NEW TOP 5 Rank Leader Board! Post your times! 2.15!

Ran this a couple of weeks ago before I went to Argentina for my exchange trip (currently in Atlanta airport gate waiting for the flight to NC)

BMW M5 '05- 9.936 (needs work)


Ran this a couple of weeks ago before I went to Argentina for my exchange trip (currently in Atlanta airport gate waiting for the flight to NC)

BMW M5 '05- 9.936 (needs work)



Nice time, Haaa your in the A! Dang airports on the other side of the city.

Nice time Dream, sorry I didnt have one broken in or with parts.
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Nice time, Haaa your in the A! Dang airports on the other side of the city.

Nice time Dream, sorry I didnt have one broken in or with parts.

Haha yup :D

I ran a 9.891 unbroken in the M5 '08, so I'll have to break it in.
I am using stock rims, do I really need to put a wing to make it into the 9's? My top speed is at 170 should I go higher?

No you don't need a wing to hit 9's. I'm wingless at 9.992. I de winged it after the update because it slowed my particular tune down....need to retune but it looks horrific with a wing.
cool guys, I'll reflip with a higher top speed and good I hate putting wings they look like shopping karts with them.

Got this a long time ago but forgot to post it.

BTW dream, can you PM me your No Stripe submission pic, I need something to work with.
Hey danny i just got a Honda INTEGRA TYPE R Touring Car, put a quick tune on it and ran a 12 flat. Pretty sure i can get it in the 11's but have you tuned this car? looks great!
Got this a long time ago but forgot to post it.

BTW dream, can you PM me your No Stripe submission pic, I need something to work with.

Hey, that's my favorite car's record you just took ! I will not stand for this.

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