NEW TOP 5 Rank Leader Board! Post your times! 2.15!


Rx7 TC 9.765
Why u
asking for tips danny? arent u almighty leader board master!! figure it out 3 people did. matter of time before other do aswell, keep trying like i have . im sure none of them got it on 3 trys. Its somthing we are over looking.
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I was asking for tips because this car got me really mad bro, I was goin to sell it for parts and buy me some double check tomorrow or Sunday....Ill see whats up....I'm sure once I know what it is Ill kill the zombie tunes with my
I guess I'm gonna try to tune that Fit as well, hopefully my game won't freeze I found out it's the disc not the console :) that's that why I haven't post any times in the past couple weeks...
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Ive been having problems with the speed test working
Well for me it started with the engine sound, it was distorted or it would stop and then continue half way down the track or freeze while loading the track or between tuning but it was just the track not the game, I'll try again hopefully it was a glitch ...
Yea bt mine just don't work at all
Well for me it started with the engine sound, it was distorted or it would stop and then continue half way down the track or freeze while loading the track or between tuning but it was just the track not the game, I'll try again hopefully it was a glitch ...
Off topic post. i been seeing a negative vibe from u m8, whats the problem is it that day danny280 joined the room? What you are under impression we swap tunes is so wrong say tips just like everyone on this leaderboard i get it you don't like the guy. Heck i didn't at first either yeah danny i didn't like you bro u was annoying!!! i ran with him and few times, i understand where he is coming from. And i thank him and you king aka coco ,my teammates on gtww stealthracing banky,marshalmathers already dead jordan. Non team members austrailian-mma neck-it nickrows wraith of horrus and everone else, im done posting times.
No love for J smh :( lol :banghead: