- 700
- U.S.A
- Veyronrt
Does that mean I'm getting on the leader board? I've worked harder on this car than any other one.
Your 0-60 and 0-100 are not in good shape and you must have amazing pull to get that time with your 0-60 and 0-100.
Does that mean I'm getting on the leader board? I've worked harder on this car than any other one.
That means that you can try to post your times on GT6!
Thanks and please stay away from this leader board!👍
Your 0-60 and 0-100 are not in good shape and you must have amazing pull to get that time with your 0-60 and 0-100.
Your 0-60 and 0-100 are not in good shape and you must have amazing pull to get that time with your 0-60 and 0-100.
My 0-60 and 0-100 are fine , are you kidding me??
Took me a while to get the launch right but FINALY got it. 9.019 gtr spec v '09
Pro__Tunesmines not first place.....but you be the judge
Edit: btw danny you can put this time on the leaderboards, ment to post this a long time ago but never did
I suck with the cudas lol so I'll take this for now, wingless cuda: 9.783
Pro your 0-60 is slower but your 0-100 is faster and he is pulling more g's i don't know doesn't look right. Btw pro good to see another color besides gold lol.
Pro__Tunesnot to bad
Thanks, hitting 9.77xs wingless is gonna be hard af
Hey spike were you able to send me the car? If not its okay bro no rush.
jdiaz092009Hey spike were you able to send me the car? If not its okay bro no rush.
NickrowsHe better have. Told me he would, so I could send him a car, instead of sending you that car.
Oh okay cool if you have any cars you need restoring you know you can just send to me and ill send it back.
Thanks spike for the car bro. Pro ill dupe it to you in the morning bro like i said i would.
Pro__Tunesok, thanks
ninja0804black edition 8.916
Pro your 0-60 is slower but your 0-100 is faster and he is pulling more g's i don't know doesn't look right. Btw pro good to see another color besides gold lol.
MikeybcThink he need to send the GTR for verification and any chance of redemption after his LMQ. His g's are fine though, I run 1.83 G's on my 09.
My HKS Silvia.
v123moto45My HKS Silvia.
jdiaz092009Finally someone tuned this car i have one i have not tuned yet been thinking about it. Now that you have posted a time ill tune mine and see what i get.