No More "Dirty Dancing" for School Cheerleaders...

  • Thread starter JohnBM01


21 years!
United States
Houston, Texas, USA
At least here in Texas, cheerleaders are under surveillance. Seemingly, there is a plan to decline scholarship offers to cheerleaders who are too sexy or sexually active. For quite a while, the cheerleader was considered a figure that uplifts the spirit of the team when they are down, not to mention celebrating a victory or a score.

With this issue, that inspired me to come up with this topic. Are cheerleaders too sexy? Are they more like sex objects than ladies who cheer for the team?

Being a football fan, I've seen plenty of college football and NFL football games with cheerleaders cheering for the team. I even remember seeing Southern/Prairie View A&M and the cheerleaders there (on my side, it was Prairie View A&M's cheerleaders). None of them had seductive movements and poses from what I've seen. They aren't harmful, and I don't think they are there to be gawked at by sex-crazed young men. Apparently here in Texas, someone wants legislatures to reduce funding for schools for cheerleaders who are too sexy in dance movements and such. Besides, I don't think it's too bad of an issue. But that's me. How about you?

As my wife can clearly attest, I do enjoy cheerleaders. However there is a severe difference between the cheerleaders in "Basketball" and the cheerleaders in "Friday Night Lights"

What you have in the links above, is a vast grey area. Somewhere between "Basketball" and "FNL" is too sexy. For some it may be that FNL is too sexy, for others Basketball is just right. How do you define it for a high school? or a college? or a Professional Sports team?

Sure you can regulate the uniform and make sure that is abides by a set of standards. Then how do you regulate the routine? Can you gauge the appropriateness of a High School dance?

Should all the routines be reviewed ahead of time? What about a team spirit that puts you in a good mood and you do something thats out of step with the routine, sexy or not?

I think its a very slippery slope when you try to regulate morality.

This is what they Texas Legislature seems to be trying to do.

Der Alta
Can you gauge the appropriateness of a High School dance?

No, but our school tries to. It's fairly obvious who is "grinding" in good spirit, and who has sexual intentions, but dancing is still striclty monitered :rolleyes:
I do not know what the Texas legislature says, and I do not much care, but I do understand the sentiment. I would feel more comfortable if teenage girls do not act blatantly sexual. Granted, amost any dance move can have a sexual overtone to it, but some moves are designed to draw attention to the body of the cheerleader. This contributes to making them seen as sexual objects. And I would be willing to bet that most of the guys watching them are already largely not interested in choreography. I do not have as much concern about college women dancing. College being adults, not smart girls that graduated early.
No, but our school tries to. It's fairly obvious who is "grinding" in good spirit, and who has sexual intentions, but dancing is still striclty monitered :rolleyes:

And do they not see the inherent conflict in grown adults "monitoring" the pelvic actions of teenage couples?
The primary focus was inspired by the school cheerleaders and not so much pro sports cheerleaders. I just wanted to take the question a bit further. Of course, the Texas Legislature passed the bill recently to reduce funding from schools with cheerleaders who perform suggestive dancing routines. Or in more popular terms, no "dirty dancing" routines.

I think the top link with the article talked about the evolution of the cheerleader from the past to today. For you fans of "That 70s Show," you may recall the character Jackie wanting to be a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. With (, it talked about how the Dallas Cowboys replaced high school cheerleaders with voluptuous, sexy cheerleaders. I guess the Texas Legislature thought that some cheerleaders (or maybe almost all) were using sexy gestures and such to the crowd. Since I am an avid college football fan, the 22 football players on the field are all in their uniforms. They have a job to do in those uniforms, not to mention that each player has an assigned role. You have the QB, offensive line, backs and receivers, defensive linemen, linebackers, secondary, special teams, and all that. The cheerleaders are also in uniform ready to play. Their job is to cheer and uplift the spirits of the crowd and the team. I don't really see suggestive dance moves except for maybe in the NFL (but this is school cheerleaders, if you're not paying attention).

I guess where I'm going with this topic is doing a little reverse psychology. If the Texas Legislature thinks that some of today's cheerleaders in school are practicing "dirty dancing," what basically qualifies as being too sexy or too provoking as a cheerleader? How does my home state's legislature come to the conclusion that today's school cheerleaders are too sexy or practicing "dirty dancing?" And I guess one other question would be, "what makes the Texas legislature believe that some cheerleaders are too sexy or provocative while doing cheerleading routines?" Hope that clears things up a bit.
I don't watch (American)Football, so I'm not familiar with the routines the cheerleaders do, but if there are people complaining, I guess it gets out of hand sometimes. I think the schools should use common sense. They should be able to tell where to draw the line. It's not exactly an rocket surgery.

P.S. I've seen dancers for the greatest basketball team called the Blazers :rolleyes: They do "somewhat" sexy dances and are not boring, but they are tasteful. You can achieve good balance. :)
With the "this thread is pointless without pictures" comment, I don't have any pictures to suggest this. Haven't seen any cheerleading acts which suggest sexy or suggestive themes. So how can I say that I have or need pictures to prove this? I don't have pictures to share for almost anything. Hyperlinks I can do, but not pictures. I have no scanner, don't have good quality material, can't do videos... basically, I cannot provide pictures. It's the same reason why I didn't do a thread on this year's Houston Auto Show, for example. It was because someone wanted pictures, and I simply couldn't do it.

Amid all of this and back to the topic at hand, assuming most of you have been to games in school or whereever, have any of you seen any suggestive dance routines from the cheerleaders? I haven't seen much of any suggestive dance routines even in college. Oh and one more question- is this a fair policy to enforce no dirty dancing or is this something that the government should have no intervention in?
I bet this is done to stop fat girls (an ever increasing part of the female American population) from feeling depressed about their flabby love handles and saggy breasts. With laws, rules and guidelines like this in the near future all cheerleaders will look like this (image supplied as requested!):

[edited by moderator], Image removed for the safety of others. Now I have to go poke my eyes out

Would be really dirty to dance with her ^ . haha :dopey:
If I ever see any more pics of my wife on the internet, I swear to god I'm going to beat your ass. Now take it off. Poor taste.
Wow people dont really have anything better to do. They must have been EXTREMELY BORED to come up with that one! Funny how many damn retards there are in this world. I know alot of girls on the Cheerleading teams ( JV and Varisity ) that would be pissed off about this.
That was aimed at the people who created this stupid 🤬 plan and not to any of you GTP members incase you get confused. :)
Since renaming this topic, just about the best point all thread long was mentioned was by DerAlta. It can be pretty tough regulating what some consider as "dirty dancing." A high kick or shaking of the pom poms is to juice up the crowd and the team playing. I don't have real pictures of suggestive dancing, but something like this picture...

dvd_131094.jpg perhaps what the Texas Legislature considers as sexy dancing, especially the lady in green. But how can you be sure that cheerleaders are energizing the crowd and not sending the wrong signals (sexy, appealing signals, that is) to some of the male audience members of a game? Many of the websites I looked up for references of sexy cheerleading usually point to movies like "Bring it On" (that's funny. To mention an avoidable or preventable situation, mention a movie). How can we be sure? When has cheerleading became too sexy? Is this bill a good idea? Is this bill a load of horse crap?
some cheerleaders are pretty....well, blantantly unattractive. some cheerleaders raise a little something more than dudes' spirits....heh.

cheerleaders here aren't that sexy or fact...i don't think cheerleaders are the dog's bollocks anymore as far as looks and stuff are concerned. i think some girls are too self-absorbed or lazy or "busy" or something to go out for the squad.

i don't like cheerleaders anyway....i don't really find a point in them for team morale. they are good for half time shows and all that, but one shirtless obese guy with bodypaint and a big mouth full of obscenities makes up for what 5 cheerleaders are worth in team spirit.
Cheerleaders are eye candy. The team they cheer for doesn't pay attention to them at all. I know because when I played football we didn't get more pumped up just because we had some pretty girls jumping up and down. It doesn't do much for the fans either. I've been on both ends of the cheerleading thing.

They are eye candy and weekend fun to me. :)
Recently, the plan to cut funding for schools for "dirty dancing" cheerleading routines in schools has been dropped, leaving parents to supervise proper cheerleading routines during games.

If you ask me, I think this is actually good. For suggestive routines, it's the fault of the cheerleader. It isn't like the Pistons/Pacers brawl in which everyone completely suffers, instead, I think it should be against the cheerleader and her parents. The cheerleader would be at fault for the suggestive routines, and then the parents would be at fault for not showing their daughter what is acceptable and not acceptable when cheerleading. But you don't make the school suffer, I think. What if one school's cheerleaders are all performing their routines, but all of a sudden, one does something different? Who do you blame? That one cheerleader, or the whole school? Now, if the cheerleader did something purely unacceptable and unsportsmanlike, like Joe Horn did against the New York Giants a few years ago, THEN you do everything in the book to punish the cheerleader(s) in question. Take away scholarships. Suspend or expell the cheerleader. I don't think cutting funding should be administered because of a rebellious cheerleader.
How boring must American football (as opposed to real football, which is played everywhere else in the world) be if you need dancing girls to entertain the crowd?

Half time is for tea/coffee and pies, nuff said.