person who normally organized it ran into rather large internet problems.
A group of judges rated each photo based on stuff like photo composition, drift angles and things of that nature. Two competitors went up agaisnt each other in single elimination rounds, and the winner was the defending champion in the next tournament.
Ok, we're definetly going to make the D1 idea come alive. I'm going through now compiling a set of rules for everyone to check out.

EDIT: Rules for GTPD1GP

  • Everyone picks a car to use through out the competition.
  • Tuning CAN be changed per different course section.
  • Season will last 5 weeks, 5 different sections.
  • Entrants will have one week to enter an uploaded vid to youtube, sent to me by PM.
  • After the week to enter, we'll have a public poll, the entrants for that week will be the only people allowed to vote.
  • Votes from people outside the competition will not be counted.
  • The entrants MUST provide a reason for why they voted for the vid they voted for.
  • You'll get points based on how many votes you get and what place you come in the poll.
  • You can get a max of 20 points per week.
  • First place will earn you 20 points, second will earn you 16, third will get 12, fourth will get 8, fifth will get 4, and 6th and beyond will get a single point.
  • At the end of the comp the person with the most points will be crowned The GTPD1GP Champion.
I think that pretty much covers the bases of how it should work. The only thing I don't have is what tracks we'll have. First i need to make track maps. I think I'll decide what tracks y'all will do just to get thinks moving.
Check the edit.

I started making banners for it today, but if you want to, send me some.👍
So we'll just say we're bringing back the GTPDC, just changing the rules and everything to what I've put above.
yeah..the d1 thing sounds really good, i would definitely even stick to d1 regulations maybe? rolcage, racing seats, and etc required...we dont want crazy cars up in here either.
good idea of makin this thread loon
Only one style car per tourney maybe? Example; fc, fd, s13, s14, s15, r33, r34, etc.

How many rounds are in the comp before it restarts? Can people join at anytime? How many corners can we expect per comp?
I was only wanting to limit the cars to RWD production cars, for this season at least, maybe in others we can have a theme.

The season will last 5 rounds, a total of 5 weeks. People can enter in the middle of it, but doing so gives them less of a chance of being the champ.

At most there will be 4 corners per section.

Suzuki and I have made a deal, that after WDS 21, it will stop. We'll do a season of this, then the WDS will kick back in. After that we can regroup, analyze how everything went, then decide from there if we want to do it again. We're doing this because I don't to start this comp and kill the WDS. If everything seems to go ok we may in the future, if we decide to do another season, have the two comps run at the same time.
Will we have the week while the WDS 21 is going on to pick our cars? Or will that be the following week?
You can go ahead and decide which car you want to use. No one can "call" a car, so if everyone wants to, you can all use the S15.
Alot of new comers come on to the forum wanting to use the HKS Silvia, we dont want to have half of the entrys be the same exact tuner car.

Im not saying we have to only have one of each car but i think we at least have to limit it.
Alot of new comers come on to the forum wanting to use the HKS Silvia, we dont want to have half of the entrys be the same exact tuner car.

Im not saying we have to only have one of each car but i think we at least have to limit it.

Well thats fixed already.

The limit is RWD PRODUCTION cars, so all the D1 cars are out. But I do understand what you're saying. Do you have an idea of how we should limit it?
Maybe Allow Only Tuner Cars with more than one color?

But that leaves out alot of good cars. Manufactured cars sound better because will change the rims or add a wing( or spoiler), its not that also because some tuner cars are limited on upgrading
But that leaves out alot of good cars. Manufactured cars sound better because will change the rims or add a wing( or spoiler), its not that also because some tuner cars are limited on upgrading

I meant you can use any Road Cars and (Tuner cars with more than one color).
Ok, so any RWD tuner or production cars can be used. When the comp thread is created, I'll have y'all post the car you'll be using along with the color of it, so everyone wll be distinguishable.
I really thing each car should be limited to 1 car per session. I doubt enough people will enter where it will be a problem.
I really thing each car should be limited to 1 car per session. I doubt enough people will enter where it will be a problem.

I'm assuming thats a typo and you mean "per season", otherwise its sounds like you want us to change cars after each course.

So you want everyone to pick a car and no one else can use that car right.
I'm assuming thats a typo and you mean "per season", otherwise its sounds like you want us to change cars after each course.

So you want everyone to pick a car and no one else can use that car right.

Yes I totally meant season! Opps :ouch:. I mean exactly what you said. I want to see some diversity in cars really. I don't want 4 S15's and 2 AE86's and 2 FD's. There needs to be numerous cars.
Yes I totally meant season! Opps :ouch:. I mean exactly what you said. I want to see some diversity in cars really. I don't want 4 S15's and 2 AE86's and 2 FD's. There needs to be numerous cars.

Ok, sounds like a good idea.

How do the rest of you feel about this?

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