New Driving Aids?

Why would you want to turn off ABS?

I would say that cars that don't have ABS in real life shouldn't have it in the game, unless you purchase it. Otherwise, it should be whatever the real car has. Most cars don't allow you to turn off ABS in real life.

And what exactly is "launch control"? Sounds like something from NASA. Is that anything like traction control? Like ABS, that should be something that should mirror the real car, and would need to be purchased for cars that don't have it in real life.
Launch control is a system that sets the cars revs and the tcs and all the little systems on the car so that you get the perfect launch from a standstill, very few road cars have one, but you do see them in some race cars.
Why would you want to turn off ABS?

I would say that cars that don't have ABS in real life shouldn't have it in the game, unless you purchase it. Otherwise, it should be whatever the real car has. Most cars don't allow you to turn off ABS in real life.

And what exactly is "launch control"? Sounds like something from NASA. Is that anything like traction control? Like ABS, that should be something that should mirror the real car, and would need to be purchased for cars that don't have it in real life.
I think we should be able to control how sensitive the ABS is, or it should be set to how sensitive it is on the cars IRL.

Launch Control is like TCS, but it only used at the beginning of races. It was used in F1 for a while.
It can the optimum revs as well, it can work a bit diffrerent depending on what other electrical systems the car has that it can take advantage of.
Why would you want to turn off ABS?

I would say that cars that don't have ABS in real life shouldn't have it in the game, unless you purchase it. Otherwise, it should be whatever the real car has. Most cars don't allow you to turn off ABS in real life.

And what exactly is "launch control"? Sounds like something from NASA. Is that anything like traction control? Like ABS, that should be something that should mirror the real car, and would need to be purchased for cars that don't have it in real life.

It's not that difficult to disconnect the ABS from a normal road car (it's easier than souping it up with rice, like nitro and that kind of "brown" stuff :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: ).
Besides, ABS is different from every car, not like in GT4 which is fairly equal among them :grumpy: :grumpy: :grumpy:
Pretty sure the Enzo has it.
I think the Ford F150 has hydraulic launch assist (builds up power during braking), but that may have just been a concept.

I agree with Jedi, the driving aids should be based on what the car was availible with in production. The thing about the driving aids, though, is that they're supposed to make the game more accessable to new players, having them missing on all old cars would be a major crippling of that goal. What I'd like instead, is a global on/off switch. Casual players would just keep ignoring them, and more hardcore racers wouldn't have to go in and turn them off for every single car they buy.
i hated the drving aids in GT4, i want there to be no drving aids, just an on and off for the traction control, or something like the Ferrari F430's traction control, on, semi-off, and off! (or you could just use the off button, the big mallet like Jermey Clarkson!)