No More "Dirty Dancing" for School Cheerleaders...

  • Thread starter JohnBM01
haha, im not really a sunday sports guy.....but cheerleaders are fine with me. anyways, i don't think it can really be said "this dance is too dirty" because we all have different morals. If anyone was to be put in charge, i would say it should be the cheerleaders because they are the ones doing the dancing.
It's not exactly an rocket surgery.
:) i remember that comercial.
Come on guys, incredibly hot, sexy cheerleaders is one very important image the USA projects to the world. If you stop the dirty dancing by the teen girls, your international image will drop considerably! As far as underage sexual endevours, cheerleading is one of the only legal outlets left worldwide. I say, nurture it. No other country in the world does the cheerleading thing like America. I say: You GO GiRL!
Conversely, all ugly girls shouldn't be allowed to join the squad. Ever.

Sure, its possibly a little full on for the young girls, and a bit too dodgy, but it IS America's best cultural export LOL!

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