"NFS Shift is Better Than GT and Forza"

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LOL this guy has been going around YouTube saying NFS Shift will be on top. I just wanted to share this laughter.


"nooo gran turismo 5 is s***, the simulation and physics are not as good as i heard from previews
to be honest not even forza is not that good. Have you seen nfs shift looks much better than forza 3 and gran trurismo 5. Nfs shift is made by slightly mad studio who made GT legends and more simulation for PC so i think for simulation NFS shift will be on top"
Well, SHIFT is gonna be an Amazing game I think.

But I doubt it will be able to top Either Forza 3 or GT 5.

SHIFT will do a good job in tiding me over untill October when Forza 3 releases and...... GT get's a release date.
we'll see
and shift better provide a demo.

I don't think their series has done anything but burn me. Actually I still haven't forgiven them for that abortion on 3do. Though I am very hopeful. Really 'shift' looked a lot more like 'grid' than a 'forza/GranTurismo.'
Shift is looking good and I'm glad to see SMS did a fine job on it. I'm happy that there will be three amazing racing games to be released this year. Shift, Forza 3 and GT5 (hopefully December).

It doesn't really matter which game is better than the other, what's important is that we're getting 3 very good racing games. They all have their strong and weak points, but in the end, competition is good. People who have arguments over which is better or whatnot are just idiots in my opinion. You have 3 of them, why argue or complain? Who cares which one is better, buy all of them if they are all good.

Three, THREE! racing games in the next few months, I'm pretty happy with that.
Shift is looking good and I'm glad to see SMS did a fine job on it. I'm happy that there will be three amazing racing games to be released this year. Shift, Forza 3 and GT5 (hopefully December).

It doesn't really matter which game is better than the other, what's important is that we're getting 3 very good racing games. They all have their strong and weak points, but in the end, competition is good. People who have arguments over which is better or whatnot are just idiots in my opinion. You have 3 of them, why argue or complain? Who cares which one is better, buy all of them if they are all good.

Three, THREE! racing games in the next few months, I'm pretty happy with that.
With Split Second and Blur as well.
im the one that broke moderator for to much post...:crazy::crazy::crazy:
try to think about this.....

ps. the programmer of nfss told already that will not be a simulation...
NFS is the Best simulator...? Can you even use a wheel with those physics?
I think they just really picked the wrong time to drop anything racing, they are so severly overshadowed by GT and FM that they have to resort to tabloid like gossip to gain attention.
NFS is the Best simulator...? Can you even use a wheel with those physics?

Yes, it's Need for Speed Shift, maybe you should research the game a little more. Shift is the new realistic branch of NFS EA has made. The usualy 'trash' is under a different name
I KNOW they are talking about the "new, realistic" NFS Shift, but hearing Realistic ACTION racer, means more weird nitro colors and stationary 360 burnouts, just looking at the Menu screens it looks like a toy racer for boy racers. Ugh, if EA would totally cut NFS for a few years, and let the big boys play, they could send some more dough over to FIFA or NHL or Madden, their true Fortes.

Pic too large.
I agree it has thick EA icky paint all over it, nearly everything is over done and it puts me off, but the car modelling is good on most cars, the Nurburgring appears to be quite correct (besides the advertising billboards everywhere....EA) and the physics should be good though they're hardly shown in any good way in most videos.
I have heard that SHIFT has a pro physics mode that is supposed to be quite SIMish, but I'm still not convinced of how much of a true SIM this game will be.

It's strange, they don't want to call it a "SIM" because they feel that has a negative connotation to it and might scare off more casual players.

And while that may be true, if you make a very good SIM ( such as GT or Forza ) they sell Millions and Millions of copies. So I don't see why they have to worry about scaring anyone off. I feel if you make a Quality SIM you will attract more people than you scare away.
There are videos out there where they're playing with a g25 in PRO mode. It looks very good in pro mode. Casual mode has slightly different physics with more tire grip to make it more easier to drive. Think of it as GT5's standard and professional physics. Stop bashing it til you have tried it, after all SMS are responsible for GTR2/GTL and apparently when in pro mode it's more accurate to drive than in GTR2. Just cause EA has put their touches on it doesn't mean the driving will be affected. Don't pay attention to the promo videos and most of the gameplay videos are in casual mode with assits on. Don't hate it until it's released.
Would be better in the NFS: Shift thread. Should not have been posted in the GT5 forum as it is about NFS.
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