I prefer the problems of our society to common poverty, hunger, forced labour camps and strong governmental oppression.
Why do you call it invaded? Any country has a problem, they come screaming to us to help them. Vietnam, Korea, and Iraq. Securing oil Was a good idea to help the country. Saving schools, museums, or other public places, aren't going to save the countries economy.
You don't call launching an armed assault against an unwilling country with the intention of changing the regime an invasion?
In Vietnam and Korea a sovereign nation (South Korea/South Vietnam) was threatened by an invasion by a neighbouring country (North Korea/North Vietnam). There the assistance of the US was based on helping a country to defend their lands and regime against an invasion of a hostile force, while in Iraq the situation was completely stable, with no imminent threat either way (only the Kurdish were oppressed, the common public was faring better than nowadays, it was just as stable as a dictatorship can be).
It was even different from Afghanistan where their government supported terrorists, violated human rights heavily and acted hostile towards not only the West, but Russia and China as well, and the invasion was therefore supported by the UN making it legal in the international sense.
How does securing the oil help the country? The locals never see the money made from it. Iraq's economy was already crashed by the invasion, it just helped to stabilise global economy and keep the global oil prices as low as possible. And calling the cause of the invasion "humanitarian" (as saving the Kurdish from a genocide and liberating the people from the totalitarian government) and "search of WMDs", wouldn't that necessitate saving and securing the civilian targets over the economical ones first? Economy doesn't help to save people if the hospitals are destroyed.
Compare it to an invasion launched against you by China or Russia by the reason "liberating you from capitalist plague and oppression of the poor" (the old Soviet (and their allies') reason for attacking non-communist countries). Then they wouldn't care at all about your civilian infrastructure even though they claimed to "liberate your people", but just take your factories and power plants "because they are necessary to the economy". Whose economy the factories support now, yours or the invaders'?
Similarly, can be asked whose economy the oil supported after the invasion, yours or the Iraqi's?
But I understand Bush, if I were him and invading a country somewhere far from mine, of course I would be after the natural resources and whatever could help my country first, and only second what helps their people.