New GTHD Pics Available!

GT Visions and GT HD can never be released as finished products, nor updates to GT4, that would make absolutely no sense. For one it does look the part, two, it's the exact GT4 code and three, at TGS last year they showed off two car models that visually surpass the entire GT HD presentation. There is no way I could believe that they would release GT HD as a game, I thought about it many times. I used to think that it could be a hold over kind of thing, but that doesn't make any sense. PGR3 has set the visual bar for next gen visuals, do you think Sony will allow it's baby(GT series) to be usurped by releasing a visually challenged GT HD. Hey 1080p looks awesome, but seriously GT HD vs. the RX7/Evo9 from TGS vid, give me the latter, as they are very representative of what PS3 should have up and running out of the gate. I'm already thinking of the little things that PD might add to liven up the courses, increase the real world atmosphere, Citta di Aria is like that. I for one can wait for GT5, I've got lots of things to do in the mean time. I have the utmost respect for PD's efforts, and I believe that the PS3 will help them shut up a lot of motormouthes on here as well
I can wait for GT5, if the £480 price tag for the top spec PS3 is true, it'll be a while before I get mine. I don't like paying for games that are released as "interim" versions either. I'd rather wait for PD to get it right than palm us off with some souped up version of GT4.

I'm as eager to get hold of GT5 as the next guy but there's absolutely nothing I can do but wait till it get released, yes I want to play GT5 as soon as I get my PS3 but I want to play a good version of GT5.

As a side note and just my little dig at PD. If we do get 12 cars on track as these screenshots suggest, lets hope we get decent A.I. this time round. :)
God, i'm going to be sick with all the apologetic fanboy B.S. being typed in this/and every other PD GT4HD/GT5 topic.
As for the next GT being better "if that's possible", please, like it would take much to be better.
Like someone told me once, "it doesn't matter how much you pretty up a turd, it's still a turd."
GT4 sucked in every aspect BUT graphics.
Things like not being able to do an working online mode when just about every other company,including the old GPL's game, which by the way even had dial-up online,is a sad statement of their "perfectionism".
You all go ahead and follow along, not critisizing them and kissin up, but i'll stay right here bringing up how bad GT3-4 was.
PD aren't perfectionists, if they were a lot of wat was supposed to be in the GT series WOULD HAVE BEEN IN a game that has over time become worse and worse, deleting good features and not fixing flaws that have plagued the series since the first GT.
As for Buying another GT, not until i see minimum 20 to maximum full field 44+,
A working, existing A.I., multisystem link support including the other CPU cars, not just head to head. A full on damage system, a custom paint shop, an online mode, Much better sounds, etc.
I do not think that PD are good enough.
Sad when a company of 80+ aren't good enough to do what 3 have already done....
Ben Aracin
God, i'm going to be sick with all the apologetic fanboy B.S. being typed in this/and every other PD GT4HD/GT5 topic.
Fanboy B.S? You mean other people's opinion?
Ben Aracin
GT4 sucked in every aspect BUT graphics.
No, it didn't, but it was sure a dissapointment for some (including me).

Ben Aracin
Things like not being able to do an working online mode when just about every other company,including the old GPL's game, which by the way even had dial-up online,is a sad statement of their "perfectionism".
You all go ahead and follow along, not critisizing them and kissin up, but i'll stay right here bringing up how bad GT3-4 was.
Not critisizing them? Holy hell, you haven't seen everything on this site yet.

Ben Aracin
PD aren't perfectionists, if they were a lot of wat was supposed to be in the GT series WOULD HAVE BEEN IN a game that has over time become worse and worse, deleting good features and not fixing flaws that have plagued the series since the first GT.
Now it's you who is full of bulls*hit.

Ben Aracin
As for Buying another GT, not until i see minimum 20 to maximum full field 44+,
A working, existing A.I., multisystem link support including the other CPU cars, not just head to head. A full on damage system, a custom paint shop, an online mode, Much better sounds, etc.
Then, you'll have to wait an awful loads of time.

Ben Aracin
I do not think that PD are good enough.
Sad when a company of 80+ aren't good enough to do what 3 have already done....
How can not PD be good enough when GT is the best selling racing game for Playstation and yet they've sold over 40 million copies? :dunce:
If you mean that they aren't good enough because they've failed with online mode, then you are so wrong.

Conclusion : Stop whining.
To Bein Agrouch and you similar lot, I guess you're right. The GT series is the least popular game series on the planet, right down there with Virtual Tiddlywinks. And horse pudding, the PS3 is BARELY more powerful than the PS2, which was BARELY more powerful than a hand calculator. What can Poly-phony do but give up and sell used pencils on the streetcorner? :D
Perosnally, GT4 was a disspointment for reasons I've state enough times on here already, is it a good game, yes, was it worth my 330, yes, but it was also a dissapointment because imo it could have been so much more. But the more I think about it, the more I think abnout just how much more the game could have been. Physics, not the best, but could they be bette, not on the PS2 they couldn't. Graphics, I still hold them in high regard now, and I have an XBox 360 which I like a lot. AI, non-existant many say, it's certainly the weakest part of the series and it's one area where I think there should have been moer effort, so far that one out of three things that could have realistiically been better imo. Content, now what game beats GT for sheer content, none. Immersion, no incar camera, no damage, linear tuning, this is where GT4 was the biggest disspointment for me, it had the tuner village, but all they offered was the same parts as everywhere else plus a couple of original parts which were the same as all the other original parts in all the other tuners. My full modded T350C wou;d be exactley the same spec as the next persons and it would look the same as well. In car cameras are a big plus for me, I love racing in that view, I know not everyone does, and I understand that an in car camera would have meant a lot more work and wouldn't have looked all that good so I could let that go if there was a bonnet camera, but n, instead we get a roof camera, I'm sorry but what is stopping them putting a camera on the bonnet just foorward of the windscreen, nothing. But sure, there are faults, but as someone once said, the better a game is the more prominent any faults will become, this is true of the GT series and of all it's faults, not that many eaither really matter or could have been realistically dealt with on the PS2.
Ben Aracin
God, i'm going to be sick with all the apologetic fanboy B.S. being typed in this/and every other PD GT4HD/GT5 topic.
As for the next GT being better "if that's possible", please, like it would take much to be better.
Like someone told me once, "it doesn't matter how much you pretty up a turd, it's still a turd."
GT4 sucked in every aspect BUT graphics.
Things like not being able to do an working online mode when just about every other company,including the old GPL's game, which by the way even had dial-up online,is a sad statement of their "perfectionism".
You all go ahead and follow along, not critisizing them and kissin up, but i'll stay right here bringing up how bad GT3-4 was.
PD aren't perfectionists, if they were a lot of wat was supposed to be in the GT series WOULD HAVE BEEN IN a game that has over time become worse and worse, deleting good features and not fixing flaws that have plagued the series since the first GT.
As for Buying another GT, not until i see minimum 20 to maximum full field 44+,
A working, existing A.I., multisystem link support including the other CPU cars, not just head to head. A full on damage system, a custom paint shop, an online mode, Much better sounds, etc.
I do not think that PD are good enough.
Sad when a company of 80+ aren't good enough to do what 3 have already done....

Ben, I don't completely disagree with you. There are some here that just kiss ass to PD, and it gets nothing fixed. Only a TRUE friend will be honest with you.

What did you feel was wrong with GT4?

I didn't much care for how the cars handled and their movement. There were far too little fun race events to participate in. The AI drivers were so beyond what I'm capable of tolerating (especially the Rally events). This title was more designed for the steering wheel than the DS and it was frustrating dealing with the control of the cars. The points system was flawed and uncontrollable and very hard to figure out. Too many of the same boring cars we've seen over and over again. Sounds were also the same. Boring.

Graphics were orgasmic with component out to a HDTV set, and that's easily the best thing about this title.
Look at this the once in a while whiners appear. Strangely to talk about a games faults, every game has it's short comings. GT4 is no different, lots of things are missing, but it still hands every other game their asses when it comes to a total package. Don't gripe and whine about GTR and Enthusia, one is a hardcore racer and the other is an attempt like GT4. If you think b!tchin and whining will get things fixed, sorry, but intelligent don't listen to whining. State your dissappointments, don't come in here mouthing off like you've played a game that is perfect. I don't need to go into what GT4's faults are, I've known them for a long time, but the game itself gets more play time that so called fun games. All I can do is look forward to their next offering, you sir need to relax, over there all angry like someone stole your lunch money.
Look at this the once in a while whiners appear. Strangely to talk about a games faults, every game has it's short comings. GT4 is no different, lots of things are missing, but it still hands every other game their asses when it comes to a total package. Don't gripe and whine about GTR and Enthusia, one is a hardcore racer and the other is an attempt like GT4. If you think b!tchin and whining will get things fixed, sorry, but intelligent don't listen to whining. State your dissappointments, don't come in here mouthing off like you've played a game that is perfect. I don't need to go into what GT4's faults are, I've known them for a long time, but the game itself gets more play time that so called fun games. All I can do is look forward to their next offering, you sir need to relax, over there all angry like someone stole your lunch money.

How will PD know they need to fix things if we don't tell them? Sale figures for GT4 were great. Sale figures for GT5 wont be that great if they don't know what was wrong with the past title, and by that time, it's tool late for them to do anything about it.

Kissing PD's ass like a love-struck puppy gets NOTHING done. It's not "whining" that I'm doing. People can voice their negative opinions and not whine about it. It's voicing your opinion that helps PD get things right the next time around. How else would they know what needs fixing?

I never said I felt PD "stole" my money. You're making stuff up to whine about. You need to mature a bit, and not jump to so many wrong conclusions.
There are several things that suck about Forza too, like the camera system, the Klingon warbot A.I., and crashing at the dumbest times, and often a series of them! And no defrag on a hard drive based console, just brilliant Microsoft. But it's still a blast to play.

Really, if Gran Turismo is such a disappointment to some of you, I really think it's time to pick up your marbles and give your allegiance to that other racing title you like better. Because I can't see Gran Turismo changing to any appreciable degree, or any racing game for that matter.

Solid Lifters: considering what Kazunori has said a number of times what he wanted to do but couldn't because of the limitations of the console and the priorities he chose, I think PD is on that improvement thing. Frankly, throwing fits over niggling issues is lame. Suppose the bots attacked you like they did in Forza, now that would be a reason to make a fuss. But to have tantrums because X or Y isn't in the game, when Kazunori mentioned X or Y a number of times is just being a neener. :P
Tenacious D
Solid Lifters: considering what Kazunori has said a number of times what he wanted to do but couldn't because of the limitations of the console and the priorities he chose, I think PD is on that improvement thing. Frankly, throwing fits over niggling issues is lame. Suppose the bots attacked you like they did in Forza, now that would be a reason to make a fuss. But to have tantrums because X or Y isn't in the game, when Kazunori mentioned X or Y a number of times is just being a neener. :P

It's not the items Kaz mentioned that are the only things wrong. I understand the limitations of the PS2. It's the other items that have me concerned. Believe me, I'm not trying to start a war about the actual items wrong with GT4. I'm sure we all know what's wrong with the game.

My concern over this issue is being able to voice them without being attacked and labeled incorrectly. I wont tolerate attacks from somebody with preconceived opinions of those that complain.
Well, mostly what I see is pretty childish. "I can't do donuts!" Drifting is hard!" "If I can't damage my car I won't play!" "My car doesn't sound like that!" Usually if it has an exclamation point or dum typng u no wat i meen, it's about that immature.

You, JohnBM01 and I and some others (sorry, brain freeze) have had some pretty substantive discussions over some of the issues with GT4. What elevates ours over some of the rock throwers is knowing the difference between a "well this could be better" and a "ZOMG, what were they thinking?!"

Frankly, about the only thing I can really think of to rant about is the lack of online capability, but yet again, that's evidently a problem with the PS2 hardware itself. I bought a broadband adaptor, and after finding out that some PS2s had issues where they wouldn't function, saw that mine was on the serial number safe list. But it still doesn't work. Am I miffed? A little, I have a useless broadband adaptor, and I can't lan with the guys. Is it worth waging war over? Maybe, but I'm not that bothered by it. I still haven't even tried the XBox Live trial, but then Forza is kind of a frooky game to me still, and I'm not thrilled over the idea of getting trounced by kids who played the game 20 hours a day for nine months.

Plus, everything people have been complaining about, and unnecessarily to me, have been beaten to China by now. So every time someone comes on and says, "How can you still be playing that stupid POS. The driving is all wrong, I can't do donuts and it doesn't even have damage!" I just want to harf on their keyboard.

I see many more issues with the other racing games out there. I can't mix it up with the bots in Forza like I want to. If you get within seven feet of them, they attack you pretty violently! The hell?? I actually got mad over Enthusia. It behaves absolutely NOTHING like the Miata demo. In fact, it's patently obvious that the Miata demo is nothing more than digitized driving video tricked up to look remotely in game. Now that's the developer basically lying to me. I would rant about that, but I don't want to attract the attention of EPR fanboys casting dung at me for hating on their sacred game. Plus, what would it accomplish?

I think that's what's needed in these kinds of discussions.

Common sense.
Has my grouch been stated about a google times?
Am I threatening to crash the forum over a minor issue?
Has my complaint ever been discussed by the developer?
Would the PS2 be able to handle what I'm cranky about?

Most of the time, those are self evident. :P
Solid Lifters
How will PD know they need to fix things if we don't tell them? Sale figures for GT4 were great. Sale figures for GT5 wont be that great if they don't know what was wrong with the past title, and by that time, it's tool late for them to do anything about it.

Kissing PD's ass like a love-struck puppy gets NOTHING done. It's not "whining" that I'm doing. People can voice their negative opinions and not whine about it. It's voicing your opinion that helps PD get things right the next time around. How else would they know what needs fixing?

I never said I felt PD "stole" my money. You're making stuff up to whine about. You need to mature a bit, and not jump to so many wrong conclusions.

Considering I wasn't speaking to you, guilt has a strange way of showing itself. I was referring to the other one time poster. Everyone voices their opinions, but when you mouth off and want to tell others they are ass kissing, how does that make you sound? Yeah, a little two faced? You think they don't know what needs fixing? Geez, they are designers of a driving game, they spend countless hours, taking pictures of cars, courses, recording sounds and data, and you think that the team of 80+ doesn't know what's missing? OK, mr. genious, be opinionated all you want, try to remember that many things you speak of have been addressed by Kaz before, but you probably didn't get to read one of his many interviews. *sigh* I'm out of this debacle.
Considering I wasn't speaking to you, guilt has a strange way of showing itself. I was referring to the other one time poster. Everyone voices their opinions, but when you mouth off and want to tell others they are ass kissing, how does that make you sound? Yeah, a little two faced? You think they don't know what needs fixing? Geez, they are designers of a driving game, they spend countless hours, taking pictures of cars, courses, recording sounds and data, and you think that the team of 80+ doesn't know what's missing? OK, mr. genious, be opinionated all you want, try to remember that many things you speak of have been addressed by Kaz before, but you probably didn't get to read one of his many interviews. *sigh* I'm out of this debacle.

Sure. You made a post right after mine, and you didn't intend to include me with your rant? Sure, pal. Sure.

Again, you need to mature a bit.

Again, I covered problems with GT4 that Kaz never discussed.

Again, you have no idea to whom you are speaking. I've read about every GT4 article that Kaz did and did not participate.

Again, you've lump me into a group of people that you have unfairly mislabeled.

Again, I'm not here to start and argument about the problems in GT4. I merely stated, yet again, what I felt was wrong with GT4 for comparison's sake with a different poster. There was no reason to involve yourself.

Again, I'm stating I and others have legitimate complaints about GT4 and stating them here is not a pointless, childish activity.

If anybody here needs relaxing, it's you. Let it go, bud. Let it go.

Oh, and "genious" is spelled genius.
Gosh, who opened the hater flood gates?

Every game is going to have strengths and faults. Only issue is if the faults are enough to outweigh the strengths of a game. I'm semi bi-partisan to PD because I love the series and my expectations aren't sky high. Just because PD or even Kazunori Yamauchi claim to be perfectionists doesn't mean that perfect is actually possible. Do you know what perfect is? It's simply a concept. We wish to acheive perfection, but a game can never be perfect. Perfect means that very, VERY few people have one big complaint about the game. Do I want perfect or personally fine? I prefer personally fine. I try to get myself to like games so I don't have a ticky-tack complaint lined up. It's like the thread in the Enthusia forum about the faults of Enthusia. I think the thread's creator was fairly modest in saying that all good games have faults, so the creator of the thread wanted to know the faults of Enthusia. Part of why I'm usually kind is because I like the series and don't want to just spend every day hating on a game I actually like from a company I actually respect. Just because I'm mostly soft about GT and PD doesn't mean that I don't have negative feelings. I didn't have sky high expectations or unrealistic expectations for this game. I like GT4. It was better than GT2 and GT3. I still like GT1 for old school style.

I am not an online gamer, so the online gaming aspect didn't bother me one bit. It was still sad that those who do like online play have something to be proud about. Multiplayer always was an option, yet some treat it like it's a necessity. I'm probably GTPlanet's most old-fashioned guy when it comes to things like this. After all, aren't I as much of a fan of GT as anyone else? Yet people insisted on giving PD the middle finger when they couldn't get online play implemented, like PD betrayed their fans. Even perfectionists have imperfections. Michaelangelo was working on a wonderful sculpture, but even he gave up trying to make it. David Blaine tried to break that record of holding his breath under water for 9-something minutes... he only lasted seven. People and companies are going to have shortcomings. Whether or not it's bad for you depends on your personal tastes. If you just want to be a spoiled brat over some aspect of a game you wished could have been there (online, damage, more exotic cars and fewer economy cars, etc.), then you're only taking away what a game has to offer. Tenacious D talked about how Enthusia had some great deal of lying in terms of actual car physics and all. Even I said that Enthusia wasn't the greatest between itself, GT4, and Forza. I did give it the benefit of the doubt because it had some features and touches neither GT4 or Forza has. That's an example of having all due respect for a game while you have some comment which makes it one of the worst.

Gran Turismo needs to remain a fresh product even as it heads into its fifth installment. It will need to do a lot so that many dissatisfied people can have something to actually cheer about.
I guess I should just ignore every gripe from now on, because it seems like you said, there are a few people, some 20 or so out of the 80,000-40,000,000 of us who think GT is pretty darn swank who just won't be happy without their version of perfection, whatever that is. Solid Lifters posts every once in a while of things he sees wrong with the game, but he doesn't rant, he doesn't cuss the game or the makers out or threaten to jump ship or something.

He does say some odd things sometimes, like "the same boring cars." Hrm?? There's like... 500 cars in GT4. Okay, so the lion's share are Japanese, but it's way easier for Polyphony to grab cars within a few miles of their offices to test. Forza is slanted towards American cars. Is that a surprise? And there aren't a lot of cars either. And there are issues with the physics. And there are SERIOUS issues with the bots, which need to be shot by the way. But it's still a great game.

I was really looking forward to getting behind the wheel in Enthusia, after watching that Miata demo, and the fanboys seriously pumping the game. Everything the driver did in the video looked so realistic! The car shifted and the tires were squalling with every turn. But I got behind the wheel, and... the graphics were entirely different. And then I started driving, and... the hell?? It acted like someone had taken physics and hacked them. Just taking a turn at 30mph was a struggle! EVERYTHING was a struggle! For pete's sake! Cars don't act like this! It was like they had built the game specifically for hand controllers. Maybe if I poke around sometime I'll find a little hard to locate menu with things like Stupid Controller Physics: ON. But I sincerely doubt it. I should have thought something was up when they didn't show any in race demos. Forza is the same way, and it's because of things like the crappy environment mapping and the 30 fps framerate. Fortunately the issues of Forza are easier to come to terms with. But that's definitely a sign of "Ooops, something's wrong with the game somewhere when they don't want you to see the gameplay..."

So, I felt ripped off and posted once or twice about it, and that's it. I didn't invade the Enthusia section and call them all a bunch of lesbians or drug casualties. They like the weird critter, so what the hell.

I don't know what it is about ranters. In these threads, people sound like Polyphony kicked their hamster or something because the points system is weird or they can't wreck their cars. And a couple of posts down from someone throwing a fit about the lack of behind the wheel view or car damage, some twerp will have a hissy about the very same things. Oh, and "Polyphony doesn't care about their fans." That gets really old too.

Oh well, boys will be boys, and sometimes they'll have PMS like girls. I've been around the net a few years, I shoulda learned this by now. :P
Solid Lifters
Sure. You made a post right after mine, and you didn't intend to include me with your rant? Sure, pal. Sure.

Again, you need to mature a bit.

Again, I covered problems with GT4 that Kaz never discussed.

Again, you have no idea to whom you are speaking. I've read about every GT4 article that Kaz did and did not participate.

Again, you've lump me into a group of people that you have unfairly mislabeled.

Again, I'm not here to start and argument about the problems in GT4. I merely stated, yet again, what I felt was wrong with GT4 for comparison's sake with a different poster. There was no reason to involve yourself.

Again, I'm stating I and others have legitimate complaints about GT4 and stating them here is not a pointless, childish activity.

If anybody here needs relaxing, it's you. Let it go, bud. Let it go.

Oh, and "genious" is spelled genius.

Let me guess you somehow found something that Kaz has not spoken about post GT4? Ok, right.

Why don't you pay close attentin to the words I used, I said the one time poster, Ben Aracin is brand new, so I think you should head back to english class. My post came after yours? What in the wold, that is such a childish reply. Telling me to mature a bit, pot calling the kettle black?!?

And you should voice you gripes about things that Kaz has not discussed, so far I haven't read one word of something he hasn't touched on as of late, so please indulge me.

Hey Tenacious Forza actually has more Japanese cars than American cars, nothings changed there, there are just more japanese cars that are everyday cars and popular to boot, so they stick em in.
Let me guess you somehow found something that Kaz has not spoken about post GT4? Ok, right.

Why don't you pay close attentin to the words I used, I said the one time poster, Ben Aracin is brand new, so I think you should head back to english class. My post came after yours? What in the wold, that is such a childish reply. Telling me to mature a bit, pot calling the kettle black?!?

And you should voice you gripes about things that Kaz has not discussed, so far I haven't read one word of something he hasn't touched on as of late, so please indulge me.

Hey Tenacious Forza actually has more Japanese cars than American cars, nothings changed there, there are just more japanese cars that are everyday cars and popular to boot, so they stick em in.

Why should I continue with you? You're obviously going to resort to stupid, childish excuses much like what you've done in your past two posts, now.

So please, do what you said you were going to do, and get lost. There's a fine line between clever and stupid, and you've crossed into stupid a long, long time ago.

Oh, and since you're not smart enough to know this, when you make a post without quoting somebody, it means you're speaking about the post directly above you. So, use the quote system from now on, "genious."
Talk about guilt and posting.
I ranted because i honestly get tired of seeing folk that are simply not harsh enough when describing the same flaws that have plagued this series since the first one, period.
I am not going to apologiz for it or take it back.
As for posting the things that i felt are wrong with the GT series that need to be fixed, i don't have to as there have been numerous topics where folk who are better than me at explaining them have already done so, to great length.
I'll just name a few, 1. The complete lack of using garage tuned cas in multiplayer.
2. The lack of racing against the botA.I. in multiplayer.
3. The car physics are awful, just like taking a big rock and putting those old metal rollerskate wheels on it, then "driving" it around, theres little to no movement in the car.
3.1. The cars do not sound like they are supposed to, not even in surround sound. Does that mean that they ALL suck, nope just over three quarters of them.
4. The complete lack of any A.I.
5. The poor attempt at forcing me to use "sim" tires to recreate a more realistic feel, when simply creating a better tire physics model SHOULD hve been done instead. Not that the "sim" tires are that accurate.
6. The addition of "photomode" like it's a good thing when that disc space SHOULD have been used for something useful. As an extra, fine no problem, but touted as a main feature was and is a mistake.
7. Adding a B-spec mode because they were to full of theselves to admit their product was lacking in that "fun" factor, was like saying "here our game plays itself (badly) so that you won't have to because of the tedious and boring racing setup."
8. Not adding a custom paint shop, even if it was a simple whole car single color type was a mistake. I would have rather had a custom paint shop than photomode. Why would i want video game pics when in my state and my area i can go to som of the argest car shows in America and get real life pics.
9. The sense of speed is still not realistic enough and felt "slow" in every view. Adding a "wind" noise (which should have started around 45 instead of 60+) to cover up the slow feeling was a mistake, when they SHOULD have fixed it.
There, a few flaws, some minor, some major. There's more but i'd be typing all night.
I won't comment on the whining and B***hing as i wasn't doing so, i was being blunt and nonsubtle. PD needs to either get off their golden pedastal and finally deliver a true sequal to GT2 or give up. I do not want better graphics, i want everything else fixed first, and some of those good things that were in GT1-2 put back in.
Last but not least, the GT series is not selling because it's a good game, it's selling because of it's name,period.
If you talk about sales then talk about the returns as well for a more accurate version of the games popularity.
The GT series has become like the Tomb Raider series was until the remake, it's own monster and stagnant.
Solid Lifters
Why should I continue with you? You're obviously going to resort to stupid, childish excuses much like what you've done in your past two posts, now.

So please, do what you said you were going to do, and get lost. There's a fine line between clever and stupid, and you've crossed into stupid a long, long time ago.

Oh, and since you're not smart enough to know this, when you make a post without quoting somebody, it means you're speaking about the post directly above you. So, use the quote system from now on, "genious."

Huh?!? excuses? Im going stop now, since I am beginning to lose track of the pseudo-intelligent rhetoric you keep spewing. Insults, yawn, try harder...and while you're at it get to spewing your problems with GT4 that Kaz hasn't touched on. You are a trip, and trying to tell me I'm making excuses, anyone reading this can see that you are avoiding my question, but whatever man, you live in your own little world.

You are a yawn and then some, spelling errors you jump on, goes to show your childishness and moronic arrogance as well.
Think about it like this. Let's say you go out and meet some new friends in person or online. An analogy of all this talk is that these hypothetical friends you meet have been bashed and disrespected when they've actually done nothing wrong. You know, they don't rape women. They don't possess/sell cocaine. They aren't child predators. But when you get to meet the people that have been bashed on in this example, you find them to be wonderful people with a wonderful head on their shoulders. So how do you prove that what others say is much different from what you know? You defend that person. You defend that person like you were his/her personal attorney or guardian angel. Same goes with Gran Turismo fans and PD. There are three types of people in regards to the Gran Turismo series: (A) a person who loves Gran Turismo, (B) a person who hates Gran Turismo, and (C) a person who is in-between. There are also several sub-categories of these three types of people. Person "A" can either love the series truthfully while another "A" likes the game, but things it can be better. Person "B" can either hate the game truthfully, or another "B" could hate Gran Turismo only because certain things haven't been included and can't find any reason to love the game with these fallacies. Person "C" can be quite diverse or concise. The one who is neutral about the game is leaning towards hate and love, but can't choose an actual opinion to stay with. Some people are neutral simply because he/she hasn't played the game to make judgment. We're all either on the love side, the hate side, or the neutral/haven't played side. One person can't be two or all three at the same time. It's one or two others.

When I say I like the Gran Turismo series, I mean it from my heart and from my experiences. I found something in the game I liked and am willing to share it with (basically) the whole world here on GTPlanet. That's what I signed up on this deal to do and not disappointing anyone. It's just silly here. This was a thread about more GTHD pictures, and it instead turns into a festival of "Gran Turismo's committing suicide." How do you actually KNOW that the next Gran Turismo is going to be another lackluster title? GT2 was my least favorite GT game no matter what anyone dare say. GT2 probably had more failings than GT4. Even GT3 was better than GT2. But doesn't it seem funny when a lot of people liked playing Gran Turismo games and just turn around and bash it like it was Osama Bin Laden? The most common complaints I've seen were about none of a certain car in the game or online play. Only a few of us actually noticed that the driving model in GT4 was different from GT1-3. I thought the planes flying over in GT4 at the Le Mans endurance was pretty interesting, but one person insisted that it didn't have the graphical quality of Rallisport Challenge 2, which thus unimpressed him. We're all going to love and hate things. When I said that I hate Cadillac, I absolutely just did not like the car company or its cars. When I say that I hate NASCAR, I show exactly why I hate it and don't give a motherf:censored: what anyone says in response. When I say I like Gran Turismo, that's because I like the game and don't believe in being some average tough guy/punk ass. The mainstream stuck on one issue- online play. We didn't get it, many cried and threatened to buy an XBOX and worship Forza like it was God and wish GT an eternity in Hell. People set immeasurable expectations, and they were horribly disappointed. You know me. I don't believe in expectations. Bode Miller ran his yap and made an ass out of himself during the Torino/Turin games. And you get mad at most of us simply because we're not saying that GT4 was an embarassment. No, GT2 was an embarassment. I only liked GT2 then because I had no idea what was under the game's skin. That bug of 98% completion was addressed and PD released a newer version with the bug removed. PD's patching up GT4 with an online version of the game so many whiners were peeing in their diapers about and what so many mainstreamers want to see. Some number of people looked forward to the game and didn't like the end result. Well, this isn't "Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness." This isn't "Malice." This isn't even "Catwoman." This is simply a game PD was working on to surpass all GTs before. Some thought it was a success. Others thought it was not a success. Some more thought it was simply an evolved GT. You have to realize that not everybody is like you or has your same visions. We all flap our yaps about how we feel about the game, but you don't need to help us realize that we can disagree about a game if we share our true feelings about the game. Many insist this game was disappointment and missed oppurtunity. When I've read Forza comments, very few people hated Forza. But a good number hate Gran Turismo 4 despite the fact it's the work of a few years. I stick to my guns and don't want anyone exploding into my face with all kinds of s:censored:ty comments that don't make a game any better.

Even though I seem so soft on GT4, I do have my "dark side" whenever I disagree with something. I loved GT4 so I'm not going to hate as much as any GT hater would. But don't go around telling me that I'm soft with expressing flaws. I am soft with some games because I have respect for a game and don't want to bash it. Would you tell your present or future children that you hate them because they look ugly and can't do things right? Why would you with a game you love? I'm optomistic and benevolent. So I'm sorry if I'm too soft for GTPlanet or any GT discussion. I am, however, an individual. So no one person has ANY control over what I have to say. Only thing that can be controlled on me is what I can say that cannot be censored. But up to this point, we don't know what GT5 will offer, so at least ease up on PD and the GT series until we are 100+ percent sure what GT5 will offer. Thank you for your reading. Let's wait until GT5 (and not any tech demo) is around. You dig?
Huh?!? excuses? Im going stop now, since I am beginning to lose track of the pseudo-intelligent rhetoric you keep spewing. Insults, yawn, try harder...and while you're at it get to spewing your problems with GT4 that Kaz hasn't touched on. You are a trip, and trying to tell me I'm making excuses, anyone reading this can see that you are avoiding my question, but whatever man, you live in your own little world.

You are a yawn and then some, spelling errors you jump on, goes to show your childishness and moronic arrogance as well.
You're quite a joke, aren't you. :lol:

I can't believe you actually called me a "yawn." :lol: :lol: :lol:

Listen, you said previously you were not going to continue, yet you've done so twice! You can't stop, can you? :lol:

Lose track? You never where on track. Morons often wonder about. Your posts have been completely off mark. So, why doesn't that surprise me? You can't even use the quote function properly. Now that's moronic.

In your world, people aren't allowed to complain. It can't get any more arrogant than that. It doesn't surprise me you feel those that do complain are "whiners."

OK, so do this. Find the article where Kaz explained the horrible movement of the cars compared to GT3, which were a lot better. If you can't...

Give up. Go home. Play with your Barbies.