NEW TOP 5 Rank Leader Board! Post your times! 2.15!

PSN is down if you sign off you cannot sign back on

Yep just checked Sony, PSN is down for no given reason (yet their indicator says everything is fine:crazy: ) with no time frame of repair:tdown:
I think it has something to do with update 4.45 for the PS3 lots of reports of the system crashing after said update.

PS: just noticed the laederboard is catching up with TDS's page!

Triple edit just got back on, yeah!
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Nice times Dom. Good to see you back. I miss you on the team :/

Whats the deal with the leaderboard and the update? I hear grip was increased again.
Decided to tune the Cougar '67 today, I did a quick tune and got 9.961 BSL, now I'm down to consistent 9.93's - 9.94's on BSL, is this fast for BSL? I never tuned this car before so I have no idea lol.
Nice times Dom. Good to see you back. I miss you on the team :/

Whats the deal with the leaderboard and the update? I hear grip was increased again.

I don't think so because I was trying to improve my S2000 06 this morning and nothing new!!👍
I never said faster, but we did have to reflip/tweek.

Interesting news, I just got accused of hacking again, and that's not all, I'm now also being accused of E-Cheating (again -_-). What is it with these people lately, these "pros" all accusing me of hacking? The reason for the quotations around the word pros is due to the fact that a real pro wouldn't being making false accusations without any evidence. I guess beating someone by 1/2 a car to 1 car is hacking now lol I find that kind of funny but irritating at the same time. I don't want to have to send my car again just to prove that I'm legit.
Shells N Cheese
Interesting news, I just got accused of hacking again, and that's not all, I'm now also being accused of E-Cheating (again -_-). What is it with these people lately, these "pros" all accusing me of hacking? The reason for the quotations around the word pros is due to the fact that a real pro wouldn't being making false accusations without any evidence. I guess beating someone by 1/2 a car to 1 car is hacking now lol I find that kind of funny but irritating at the same time. I don't want to have to send my car again just to prove that I'm legit.

Don't sweat it bro you have already proven you are legit. Keep doing what you are doing keep tuning and keep improving. All the drama will be there no matter what you do. There will always be someone who will accuse you of something if they can't win. Two days ago i got kicked from 4 rooms all because of the 5727 paint i had on my car. I explained that it does not improve anything its like if i painted it matte. They said it doesnt matter your car is hacked lol so my car will be faster because i painted it a different color WOW!!!
Don't sweat it bro you have already proven you are legit. Keep doing what you are doing keep tuning and keep improving. All the drama will be there no matter what you do. There will always be someone who will accuse you of something if they can't win. Two days ago i got kicked from 4 rooms all because of the 5727 paint i had on my car. I explained that it does not improve anything its like if i painted it matte. They said it doesnt matter your car is hacked lol so my car will be faster because i painted it a different color WOW!!!

I get that the drama will always be present but when a fellow pro drag racer accuses me of hacking it just doesn't sit right with me. I instantly got PO'd the second it happened. I really don't appreciate being accused of hacking all the time by a fellow pro. I am pondering quitting drag altogether or just not playing GT5 anymore, these lame hack excuses are dumb and I can't take it anymore. I want to stay but this is already getting old -_-
I've only seen the newer guys making such claims.. Once you've been playing the game for a while you don't generally care if you get beat on the odd occasion. But, don't stress about haters or whatever else comes your way man.. I've had my fair share :lol:
Shells N Cheese
I get that the drama will always be present but when a fellow pro drag racer accuses me of hacking it just doesn't sit right with me. I instantly got PO'd the second it happened. I really don't appreciate being accused of hacking all the time by a fellow pro. I am pondering quitting drag altogether or just not playing GT5 anymore, these lame hack excuses are dumb and I can't take it anymore. I want to stay but this is already getting old -_-

Dont let the troll get to you man.
Dont quit, just put whoever on your dont run/troll list, just focus on the team and getting it ready for gt6.
Haters will always be there, do let them mess up your game.
Dont let the troll get to you man.
Dont quit, just put whoever on your dont run/troll list, just focus on the team and getting it ready for gt6.
Haters will always be there, do let them mess up your game.

It's not that he's getting me down, it's just the fact that I'm to mature for all of this drama and I know when to quit and when to fight, to fight over a game is just silly. I've been playing the GT series since the 90's and still enjoy it to this day but this online play is honestly probably one of the worst things to ever happen to the GT series in my opinion. Way to much of this and that and excuses, wheels being faster and people making a big deal out of it, etc. I feel that it's time to just get on with my life, I don't know.
I've only seen the newer guys making such claims.. Once you've been playing the game for a while you don't generally care if you get beat on the odd occasion. But, don't stress about haters or whatever else comes your way man.. I've had my fair share :lol:
I know the feeling :lol:
It's not that he's getting me down, it's just the fact that I'm to mature for all of this drama and I know when to quit and when to fight, to fight over a game is just silly. I've been playing the GT series since the 90's and still enjoy it to this day but this online play is honestly probably one of the worst things to ever happen to the GT series in my opinion. Way to much of this and that and excuses, wheels being faster and people making a big deal out of it, etc. I feel that it's time to just get on with my life, I don't know.

Don't let it get that far. Don't even argue. If it gets bad, just leave the room and find another lobby. That's what I do 👍
I know the feeling :lol:

Don't let it get that far. Don't even argue. If it gets bad, just leave the room and find another lobby. That's what I do 👍

WORD!! this is the best advice you can listen to bro. You can't let little things like that bother you. Just enjoy the game for what it is.
@ Shells, The Internet, full of whiney crybabies, ignore them. Just start your own room, the one you had going last night was pretty good and well controlled. When the whiners start with the name calling and bs just boot their ass out the door.
I know the feeling :lol:

Don't let it get that far. Don't even argue. If it gets bad, just leave the room and find another lobby. That's what I do 👍

WORD!! this is the best advice you can listen to bro. You can't let little things like that bother you. Just enjoy the game for what it is.

@ Shells, The Internet, full of whiney crybabies, ignore them. Just start your own room, the one you had going last night was pretty good and well controlled. When the whiners start with the name calling and bs just boot their ass out the door.

Thanks for all the advice guys, I really appreciate it. I guess I though Yohamas was a pro and didn't want to kick him because I didn't want my name ruined lol. Some people are like that, I just recently got in with the pros and I don't want to do anything to jeopardize that, I really enjoy running with a lot of pros, but at the same time I enjoy running my own lobbies and just having fun and being able to boot whoever acts up. I now know that Yohamas isn't a pro he's just a whiner lol. Not that I'm trying to ruin his name, that's not my intention here, I'm just trying to make people full aware of my issue with him. I really do wish that all of this hacking wouldn't have ever happened in the first place because then I wouldn't have to put up with all of the accusations all the time lol. Well anyway, I have to run, I have martial arts class in 30 minutes, so yeah lol. I'll catch you all later. Again thanks for all of the advice, it helped me a lot. Here's a smiley face for you lol :)