- 948
- New Jersey
- Spikey_LEE
dREAM00Don't worry dude lol I did get a 9.854 with 1.24gs just didn't take a picture.
Haha sweet
dREAM00Don't worry dude lol I did get a 9.854 with 1.24gs just didn't take a picture.
Haha sweet
Yo dream, for that '90 zr1 vette c4 did you get g's of 1.23 at some points? Because with my same tune I'm getting 1.15 g's AND 1.23 g's for some runs making my way 1/4 faster. But I noticed on the time you posted you only have 1.15. I just want to know if you get both those g's too cause it's kinda weird.
ryznoEpic DIY failMake sure you plugged everything back up.(going off topic) I did a tune up on a V6 Charger (with fake HEMI logos
) to change the plugs you to have to remove the entire intake to get to the coils. Long story short it took me an additional hour and a half to remove the intake, plug up the coils and reinstall.
DONT GIVE UP! just go over everything you did. Try taking it apart again and put it back together again, redneck logic but it might work.
wraith of horusNice time. I never seem to better 9.287 its really bugging me this car. btw you just beat jancos time. He'll be maaad lol! XD
Yea, I tried so much but can't get out of 9.287 also lol but that makes it more fun.
yeah it's 499hp, if you need one with max hp I have one completly stock with 1k miles or 3k.
Hey C-Losk i'd love to take you up on that offer if you don't mind, reason being i could really do with a 2nd celica. That and i love the car loads.
I just tested the indy tune i ran you with gets me 10:577. The X tune gets me 10:568 currently.
My 1st gear bogs to 4850rpms 1-2 bars lower than the 5k mark. So i'll raise 1st some more and tweak 2nd and 3rd.
Did you say the record is 10:512?
:tup:Nice times C-losk, keep messing with that EVO!!!
R3Dl1N3, your Jaguar is flying, nice time bro!
Guys we have a new member in our Team. HIBOOST, lets welcome recorder010!!!
Welcome to our family recorder!!!!
I like those new ideas you got bro!!!👍
:tup:Nice times C-losk, keep messing with that EVO!!!
Guys we have a new member in our Team. HIBOOST, lets welcome recorder010!!!
Welcome to our family recorder!!!!
I like those new ideas you got bro!!!👍
What you mean? I'm only 2 points away with the EVO.HAHAHA, nevermind I saw you updated the board and you are way ahead of the pack, I will keep playing it now.