New to GTP-WRS Online? Introduce yourself

  • Thread starter WRP001
More new arrivals... Welcome!

Matt (GTP_Ashley)
Loris (GTP_TamHablo | DrAug)
Pedro (GTP_Celinis)

Pedro commented that he was recruited by the "famous" youtuber/streamer oink.

Loris joined in order to participate in the F1 series (although we hope he joins us for many events) and should put us "over the hump" as far as now having two lounges for the race (A and B). So any of you who might have been scared off by the mass number of aliens in the F1 Grand Prix can now join up knowing there is some "shelter" in the B race. As an aside, I wouldn't be surprised to end up in room B myself unless I pull off some very good quali laps, although my goal is to push for room A so I can get some air time on the famous oink's stream. :rolleyes:

Matt didn't leave a comment when registering so I'll let him speak for himself.

Welcome to the newest 3D3 form submitters!

David (GTP_Simifeltham)
Stew (GTP_Niop)

Welcome all. Already seen you on track Rph, but will hope to see you other 2 soon also on track! :D
hy all , well , Thanks for the very nice (&hard) F1 race .
Actually i was waiting solong for a "real" f1 race , that i completely messed it up , but i enjoyed it , so i'm really looking forward to Gp/F .
i just liked to know where i can find other races , in your series :)
the thing is i really like Clean races and unfortunately it takes so much time to find a room with unknown people that are so competitive and clean :)
see you on track
hy all , well , Thanks for the very nice (&hard) F1 race .
Actually i was waiting solong for a "real" f1 race , that i completely messed it up , but i enjoyed it , so i'm really looking forward to Gp/F .
i just liked to know where i can find other races , in your series :)
the thing is i really like Clean races and unfortunately it takes so much time to find a room with unknown people that are so competitive and clean :)
see you on track

There is this race Which is happening tomorrow. We have races every week on Wednesdays, with WRS Academy on Saturdays(which is limited to those with division placements from D3 silver down to D5 bronze), and after Academy on Saturdays, we typically hold either Attack format based on our weekly race or Parity races, which can all be found on the WRS Online Events section.
Big welcome for all the people that joined 👍👍👍
All of the races organised under the 3D3Racing and WRS flag are focussed on being as clean racing as it can be, so all the more reason to join in regularly!

You will see a new thread every week either Thursday or Friday for the weekly races. And a new thread whenever we have a new special event.

I'm kind of reading between the lines here, does this mean we can expect new special events in between the normal races and the WRS F1 Series? :dopey: If so, I'm really excited and maybe have some ideas for future events :sly:
I'm kind of reading between the lines here, does this mean we can expect new special events in between the normal races and the WRS F1 Series? :dopey: If so, I'm really excited and maybe have some ideas for future events :sly:

Or maybe we are double bluffing?
Bart. Send me ideas and all the info you have... Especially the team thing you discussed... We also have a few things in the hopper. :sly:
I think you skipped over these two who already raced with us Wednesday after last second sign ups. :lol:

Dan (GTP_Fastas____)
Spy (GTP_spyrrari1)​

For those of you curious, that's 4 underscores after Fastas. :sly:

Thanks for noticing... :sly: I almost wet myself with laughter after qualifying just in front of spy at the back of the grid. :scared:

Ah yes, right.

Welcome to you too guys! :D


It was very last minute, well about 28 minutes to be perdantic. Pekka gave me a nudge a little earlier and it seemed like a good idea at the time :rolleyes:

I asked spy to join because I always beat him... :lol: that went :ouch: and he only had 10 minutes notice too!
The question I want to know is...Who are you as Fast As Dan?

A burning question that due to the Official Secrets Act and/or the AUP, I can't answer. :D

No, but really,... I can't :lol:

What I can tell you about me is that after a good run of WRS on GT5p, I took a break from competitions for the sake of my relationship, shortly after the release of GT5. I was a little over committed at that too, as we now have two children.

I prefer racing to TT's but due to vandalism by a minor, I play with a DS3 on a little computer monitor, tucked away from those little fingers and stinky nappies.

I really enjoyed the racing with all of you and it wasn't a hard decision to have another go,.. just got to figure out this new fuel/tyre depletion update now. 👍

Catching up with the latest guys who want to race with us.


Robert (GTP_RobertSamuel)
Wayne (GTP_Wavne)
George (GTP_AllOrNothing)
Ramon (GTP_reiwon32)​

We've seen Robert on track with us already. 👍
GTP_Brewguy, you're all set to go. FR's on PSN have been accepted.
Wayne, George and Ramon, as soon as you guys have send out the FR's to the 3 PSN accounts and one of us admins accepts them, you will be set to race here.

See you on track! :gtpflag:
Welcome to the Online Events!

Jared (GTP_Jared93)​

See you on track! :gtpflag:

PS: Only your FR's to the PSN-ID's need to be sent and accepted by one of the admins and you're set.

EDIT: accepting them now.
Welcome to our latest WRS-OE/3D3Racing Entry Form submitters!

Cook (GTP_skyhighguy)
Zach (GTP_Zach)
Jason (GTP_JAS)​