New Gaming Computer (screen shots pg5)

  • Thread starter donbenni
3D Mark 05 :) Quite happy with that.

3D Mark 05 :) Quite happy with that.

Psshhh... I got a 7150... I paid far less than you, and the difference was HARDLY worth the extra $1200+, I only have an X1800XL!
Very Impressive 👍

But can I just ask, what exactly does a 15-in-1 card read? (I have an 8-in-1 and I thought that covered most the formats)

[EDIT] Googled it and got answers.
Psshhh... I got a 7150... I paid far less than you, and the difference was HARDLY worth the extra $1200+, I only have an X1800XL!

A little unfair suggesting that all PCs should be judged on raw 3D processing power. The extra money spent on my PC was for the dual core processor. 3DMark05 doesn't make use of both cores, so when comparing our PCs you're looking at 3700+ with X1800XL vs. roughly 4000+ with 7800GTX. So 600 marks difference isn't much, but is just.

How about we run PCMark and see what the difference is then? ;)
Ha ha. Clocked the graphics card a little and ran 05 again:


More impressive. Time to look into clocking the CPU me thinks :P

[edit]3DMark03 with O/Cd graphics card

Interesting. Wonder how different mine would be with another 7800GTX. Probably not very at all.

Can you take one of those GTXs out and see what score you get? Or is that a lot of hard work?
Interesting. Wonder how different mine would be with another 7800GTX. Probably not very at all.

Can you take one of those GTXs out and see what score you get? Or is that a lot of hard work?
He can probably just disable SLI in the drivers. Saves from having to gut the pc
Nice system dB. I'm glad it's working for you. I thought your name looked familiar on SF. I've played with ya'. :D What clan is <hr>? If you're interested, I'm in a standard BF2 clan atm, =AoC= (Agents of Chaos). Feel free to stop by and say hi. :D
He can probably just disable SLI in the drivers. Saves from having to gut the pc

Yeah that's a better suggestion :)

Toyo: I was living in a flat last year with 3 mates and 3 of us decided to give ourselves a tag whilst we were playing online so it became <hr> which stands for Harrow Road, our street name.

I recognise your clan tag, will have look you up again :)
The software is basically a collection of game demos that run and your PC gets marked on how well it performs in different areas. For instance your CPU gets tested twice over two different demos and your CPU mark is worked out a little like this:

((CPU1score + CPU2score)*0.5)+1500

Or something along those lines. The mark at the end is just an indication of how well your PC performed over the set demos, it's not FPS ;)
Mesh computers have great timing Don, as soon as you bought your PC they got the 512mb 7800GTX :lol:.
Far Cry runs nice on a PC with a AMD 64 3500+ and up and a 6800GT aswell as up. Like Donebnni showed I can run Far Cry on full with half of HDR, and well it works well.

It looks better with HDR set, Donbenni if you do not know how to turn HDR on it Far Cry. I tell you this weekend, if only I had 2 matching sticks of ram. Then I could turn everything up in BF2 and SF just like Donbenni has done on his system.

I think i wait until i get some more ram, before i benchmark Donbenni's PC. And compare screens from the same kind of games we have.

Anyway nice screens Donbenni, but good work not going right over the price. But going over a little bit, you have stuck to your guns about price wise kind of.
'Kind of' is more correct yeah ;)

I know how to set HDR up, i think it looks rubbish in Far Cry though. Lost Coast HDR is awesome and 'Over Bright' in NFSMW looks great too. HDR in FarCry just can't compete with them, i assume that's why they didn't make it an option in the game. Love turning it on and off in the game though, the whole world exploding in bright light is a nice sight... *manic laughter* al coda.
Depends how far you set the HDR donbenni, but you got to admit it is a nice little tweak for Far Cry. Donbenni got any other games you want to show us on your rig, if you don't have Doom 3 game.

You could show us the demo running on your PC, if there is a demo. I say this because i cannot remember if there is a demo up or not mate.
I was thinking of downloading FEAR, Quake 4 and Doom 3 as demos and seeing what they're like. I've got Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow which looked really nice on my old PC, would like to see how that looks too.
Sometimes I go to, and build my ultimate system. I think it comes to around £3000 without the monitor (which would obviously be a 50inch Plasma!)

It has two 512mb graphics cards in SLi :drool:

Do me a favor and yank one of those ram chips to see if you notice a difference while playing your game... and just do what you would normally do. Don't set up three mp3 encoders an a 100gb zip extraction.

Do me a favor and yank one of those ram chips to see if you notice a difference while playing your game... and just do what you would normally do. Don't set up three mp3 encoders an a 100gb zip extraction.

Good idea, but i ain't gonna try it a for a while. Want to keep this thing under warranty for as long as possible and i don't think 'yanking' RAM chips out is covered ;) Wouldn't mind seeing the results myself though, will definitely give this a go sometime.
Good idea, but i ain't gonna try it a for a while. Want to keep this thing under warranty for as long as possible and i don't think 'yanking' RAM chips out is covered ;) Wouldn't mind seeing the results myself though, will definitely give this a go sometime.

Oops, didn't realize this machine was pre-assembled for you. Definitely keep it under warranty as long as possible. Enjoy.