I heard something interesting on the radio today from a national tech junkie (Kim Komando) who was at CES. She said that for the first time, "all three gaming console companies will be announcing their next generation console at [this year's] E3."
Either she is FoS or this summer will ring in a level playing field for the next generation of consoles.
Yeah, I know what Kaz H said. RIGHT NOW they are focusing on the PSV not being an uber failure. We'll see what happens at E3. Why the frack don't they just tell the damned truth, "we are working on PlayStation 4, our developers are creating games for it as we speak, we are not announcing anything at this time.". Do they think they are going to surprise us or something??? The only way they could do that is to announce that the PS4 will be in stores the week following E3.
Could be because people will stop buying PS3s, even if the PS4 isn't due out until a couple years from the announcement. People will stop buying games, accessories, maybe even cancelling subscriptions to Playstation Plus. You never know... we'd all like Sony and PD to just BE UP FRONT with us, but there is obviously some tact in their secrecy.
Times are still pretty tough, the PS3 was developed to not only play games but also to stream online service, serve as a blu-ray player, and offer other forms of entertainment. I think with the PS2, it was unreasonable to think that people will fork out $50.00 every time a new game comes out and that's what the PS2 was really built around. PS3 benefits are much more versatile, but this could also tack on more complexities - a lot of which aren't apparent to consumers.
I would also think that DLC could stamp out the use of anymore Prologue games. My first post in this thread stated that they could release GT6 for PS3 in 2013 and then maybe a GT7 Prologue for PS4... but I think DLC in general is much more important than a half baked, glorified demo. As long as they support DLC for the full titles until the next full title, I'll probably never buy another Prologue game. In fact, I think it could be likely we'll GT5 Spec 3 or GT6 Spec 2 before we see another Prologue game.
I can almost guarantee you though, Sony will not release the PS4 without something from all of their exclusives, which was a major mistake they made with the PS3 and I'm most certainly pin-pointing PD. They could very well hold off GT6 and run just run the DLC game for GT5 until that time... which for me is great because GT5 will continue to give us our money's worth and GT6 will progress that much further into its develpoment.
We also should consider that anything PD says about Gran Turismo is never concrete, especially when it comes to releases. However, I do believe they've been working on it for the past year at least and that of course they'll need at least another year... that's all I can say that I'm pretty damn sure of.