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moon_knight24It's a good thing PD doesn't take into consideration all the bitchin' and moanin' people go on about every time a new seasonal comes out. Hell, they have their opinion and I have mine. Just enjoy the fact that PD actually cares for their product and update the game every two weeks... Jesus H.!!!
They care, yet they removed the large number of seasonals with variety we once had and replaced them all with something very repetitive and predictable. And the fact they refused to explain to players why they were suddenly removing content without warning convinces me even more that they don't care.
They were doing a better job before. At least we had a big variety of events with different car restrictions before they vanished. Plus we had some great new events before like the Ferrari F1 event, FF/FR/4WD event, and the Impreza and Fiat challenge.
There's nothing notable about these current events. Simply changing the track really doesn't make them any different than the ones from a couple of weeks ago.
And I don't get why people are telling us to be thankful for these, like it's so hard to add more and new events. They did it before with Ferrari F1 and other events I mentioned earlier. There were even new events when seasonals first came out. This is proof PD IS capable of easily adding something new to the Seasonal Events if they really want to.
Furthermore, the cars and tracks are already there. PD was able to put better effort in the career mode of previous GTs, all on PS1/PS2 and running on CD/DVD disks, inferior hardware. I doubt it's difficult at all to give us something different.
Yeah, and PD cares. Right.
I highly doubt they refused to answer. More like they ignored 'us' but whatever.
We all should also note they are preparing for GT Academy (Germany), the delayed DLC, the online photo gallery thing and GT6. That's a lot on the plate.
Plus, we don't know if it actually is just as easy to put up a different event, it could acutally take up some time.
Or maybe this A-Spec - B-Spec - TT & DT cycle is just a phase this year, it'll be over and you can get over it. Just don't jump to conclusions like that.
Also, if they didn't care, they wouldn't be supplying us with games in the first place and making it for themselves.
Just saying.
With you all it's Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Or perhaps they can learn to just do things right the first time. They didn't have a problem with this type of thing in past games.
The fact they were able to add a different event every seasonal update last year indicates otherwise. Plus, GT2, an inferior game as far as hardware goes, even had a event generator. If they can design a PS1 game made over 10 years ago to create events on its own, please don't tell me it's hard to add new races in this day and age.
Or perhaps they can learn to just do things right the first time. They didn't have a problem with this type of thing in past games.
The ticket is a Level 10. 👍
- Then I might finally get the Lamborghini Miura P400, I'm missing... 👍
And we don't really know what the asian players think about these issues, do we people? Let's not think europe and the USA are Polyphony's only concern
I'm not really a fan of B-Spec and only play it when too tired to drive myself, but that doesn't prevent me from noticing that of all the games I own, Gt is the only one which has enlarged (mainly for free) since I bought it.
And for us football games players, how about FIFA or PES model instead? A new game once a year, 40$ and that's the end of it. Not even online updates for player transfers...
And we don't really know what the asian players think about these issues, do we people? Let's not think europe and the USA are Polyphony's only concern
I'm not really a fan of B-Spec and only play it when too tired to drive myself, but that doesn't prevent me from noticing that of all the games I own, Gt is the only one which has enlarged (mainly for free) since I bought it.
And for us football games players, how about FIFA or PES model instead? A new game once a year, 40$ and that's the end of it. Not even online updates for player transfers...
This 👍
Almost all games is, once you bought and thats it...
But GT5 PD updates this game very often.
Big tup for GT5 PD 👍
B-Spec races are excellent for evaluating cars and tuning set ups... while getting paid for it. I have discovered several very capable cars at certain PP this way. I do wish they would vary the PP some so we could search for other cars that were optimum at other PP.
I totally agree that the b-spec races are great for finding alternative cars to use and earn money. Yes I also agree about maybe a change to the pp setup. They could change it to 275, 375 and 575 for the a spec races and then we will like you say use other cars in our garages. PD could then alternate the pp between the current settings and new ones.
I just did the same thing, I love the look of that car, but don't use it very muchzeppos1just finished 650 PP with a GT by citroen race Car...(PP.631) beaten the ford gt lm race car spec II with 13 seconds..
Not even the "other game" from the "other developer" can't handle what PD does for GT5.PD and GT5 for the WIN!!! 👍 Despite me not liking the PP system, I think it's a great feature and I shouldn't complain to about it. It may teach me something to keep my cars balanced.
I know its a bit off topic, but I guess pp's are an attempt at a system to set limits to races that was not as strict as GT-2, but nowhere as lax as GT-4...
but maybe its just me
Randomizing the pp required for the B-spec ( and A-spec too ) would be a great way to explore more of the cars in my garage.
Typically, after I beat a seasonal, I will then go back and start detaining the car until I can just barely win, then drop another 5-10 pp, or find another car with that pp, and see how it fares...
Alright! Another event i´ll never even enter. Thank god, the next seasonal is going to be an A-Spec, hopefully with nordschleife again. Why put out B-Spec seasonals anyway?... :/