Noob question about tires

  • Thread starter smally
I'm new to the game and was buying my first racing tires when I saw that the more expensive tires are supposed to have more traction but shorter life. While the cheaper ones are the opposite. So is there tire wear in this game? I haven't been able to find a screen that will tell me the condition of my tires. Can someone help me out w/ that? Also if there is in fact tire wear, do all the tires wear or just the racing slicks?
You will get into tire wear races in the amature series and later all the pro series
The endurance races will all have tire wear. There is a graphic in the lower left
side of the screen with four rectangles that start out blue (cold) then warm up
to green then go to yellow, orange and finally red. There is a whole stratagy
involved with the tires that could probably take several pages of info. I used
super softs on my Miata for the beginner series and that worked well. (the
Miata was good enough for all the races it was allowed in.) There are ways to
quickly get unbeatable F-1 cars but that is not what I played the game
for. (I also didn't use the oil change trick to get more HP.) When you get into tire
wear races choose harder tires, your skills will increase to the point where the
cars will still be controllable. On some cars front and rear wear will differ greatly.
You can mix your tires front to rear and even out the wear somewhat. The
cars handling will change slightly but not enough to worry about. The Blue (cold)
tires will be a bit loose, be ready for it. When the tires go red it is a bad thing.
(your car will slow down drasticaly and handleing will tank. It takes about 21 sec
to pit, so plan accordingly. In most races the AI cars do not time pit stops
well, so the advantage is yours. In later races they often do not pit. The
worst part is they dont seem to suffer as much from cold tires and worn tires.
The F-1 cars can only use the type of tires they come with. A clear disadvantage. Don't worry to much about that, you will still be able to beat the
AI cars.