NFS Payback: Show off your ride(s)!

  • Thread starter GT_Saint
you must be using gzillas debug for that car

Yep you guessed it! I have mixed feelings about the Debug mod. I love that it unlocks customization that we should've had from the get-go, but I'm disappointed that he made it impossible to be busted, and REALLY disappointed that he took all the traffic out of the world. Everything seems so lifeless now.
I recently decided to delete my save game and start over with the whole thing.... but I can't believe that you can't keep your wraps in doing that! If anyone knows a workaround that would be awesome!
Yep you guessed it! I have mixed feelings about the Debug mod. I love that it unlocks customization that we should've had from the get-go, but I'm disappointed that he made it impossible to be busted, and REALLY disappointed that he took all the traffic out of the world. Everything seems so lifeless now.
I recently decided to delete my save game and start over with the whole thing.... but I can't believe that you can't keep your wraps in doing that! If anyone knows a workaround that would be awesome!
Is it a PC only mod or can you get it on PS4?
Started a similar thread for 2015 and it took off. This is pt. 2 for NFS Payback!

This time a couple rules:
  • You can post more than one car from your garage, but limit it to your favorite 2 or 3 cars with a maximum of 3 pictures per car. (be picky we want to see the best you have!)
  • Constructive criticism is welcome, but please no bashing other people's creations. We all have different taste, respect that!
  • This isnt a traditional photography thread. Please refrain from re-posting pictures of the same car unless you've made note-worthy changes to the vehicle. Nobody wants to scroll down the thread and see the same car over and over again!
  • Commentary is welcome! Give some background to your car, why you did what you did to it, what style you're looking for, and what inspired your creation!
  • Have fun!
I'm looking forward to seeing all of your creations! :cheers::gtpflag:
How do I make a custom wrap like the ppl doing Chuck Batman and etc
Necro bump incoming! :P




By far and away the single most important car in any car game, let alone NFS:

Admitted, this is.. quite a long way from perfect, but even that's more effort than Ghost could be bothered to put into that.
That one 90s pipe dream car (par the F1 of course)
Well I haven't had as much time to play as I want, but I've been building slowly but surely. Here are my first few creations! I tend to go for a clean look on all of my cars, so they all are fairly simple.

Had to make a GTI since I own a MK5 myself. Absolutely love the way it sits, and this is before I put bags on it.



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This 911 is another one that was bagged after the pictures. Maybe I'll have the time to hop back on the Playstation, but if you've ever seen a Porsche tucking 19s you know how amazing it looks.

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This r32 GT-R is based off a build I've been following for a little while now. Anyone who knows what it is gets bonus points hehe.

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And of course, the s2k. The blue s2k was the first car I built in 2015, and its a shame Payback doesn't have te37s anymore but the CR Kai's still look stunning.

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Keep the golf like that, it looks so clean
It may not necessarily all come down to simple wraps. Let's not forget about popular replicas like anything FAF related, NFS Character vehicles or freakin eyes on windshields *disney Pixar's cars* etc. will likely gather the most downloads. Though I kinda do believe it could also apply to how close to the game's release date that the date of the wrap was made as the more earlier wraps I created got the most downloads.

I swear but if I remember, I had a LB Walk GTR on Horizon 3 that had probably one of the most simplest wraps I could come up with and it gather a lot of downloads. Tbh I wish more people could care more for originality. It's such a shame how more people care about what's more popular or trending. I could probably bet $1,000 that if this was a pikachu wrap instead of this lovely weavile wrap I made because pikachu is pretty much the series's mascot, chances are, it would gather possibly over a 100 downloads. But since I care more about the other Pokemon creatures in the series rather than Pikachu, this is probably the reason why both this and my Yveltal wraps didn't got a lot of downloads or barely got any at all.

And if you want to talk about making vehicles based off of obscure NFS Characters, how about anyone from NFS Carbon: Own the City?
Speaking of horizon gtrs, is it just me or does the GTR face lift sound like a direct port from FH3, no offense ghost
Here are questions for everyone: How do you approach building a wrap for a car? What is your design philosophy? What inspires you? What are some special tricks that you use in the wrap editor that may be unorthodox? Feel free to answer any or all questions - I'm just curious
I mainly try to make simple Two tones, any car can rock a black roof, when I approach making a wrap, I mainly take ques from on that or past models
A couple of my starter cars and the first one I've bought. The S13 looks good with a subtle change.
