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Ok so i woke up, turn on my ps2 to find out that my gt4 file is corrupted!!!! i refused to accpet it... my heart sank.... please is there a way to recover the file!!! i have been putting a year work into the game!!!!!:scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous: :nervous:

PLLLLEEAASEEE someone tell me what to do in case this happens!!!

Thanks to however answers

Starting a new file is all you can do. Happens to the unfortunate few.
Sorry to hear that, but unless you had a backup copy of the save on another memory card or on your computer (transferred via a maxdrive) your data is gone for good. All you can do is to begin from scratch again.

You may want to check this out: Corrupted Data Club

I hate telling bad news but such is life sometimes.

- R -
As above.

To stop it happening again, turn AutoSave OFF and use a fresh, official Sony memory card. And buy a backup device (like a MaxDrive).
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