nitto legends (out now) incl pics

This game has way to much bugs...

Well im off to play LFS...

This game is pissing me off way to much now lol
yeah its free:)

Godzilla if you want to go racing tonight join me in this server: =SS=SuperSliders

Thats my team server:sly: :)

my name is something like this i think.... =SS=Evolution Type R
ok, i might, if nitto's still be gay, man i wish nitto supported the g25 with clutch and h-gate etc, it would be awsome...
i might be on soon(lfs havn't got my mem yet:() just need to setup my g25. I take it you's will be in the demo server?
Finished downloading LFS before. Its not as good as i thought it is. Congrats on the 1000th post godzilla :cheers: I done my 400th post today and i posted like 30 times JUST today :crazy:
lol ive posted 100 in about 9 days.
didn't get my membership, do you have to have a us credit or something? It keeped declining myn even though theres a couple hundred bucks on it...
lol, whys that, it's still in beta form that's why it's got all the bugs etc. DDMv2 do you have GTR1? It's a mean game and really cheap now, has wicked physics and sounds. It's alot better then LFS imho
^ I tried looking for it at my local game stores back in december but could only find GTR2 bundled with GT legends so I got that instead...
my comp can barely play the gtr2 demo.
ive got the gpl 04"demo with about 6 traks installed and hi res cars etc, but can't find the full game anywere, to buy...

omg, i just remembered my email for my old account

sep 2003 lol.

i had forgotten my password and email, thats why i made this account lol.

the good ol days when i put

at the end of every post

is there anyway to transfer my details, posts etc over to that account?

What's a referal?

lol in the space of 7 months 10000 people registered on here!!!

lol i signed up 18 days after nd4spd
ive just made another account called zilla_GTR:)(on nitto)

and yes the car does have a diff sound when tuned, stock is a lot more deep and throaty...
A refferal is when you tell someone about a forum, and they sign up and cause you told them about it, you reffered someone.