I understand your frustration, but you should know that we cannot allow discussion of piracy - including ways to circumvent DRM protection...
I worded it REALLY badly, and my apologies to it. I was pissed at 1am so I did go a little far. I was just wondering if I was just being an idiot and doing something wrong.
This kind of over handed activity is why people resort to piracy and will drive people toward digital music much quicker than anything else out there.
Agreed, I would love to see a record labels response to that
My suggestion is to try taking it back to the store for a full refund. If that doesn't work then write an email to the record company telling them that you expect a full refund because this CD is useless to you. Explain that for a refund you will then buy it on iTunes (even offer to accept an iTunes voucher), but without it you will no longer buy any of their music because this is stupid and over handed and you can't even listen to the music from the CD itself on certain devices, which is not as it was advertised (I am assuming there was no warning label on the case?).
I'd rather not, I do collect so I'd rather not bring it back have hassle with annoying crew of Best Buy, I have bigger better things in my life going on.
And be sure to CC some media outlets on your email.
I defiantly do plan e-mail Roadrunner to let them know that they have monkeys running there company and they need to rethink there business strategies if they still want to have any at all.
The main problem here is that if you are like me when I was in college your computer was your CD player. If they had done this to me I wouldn't have been able to listen to it at all. This is only a fraction of a bit better than buying a badly pressed CD.
Praising the lords brother, my computer is where I do 90% of my work at the moment, so without music it suck. I do use the CD's in my car, and when I'm in my room I use the computer, more then often with some phat headphones on my head.
I am curious if it will play in a PS3, or if it will allow the PS3 to import the MP3s. If not, then this would definitely screw me as that has become my main home entertainment center.
Well one of the companies in question is Sony Entertainment, so that would be interesting.
I don't know what you are looking at, but none of those CDs come anywhere close to being $30 on iTunes.
Well it would be $30 if I were to go back and re-purchase both albums on iTunes, but it would actually be more. 5FDP was $15, LoG's Wrath was $15 and Praying for Villains was $13. Plus tax it would be around $45. No thanks.
Perhaps. That's not how I understood it though. My appologies if that was your intended meaning, Prosthetic.
It's all good, it was written at 1 AM so most of it is a jungle.
Looking back, its a bit confusing. DevilDriver's Pray for Villains is under Roadrunner (which this will be the last I purchase from them.) But two other albums I bought from them new this year
don't have this crap on it. Black Clouds & Silver Linings (Dream Theater) and Skullage (Black Label Society,) which I actually just realise was released this year, buts its more of a "Greatest hits" album. So its under three different labels. Armoury, Roadrunner, and Eagle Rock. And I think Zakk has his own label now, but I'm not sure. Wrath (Lamb of God) is under Sony Music Entertainment and distributed by Epic. The only thing I can find for 5FDP is "Prospect Park," but I can't find anything about there label online, so I'm guessing one of the members of the band has some unknown label.
For me anything by RoadRunner and Sony are in the "boycott" bin.