No GT6 till 2015?

  • Thread starter monildan
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Expect GT6 in Spring or Christmas of '14. Mark my words.

TBH I could see gt6 releasing next year. I wouldnt be suprised.
The problems with GT5 and PS3 was the lack of ram ( I think ) and if PD are working on the current engine they could find ways to optimise the performance better than what they did for GT5.
TBH I could see gt6 releasing next year. I wouldnt be suprised.
The problems with GT5 and PS3 was the lack of ram ( I think ) and if PD are working on the current engine they could find ways to optimise the performance better than what they did for GT5.

How do we know XL wont do this.
XL isnt a new GranTurismo. Its just GT5 with DLC and the 2.0 or I think the latest update.
The ram is what causes the jaggies and the slow loading on some tracks.From what ive read.
But like I was saying they could still improve on the engine and release a new GT for ps3... something they cant fix with a update.
I hope we get the ps3 in 2014, however with the way things are going we may get it as soon as 2013 which I think is too soon.

To the guy above me, if GT6 was a lunch title for the ps4 it will easily become the greatest selling GT if all time.
I honestly don't get why people talk about GT6 launch date at this point in time. There's no information whatsoever, and this speculation is nothing more than expectations of what GT6 should be like, which ends up with people discussing about the pitfalls of GT5 and the PS3.

But for my 2 cents, PD is enhancing the career mode with regular seasonals and car list with DLCs, basically accomplishing what GT2 and GT4 did in terms of adding new content. But instead of a major dump after a couple of years, it's slowly trickling out every 2 months regularly. It's nowhere perfect, and it bugs me how you can't do seasonals offline, but if they continue to churn out new seasonal events and put up new content, I believe GT6 can be put off as a PS4 title without much issues.

In the end, when PD decides to drop DLC and updates for GT5, that's when you know GT6 is coming around real soon.
I'm glad Sony is sticking to the 10 year lifespan promise. I still think the original Xbox still had a lot left to offer, so it's good to see the ps3 will be exploited as much as possible.
Since GT1 and 2 were on PS and GT 3 and 4 were on PS2, maybe they will stick to this formula resulting in GT5 and 6 on PS3. GT5 still has a long life ahead of it and some really promising DLC plus updates coming but I think GT6 will come sooner than 2015, and I'm sure Sony doesn't want to arrive to the next gen party too late if GT6 is going to be a potential launch title for PS4.
Kaz did say it would not take as long for GT6 to release. GT5 was built from the ground up. GT6 will use te foundation of GT5.

It didn't take 10 years for PS3 to release after PS2. PS2 had a projected 10 cycle also. The system is still selling, so why pull the plug on it [PS2] now?

Yes, PS3 has a 10 yr life cycle. (whispering) That doesn't mean PS4 won't come out before then.

Sony would be really stupid to ride this aging system as its flagship until 2016. ALL of their top shelf AAA developers would have their hands tied. The future of PlayStation exclusives would be dismal and stagnant.

If the too shelf devs are not currently developing their next game on PS4, the future looks bleak for PlayStation loyalists.

Sony wants discussion to be on their silly handheld to maximize their extortion'esq data plan. Of course they will divert discussion of PS4.

The Kindle has free cellular data. Sony is getting a big cut from the AT&T deal.
XL isnt a new GranTurismo. Its just GT5 with DLC and the 2.0 or I think the latest update.
The ram is what causes the jaggies and the slow loading on some tracks.From what ive read.
But like I was saying they could still improve on the engine and release a new GT for ps3... something they cant fix with a update.

It's not just the ram it's a host of things. Also if you're talking about RAM, that has more to do with the system than the game. PD can't release a game that fixes hardware in your system, that's not possible. I'm saying from what you said in the other post is it might be possible for XL to be better than GT5 original because it has be redone and may avoid the bugs and other rubbish we have to deal with and run more efficiently for what restrictions the PS3 creates. The part I bolded if true, proves that a GT6 wont be need for this and that they could do this with GT5 XL easily, would it be honest to those who bought it original? No, not really. I think the issues for GT stem from PD but also a system that is maxed.
Well they will have no excuses now they got time and to release it at launch too , but i doubt we will have to wait that long sony said they wont be bringing the ps4 out a year after the new xbox so it may just be a bit of cat and mouse at the moment , anyhow rfactor 2 gtr3 and project C.A.R.S on the pc all look like they have the potential to kick gt5s ass in the mean time .
The Kindle has free cellular data. Sony is getting a big cut from the AT&T deal.

Apples to oranges comparison, that data plan is only good for accessing Amazon's store for buying books. You can surf the internet with it, but it's very slow and is only in black and white. The whole thing is pretty limited.

A more accurate comparison would be the data plan with the ipad 2.
Why would they want to rush it anyway?

In just 2 months they put out 20€ worth of DLCs (that's half the amount I payed for the whole game) and there's more already on the way...

It's easy money and they will want to make it last.
I think I would rather have a sequel then DLC. Some of the biggest issues still left with GT5, really can't be patched or fixed with DLC.
I actually think we will have a "mini" GT title, sounds stupid but just listen.

What If Kaz Released a GT game which was more like concept a few years back, all 2012/2013 models in a small-scale GT Life mode? After all, I doubt we can have over a thousand premiums on a PS3 title, doing this would keep us busy while he does work on GT6 on the PS4.

Just an idea.
Lets break this down....

How well does everybody here think GT6 would sell? As well as GT5? 75% as well as GT5? Better than GT5?

Personally, I think it would sell AT LEAST as well as GT5. If PD can put something together that adds significantly more new content than they can push through DLC in the form of more, and more current premium cars, a few new tracks, and perhaps a few other enhancements I think most of us would consider that to be a "win."

That's a lot of money they'd be leaving on the table if they waited for a PS4 to be released before coming out with another GT title. I'm not a businessman by trade, but I really have to think that they're desperately trying to get another GT game out for the PS3.

I'm actually relieved that GT6 should be releasing on PS3 and probably not on PS4... and if they can time it out correctly, say GT6 = December 2013? They should be able to release something when PS4 does drop in 2015 (eg. GT7 Prologue, at least). And life wouldn't be too bad playing GT6 on the PS4, should it be backwards compatible.

I'm overwhelmed with anticipation in waiting for GT6, because GT5 has been on such a roller coaster thus far but I think it's all for the best. PD has taken an open and active role in really focusing what Gran Turismo should be on the PS3 and GT6 will be a fresh clean slate that should meet our expectations right from the beginning and not a year later.
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I dont think it'll take that long, but its still a couple years off. I don't think we'll get all the concept games either. Instead I think that Gt5 will contiue to be updated, patched, and have avalible DLCs. We might see another disk release, like (heres to hoping) spec 3 disk with all the dlcs and updates like they are doing with the xl edition.
I don't fully agree with this "no GT6 on PS3" idea, there's so much more that can be done still on PS3 that wasn't fully explored in GT5.

That is, unless Kaz has changed his mind about GT6 "not taking as long."
I totally agree here.
DLC is nice, but really, if it gets too much, we really have to ask ourselves what's better for us in the long run. Do we really want to spend upwards of 50 plus dollars just for simple content add-ons like cars and tracks in the next year or so (till whenever GT6 releases), rather than just have them all together packaged in a new game?

I doubt there will be any more major changes such that of Spec 3, because really, any major changes to the game PD would probably want to save for GT6, plus on top of a lot of other things that requires a reconstruction to GT5's framework such as a completely new GT Life experience, which is what everyone is pretty much anticipating with hopes of an event generator for GT5.

And remember, especially with this bit of news, it's pretty clear PD has quiet a bit of content at their disposal that we don't know about. However, it doesn't mean they're just gonna give it all away because as said before, it'll take away some marketing appeal if they do. What that also means is that they'll be forced to model more cars (and tracks) than intended for the reason that there will be more newer things that we can look forward to, which in turn will push off GT's release date even more. Whether you agree or not, releasing a game that has content that's already been revealed and playable isn't as appealing as you think. Otherwise, why would we demand DLCs so much?

There is no reason to think that GT6 is a must for the PS4. It can, but it doesn't have to.
Why you thinking that we won't get GT6 until PS4 out?? I think that game will be on PS3. Kaz already say that that develop of GT6 started when they finished GT5, and that more than a year from now. PD also have good base(GT5) so they have to focus on content and not to make new engine... For PS4 PD will need full year to make new graphic engine maybe even more...
I actually think we will have a "mini" GT title, sounds stupid but just listen.

What If Kaz Released a GT game which was more like concept a few years back, all 2012/2013 models in a small-scale GT Life mode? After all, I doubt we can have over a thousand premiums on a PS3 title, doing this would keep us busy while he does work on GT6 on the PS4.

Just an idea.

Nah, you might as well have GT5 Spec 3.0

why not have a spec 3.0 whilst we are waiting for GT6 whether its on PS3 or PS4
If they just get GT4 with better graphics/AI/physics then problem solved. ;)
I don't see why GT6 would be a massive step up from GT5. The premium cars don't need updated anyway. :)
GT6 will probably come out on a PS4, but this no PS4 in 2015/16 aint going to fly.

If Microsoft comes out with a new XBox, Sony has no choice BUT to release a new console. They can still sell the PS3 just like they were doing with the PS2. But to NOT come out with a PS4 while the competition, MS and Nintendo, are coming out with new consoles is bad business strategy. They could stand to loose a lot of consumer loyalty (in gaming that is). Graphically speaking, the PS3 AND 360 are ALREADY behind the times. And Sony wants to wait 10, TEN, years???? From a technological standpoint, that's REALLY bad. Think about what we had 10 years ago compared to now (computers, cell phones, wifi, tablets*non-existent*, improvements in video graphics, etc.).
Uh, they mean 10 years from release; so by 2016. But that's the end of life for the PS3, not the start of life for the PS4.
It's not like Sony will wake up one day and realise MS has released a new console; then what, they'll call in and demand a new console "now"! Or something? This stuff is all planned way in advance. It'll come when it comes; even if it's a year after the nextBox and WiiWho?

Plus, I'm pretty sure we had all of those things ten years ago.
No chance of GT6 on PS3, could you imagine how long that would take to install? Kaz said even GT5 suited for a next gen console, I hardly think there is much more they can do with this system. If you think otherwise then you have no idea what you're talking about.
Since GT1 and 2 were on PS and GT 3 and 4 were on PS2, maybe they will stick to this formula resulting in GT5 and 6 on PS3. GT5 still has a long life ahead of it and some really promising DLC plus updates coming but I think GT6 will come sooner than 2015, and I'm sure Sony doesn't want to arrive to the next gen party too late if GT6 is going to be a potential launch title for PS4.

Well PD already must have some sort of Information about the PS4 Regardless of If the PS4 will be Announced at E3 this Year.

So Even If GT6 will be Released on the PS3 (I actually Doubt it)PD will be working on the Next Gen GT Game as soon as Possible .

Granturismo Simply doesn't have that Number One Racing Game Spot any more .PC Racing Games are Miles ahead and with PC Gaming getting More Popular .More and More People will switch 2012 is a Huge Game For Racing Sims and If the 720 X Box Will be given another One Year HeadStart over the PS4 (So Forza 5 will also be given a Head Start).So Maybe just Maybe PD will be forced to Spend a long time developing a next Gen New GT game.
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