Hey guys, so I am a new wheel user and have never driven in real life. I got the G29 just over a week ago, clamped it to my desk, stuck my pedals in the alcove below and have adjusted pretty quickly.
In the first few days, my left foot would hurt reasonably badly not long into a session, and it would be somewhat painful/numb for a few hours after a two-hour drive, but it would always ease by the same time the next day and I would be good to go again. This is due to the G29's brake being pretty stiff, and me not having experience using pedals before - I feel comfortable enough but maybe my position is a bit wrong. My lefty is pressed in a bit against the brake; I might be sitting too close but I'm restricted by the space underneath my desk.
Today, however, since waking up the pain is noticeably sharp, hurting whenever I move my foot from rest. I haven't 'injured' myself as such, as I honestly felt nothing particular after playing for two hours again last night, so I'm guessing it's from the accumulation of playing every day for 2-3 hours in this new way.
So, I'm guessing some of you guys are experienced in this matter. Any tips you could give about managing the pain short-term, and if I should change anything long-term or if I will get used to it?
P.S. I am physically healthy but I don't work out so my feet are pretty average, I guess.