Well, mostly what I see is pretty childish. "I can't do donuts!" Drifting is hard!" "If I can't damage my car I won't play!" "My car doesn't sound like that!" Usually if it has an exclamation point or dum typng u no wat i meen, it's about that immature.
You, JohnBM01 and I and some others (sorry, brain freeze) have had some pretty substantive discussions over some of the issues with GT4. What elevates ours over some of the rock throwers is knowing the difference between a "well this could be better" and a "ZOMG, what were they thinking?!"
Frankly, about the only thing I can really think of to rant about is the lack of online capability, but yet again, that's evidently a problem with the PS2 hardware itself. I bought a broadband adaptor, and after finding out that some PS2s had issues where they wouldn't function, saw that mine was on the serial number safe list. But it still doesn't work. Am I miffed? A little, I have a useless broadband adaptor, and I can't lan with the guys. Is it worth waging war over? Maybe, but I'm not that bothered by it. I still haven't even tried the XBox Live trial, but then Forza is kind of a frooky game to me still, and I'm not thrilled over the idea of getting trounced by kids who played the game 20 hours a day for nine months.
Plus, everything people have been complaining about, and unnecessarily to me, have been beaten to China by now. So every time someone comes on and says, "How can you still be playing that stupid POS. The driving is all wrong, I can't do donuts and it doesn't even have damage!" I just want to harf on their keyboard.
I see many more issues with the other racing games out there. I can't mix it up with the bots in Forza like I want to. If you get within seven feet of them, they attack you pretty violently! The hell?? I actually got mad over Enthusia. It behaves absolutely NOTHING like the Miata demo. In fact, it's patently obvious that the Miata demo is nothing more than digitized driving video tricked up to look remotely in game. Now that's the developer basically lying to me. I would rant about that, but I don't want to attract the attention of EPR fanboys casting dung at me for hating on their sacred game. Plus, what would it accomplish?
I think that's what's needed in these kinds of discussions.
Common sense.
Has my grouch been stated about a google times?
Am I threatening to crash the forum over a minor issue?
Has my complaint ever been discussed by the developer?
Would the PS2 be able to handle what I'm cranky about?
Most of the time, those are self evident.