Even though you have posted a few here at

, you need to
read and remember the "
Acceptable Use Policy" (
In the quote above, you wrote, "
And u guys?" Please
change your u when directing a message to another, by using the word "you" instead.
Also, I am going to let you slide by with the mistake of
forgetting your apostrophe between the I & m. You said, "
Im going to take some, but not just right now...". What you should have said was (look where the apostrophe is), "
I'm going to take some, but not just right now...".
Thank you for taking the time and thought into this lesson, and we hope to see improvements in users using the
AUP correctly.
Thank you,
P.S. I like driving my car straight, if you know what I mean. I don't drift much, but only when my tires start to go bad.