New Gran Turismo 7 "Starting Line" Trailer Reveals More New & Returning Cars

  • Thread starter Famine


  • 20211022_072819.jpg
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2017's GT Sport "Join the Human Race" trailer - the infamous "burn it to the ground" video. And it's only one car burning:

1:15 of that trailer shows a Gr.3 M6 and Gr.4 Scirocco but we didn't really get multi class racing... hope that's not ominous for GT7
Don't know if anyone can slow this down to make out the curves.
View attachment 1087973
If you click on the gear icon in the bottom right you can slow it down to 25% speed.

And yes, I caught a glimpse of at least two other original circuits on the lines going into and out of the screen, but not enough to say for sure and not as complete as the Deep Forest track map.

In fact if you look at the end of the video...


... three separate lines. Three tracks?
Don‘t think Deep Forest has different layouts as it never had before. Not needed in my opinion.

I wonder more about the white lines before the GT7 logo at the end.
If you click on the gear icon in the bottom right you can slow it down to 25% speed.

And yes, I caught a glimpse of at least two other original circuits on the lines going into and out of the screen, but not enough to say for sure and not as complete as the Deep Forest track map.

In fact if you look at the end of the video...

View attachment 1088009

... three separate lines. Three tracks?
Just guessing again to be honest.

Maybe three tracks. The problem here is that we mostly see esses, and esses are where? On most tracks as I remember right.

Remember Apricot Hill Raceway
Fast left and right hander at El Capitan
Midfield Raceway?
and there are much more.

We have to wait.

If you click on the gear icon in the bottom right you can slow it down to 25% speed.

And yes, I caught a glimpse of at least two other original circuits on the lines going into and out of the screen, but not enough to say for sure and not as complete as the Deep Forest track map.

In fact if you look at the end of the video...

View attachment 1088009

... three separate lines. Three tracks?
I thought Interlagos, as it’s anti-clockwise. And because it’s a green graphic. :lol: But seriously, Doesn’t quite have the look of Daytona and I’m not sure it’d be Ascari. Apricot Hill can be anti-clockwise. Pretty much all the original circuits. Just need to find some tight sequence of corners with that last part of fast lefts.
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In the video, It seems to me that there are other luminous traces that can refer to other circuits. Has anyone tried to decipher?

Edit: Sorry. I saw what they are doing now, on the last pages.
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This Chaparral is only known because it has a fan to boost speed and because this technology was banned for good because the car was too quick and spread all sorts of debris on the other cars. In terms of results, it has never won a race and the GT fans will have the same cars indefinitely (and it seems this car will compete in the game against the endurance (Le Mans cars). It´s worth mentioning that CAN AM was an independent category and this Chaparral would not be allowed to race at Le Mans or in any other race in the Endurance Champ--the Chaparral does not even have headlights. I am aware that most people will hate my comment, but I don´t mind. PD keeps making the very same mistakes.
I absolutely agree with you, and it's ridiculous how people get so upset over pointing out the mistakes, or flaws, in something we all still enjoy. The Chaparral 2J should not be allowed to use in a race, by users or a.i., because it was banned. The fan sucked the car to the ground, and spat out everything it rolled over onto the competitor's, and spectators if they're close enough to the track. That combined with not having any of the lights typically on a vehicle, meant this vehicle is just a prototype, or a proof of concept at best.

Maybe people bet so upset over pointing out the mistakes because they have to ignore more than they would like to keep saying this is the closest to real life racing we're going to get. Except, we still can't adjust the car suspension to accommodate the track in, most all of, sport mode. Because that IS an important part of racing, no matter how much people don't want to be bothered with tuning, or act like it's forced on them as much as NOT being able to tune the car is forced on EVERYONE.

And now Divaldo, everyone will hate on my comment more so because I brought up tuning in sport mode.
Say wha?

We have:
*A pinned thread at the top of the forum with the full, current known "confirmed" car list in post #1 called "Gran Turismo 7 Master Car List"
*A dedicated page on the site called "Gran Turismo 7 - The Ultimate Guide" which contains all known information about GT7 including the car list (which is also mentioned in the article for which this thread is the comments section)

You chose not to avail yourself of either of these resources and posted some cars we've already seen as "these are new". They are not new and have been, as I said, in both car lists since September when they appeared in the major game launch date trailer and were discussed across the forums at that time. I didn't point out that the 911 GT1 appeared in the very first July 2020 trailer, and has been on both car lists since then.

It's weird to define "toxic" as "being given accurate information in response to inaccurate information". It's much more appropriate to define it as "attacking other people to mask your own mistakes", since posting false information and attacking other people are characteristics that are poisonous to communities.
Famine, I'm actually curious about your attitude towards the glimpse of car list in this very video. Sometimes you are quite strict and I understand and kind of appreciate that, yet this list is a gold mine now in 2020 Oct. I think this list is solid enough to add some juicy machines to that list.
Famine, I'm actually curious about your attitude towards the glimpse of car list in this very video. Sometimes you are quite strict and I understand and kind of appreciate that, yet this list is a gold mine now in 2020 Oct. I think this list is solid enough to add some juicy machines to that list.
My attitude towards the glimpse of the car list is that I've already double-checked everything flagged (there's a single car I cannot see) and added it to the GT7 Guide Page.

The list at the head of the pinned thread will be next, assuming that it's okay if I finish my evening meal first.
Waiting for PC release announcement :D
You're going waiting for an eternity on that one knowing Kaz. Unless Sony REALLY forces the issue, I'm not seeing that happen anytime soon.
Where can be seen that trailer with burning carcasses?
Without context, this can easily leave many to wonder exactly what video were you watching :lol:
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I absolutely agree with you, and it's ridiculous how people get so upset over pointing out the mistakes, or flaws, in something we all still enjoy. The Chaparral 2J should not be allowed to use in a race, by users or a.i., because it was banned. The fan sucked the car to the ground, and spat out everything it rolled over onto the competitor's, and spectators if they're close enough to the track. That combined with not having any of the lights typically on a vehicle, meant this vehicle is just a prototype, or a proof of concept at best.

Maybe people bet so upset over pointing out the mistakes because they have to ignore more than they would like to keep saying this is the closest to real life racing we're going to get. Except, we still can't adjust the car suspension to accommodate the track in, most all of, sport mode. Because that IS an important part of racing, no matter how much people don't want to be bothered with tuning, or act like it's forced on them as much as NOT being able to tune the car is forced on EVERYONE.

And now Divaldo, everyone will hate on my comment more so because I brought up tuning in sport mode.
If GT7 were simulating that era of motorsport then it would be a mistake to have the 2J competing against those cars at Le Mans. However GT7 is not doing that, it’s doing what it’s always done and creating themed events influenced by era, manufacturers, car types etc.
As far as the 2J is concerned I know the history but that doesn't stop it from being a fun car to drive. That's what makes this games so fun IMO I take different cars from different eras and race them together. I enjoyed in GT6 racing the Jag against the ford and Ferrari to make an alternate version of 1966 LeMans race. That's just me though
If GT7 were simulating that era of motorsport then it would be a mistake to have the 2J competing against those cars at Le Mans. However GT7 is not doing that, it’s doing what it’s always done and creating themed events influenced by era, manufacturers, car types etc.
These dudes are really mad about a car with two tank fans in a Video Game. Sucks to be them :lol:
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As far as the 2J is concerned I know the history but that doesn't stop it from being a fun car to drive. That's what makes this games so fun IMO I take different cars from different eras and race them together. I enjoyed in GT6 racing the Jag against the ford and Ferrari to make an alternate version of 1966 LeMans race. That's just me though
I had a lot of fun with this car... as my opponent...:lol:
I was terrified of him in GT4, not to mention the funny noise. :D
Come on Kaz give us an autovista type of mode! For the cAh cULtcha!
True, it'd be pointless if the cars are ridiculously detailed... but the players can't look through them.
If GT7 were simulating that era of motorsport then it would be a mistake to have the 2J competing against those cars at Le Mans. However GT7 is not doing that, it’s doing what it’s always done and creating themed events influenced by era, manufacturers, car types etc.
Of course GT's appeal is some themed events around the cars, but would like for the motorsport events (like 24h races) to simulating motorsports.
As far as the 2J is concerned I know the history but that doesn't stop it from being a fun car to drive. That's what makes this games so fun IMO I take different cars from different eras and race them together. I enjoyed in GT6 racing the Jag against the ford and Ferrari to make an alternate version of 1966 LeMans race. That's just me though
Well this one is true, the car variation can be used to create various experiements of pitting certain cars against other cars that won't happen in real life.
GT has never been about simulating real motorsports. Ever. Not even in GT Sport, since it is always ran with accelerated tyre/fuel wear and uses fictional racing groups. It's clear they have never cared to do that. That's what you get from Project CARS, not GT.
This Chaparral is only known because it has a fan to boost speed and because this technology was banned for good
And because it was one of the faw cars to try this technology which was way ahead of its time. For GT fans its known as a washing machine shaped 51 year old sports car with incredible performance.
because the car was too quick and spread all sorts of debris on the other cars.
The accusations about flying debris were never proven just like in the case of the Brabham BT46B it was used as an argument against it.
In terms of results, it has never won a race
So? do you know how many cars like that GT has had?.
GT fans will have the same cars indefinitely
It will take me way too long to write a good response because of how wrong you are.
(and it seems this car will compete in the game against the endurance (Le Mans cars).
If its not forced online then there is nothing wrong with that.
the Chaparral does not even have headlights.
I hate to break it to you but most Can-Am cars didn't use headlights.
PD keeps making the very same mistakes.
Letting people play how they want is a mistake now?.
it's ridiculous how people get so upset over pointing out the mistakes, or flaws, in something we all still enjoy.
Nobody got upset.
The Chaparral 2J should not be allowed to use in a race, by users or a.i., because it was banned.
By that logic lets not drive the 787B again, Group B? Nah through them in the bin.
The fan sucked the car to the ground, and spat out everything it rolled over onto the competitor's, and spectators if they're close enough to the track.
Again it wasen't proven, the car was banned because of moveable aerodynamics and anything can happen if spectators are close to the cars,during Group B people were getting thair fingers chooped but that wasen't the fault of the cars.
That combined with not having any of the lights typically on a vehicle, meant this vehicle is just a prototype, or a proof of concept at best.
Many race cars don't/didn't use headlights Can-Am,NASCAR,Group C cars in JSPC,single-seaters,time attack cars etc.
Maybe people bet so upset over pointing out the mistakes because they have to ignore more than they would like
Or maybe just maybe you two are taking a video game way too seriously and nobody is actually upset except you.
to keep saying this is the closest to real life racing we're going to get.
Who actually said that with a straight face?.
we still can't adjust the car suspension to accommodate the track in, most all of, sport mode. Because that IS an important part of racing, no matter how much people don't want to be bothered with tuning, or act like it's forced on them as much as NOT being able to tune the car is forced on EVERYONE.
What does this have to do with anything :confused: .
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Meh.. just went through those background cars... this is what I got...

View attachment 1087888

Appears to be 34 British and 88 German cars in the grid, and the French list seems to say 32/32 to the far right.

My version here for a crosscheck.

I have to say, that's not a lot of cars when compared with GT6.
Of course considering there are so many "standard" cars there it's a reasonable count in this list.
My personal guss would be some 400, about the same as the premium for GT6.
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The Chaparral is not a problem if they just get the PP right and it's only racing equal machinery. Easier said than done of course, but they're promising better PP calculations so let's see.
Agreed. The car was so OP back in GT 6 that it was still quicker in a Time Trial around Le Mans at night with no headlights than anything else! :ill:

Disclaimer: Everyone did run that event with the driving line on so you at least had something to follow.