NEW TOP 5 Rank Leader Board! Post your times! 2.15!

I got the supra sz r to 11.565 ill post the pics as soon as I can figure out how to do it from my phone.


I wont let you take my spot!!!:lol::P

I hope you can't figuer this out!

1-Make an album at your profile and then copy the selected image link from there and just copy it here!👍

2-I hope it doesn't work! joke!:dopey:
Who are you trying to kid here? Everyone knows that you're lying, you said you weren't hacking yet your Black Edition has a weight hack on it, you probably run with SRF when you're not using the weight hack, stop lying and trying to post fake times to this leaderboard, go post this time in the hacked car leaderboard.

I did turn all my aids off and i got 8.897s without 4 and 5 stages.

Not possible to get that on the most recent update, maybe on one of the previous ones but currently there is no Black Edition that runs 8.8.
Shells N Cheese
Who are you trying to kid here? Everyone knows that you're lying, you said you weren't hacking yet your Black Edition has a weight hack on it, you probably run with SRF when you're not using the weight hack, stop lying and trying to post fake times to this leaderboard, go post this time in the hacked car leaderboard.

It doesn't count as hacking when i still have a faster time without hacked parts.
lol, now that you tried posting a time with said parts I'm afraid none of your times will be taken seriously.way to shoot yourself in the foot :dunce:
Plain and simple you are not running an 8.8 in a Black Edition.

I dont know... I just have faster top speed my gtr is not the best at acceleration but its good at 4th and 5th.

Your Black Edition isn't good on acceleration because yours weighs less thus gets less traction yet yours still pulls a car in the 0-100 range, things that only happen with a hack.
Shells N Cheese
Plain and simple you are not running an 8.8 in a Black Edition.

Wow fine ill just kill myself cuz no one believes me, **** my life and the times i wasted to tune my ****ing car.
Shells N Cheese
Yeah, lol, complete hack, by the way I sent you a friend request on GTP if you want to add me :)

The nascar was sent by my friend... My friend is the hacker not me cuz he sends me the hacked stuff.
Extreme Drifter
The nascar was sent by my friend... My friend is the hacker not me cuz he sends me the hacked stuff.

So you take those hacked car and run them as is then claim to be the fastest lol. Learn to tune legit cars then get back to me.
So you take those hacked car and run them as is then claim to be the fastest lol. Learn to tune legit cars then get back to me.

My gtr is still the fastest without hacked parts.
You'll probably get banned now because everyone knows you have hacked cars, PD will most likely ban you so have fun while you can but your times aren't legit and we all know it so stop trying to post fake times on this leaderboard.

My gtr is still the fastest without hacked parts.

Doubt it, if you're running 8.8's with no hacked parts or HP/weight hacks then you are E-Cheating somehow even though it's almost impossible with a 4WD car, 8.8's aren't possible on this update.
Shells N Cheese
You'll probably get banned now because everyone knows you have hacked cars, PD will most likely ban you so have fun while you can but your times aren't legit and we all know it so stop trying to post fake times on this leaderboard.

Race me then? I'll take off hacked parts.
Wow you are wayyyy to confident bro running hacks and running your mouth claiming you are the fastest. Hope you know what you are saying bro.

I'm done with this guy lol, are you into cars in the 9.9-9.5 range? I love to race cars in that range, cars like the M5, GTO Twin Turbo MR, Z06 '04 etc. I'd like to drag some of these cars with you sometime. I'm not really a big fan of the fast cars like the ACR and stuff because they are overused lol. Let me know if you'd be down to drag sometime and I'll add you or you can add me whichever works :)
Guys you're just fueling the fire. Let it die.

I hear ya, I'm done arguing with him, I'm just going to continue my search to find people to drag with when I get back on next week, looking for people that like to drag cars in the 9.9-9.5 range.
Shells N Cheese
I'm done with this guy lol, are you into cars in the 9.9-9.5 range? I love to race cars in that range, cars like the M5, GTO Twin Turbo MR, Z06 '04 etc. I'd like to drag some of these cars with you sometime. I'm not really a big fan of the fast cars like the ACR and stuff because they are overused lol. Let me know if you'd be down to drag sometime and I'll add you or you can add me whichever works :)

Yeah for sure bro i have a good amount of cars in that range
My oh my, what did I miss over night? A good 5 page argument over a time?

To everyone that keeps trying to post hybrid parts times, this is not the leader-board for that. Check my sig I made a leader-board specifically for these cars.

Yall keep trying to come in here and think they wont figure it out?
Yall honestly dont think they will figure it out?
Do feel like your jimmy is bigger cause you beet a time?

Every time on my leader board is faster than any time on this board. Now either you cant tune at all cause you cant hit the hybrid times or you want to help your little ego, beeting a time with an over powered, super light car.

Anyways stop wasting peoples time by being trolls. If you want to beet some times with hybrid cars do it on my board not here. Also you would save your self a lot of hassle as I dont ask for much info since we are "cheating".
Let's bring this thread bacl on topic shall we, I'll start:
I think there is more left in it but for now here is what I got

and I tweak this one a bit more with some more and again it feels like it has more left, will see
