North Korea threatens with a nuclear strike.

  • Thread starter kikie
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I'm confused why the U.N. personally signing off on something has any standard in this particular situation. North Korea is already in violation of probably dozens of U.N. treaties and charters, so it wouldn't be particularly difficult to justify removing said government from power whether the U.N. agreed to do so or not.

Furthermore, I'd take much more stock on what the countries in the region have to say about the matter than what the idiots in New York want to say about it. Hell, you can paint the U.S. as some kind of John Wayne cowboy types as much as you want, but if North Korea really started escalating things I would put money on it not being America who got rid of the government's leadership.
You'd be OK with a bunch of unelected fartknockers in a UN building deciding to send your countrymen to war?

I won't say I would be Ok,but I guess it is better than have the same decision taken by a one neuron President on his own...:sly:
Japanese shouldn't worry. You guys already have plenty of weapons of maximum awesome destruction.
Awww man, if only the North Koreans were bunch of toddlers. They'd be so impressed, they'd never dream of attacking Japan! :lol:

Props for Yamato, but where is Gundam!? Gundamnit, Omnis!
Again,if it was by the U.N. yes!
If it was an unilateral decision made by the U.S. in a Bush\John Wayne manner no!
I was responding to Supershouden post who seemed to preconize a "Let's nuke the **** of those bastards that seemed quite unreasonable,as History has proved to exhaustion at the cost of many U.S. soldiers(and other Allied forces)...
No way I'm defending this:

I'm just saying just hate him,not the Country or the people who suffer at his dictating Leadership...
And the Idea of:

"Let's just Nuke those Bastards since they're alone and can't handle themselves" doesn't seem very different of his delusional guidance of his own Country.
No offence meant or taken...:) Everyone is untitled to their opinion,and I'm untitled to disagree;)
Well, only I was quoted, twice, I assumed that it was in response to my post. :dunce: And as you can see from my posts, I have nothing but compassion for the civilians living in North Korea. Again, I was totally against Iraq(my posts here from back when should prove that), and I'm generally against the American "Peace Keeping". But this one's sort of close to home. Almost literally. :P

If things get bad enough, I honestly couldn't care what U.N. might think. In Iraq type situation, sure, we all should play nice. If the threat becomes real, unless U.N. guarantees to bring back the dead or something, they should look the other way.
Well, only I was quoted, twice, I assumed that it was in response to my post. :dunce: And as you can see from my posts, I have nothing but compassion for the civilians living in North Korea. Again, I was totally against Iraq(my posts here from back when should prove that), and I'm generally against the American "Peace Keeping". But this one's sort of close to home. Almost literally. :P

If things get bad enough, I honestly couldn't care what U.N. might think. In Iraq type situation, sure, we all should play nice. If the threat becomes real, unless U.N. guarantees to bring back the dead or something, they should look the other way.

You're yes it was meant also to You:P:D
Or better to the Idea You've expressed...
I really don't think that Japan needs(or wants,I wouldn't if I were Japanese) any help from U.S.A to keep things under control...and if this would,which I sincerely doubt,escalate then U.N.-LIKE IT OR NOT IT'S THE FORUM FOR international POLICY should implement whatever measures where deemed necessary...
You're yes it was meant also to You:P:D
Or better to the Idea You've expressed...
I really don't think that Japan needs(or wants,I wouldn't if I were Japanese) any help from U.S.A to keep things under control...and if this would,which I sincerely doubt,escalate then U.N.-LIKE IT OR NOT IT'S THE FORUM FOR international POLICY should implement whatever measures where deemed necessary...
You are entitled to your opinion. I've followed this for long time. It is a issue of big interest to me. UN has its uses, "forum" is very valuable.

North Korea situation has steadily turned worse under UN's watch. North Korea simply does not respect UN. I've already stated my opinion on the matter, and I think even you'd agree that UN will not lift a finger until things are completely out of control.
Awww man, if only the North Koreans were bunch of toddlers. They'd be so impressed, they'd never dream of attacking Japan! :lol:

Props for Yamato, but where is Gundam!? Gundamnit, Omnis!

Gundam is the special reserve force. Did you think I'd leave out Gundam without a good reason?
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It's not a holy war, it's a culture war. Probably doesn't translate very well.

Althought, since Kim Il Jong considers himself a god-king, then perhaps it's holy to him.
Bad translation or not, it says 'holy war'. If the translation lies, then I'm lying as well.

I also concidered it to be a poor translation because a holy war doesn't seem right when it comes to North Korea. I wrote it down because it was mentioned in the video clip, that's all. It's not my personal opinion.

North Koreans, by and large, do not worship an Abrahamic god, so no, I do not think any "holy war" would ever come from them.

They could fight a war in the name of Kim Il-sungism.
I wonder how many times the Soviets threatened us with strikes during the cold war...

Perhaps it's fitting that N. Korea's description in "Katamari Damacy" is "This country doesn't play well with others."
The question is where would NK aim a Nuclear weapon. Their missile systems are flawed, a plane wouldn't stand a chance leaving their airspace.

Let them try it.

It would be their worst and final mistake.
How? I don't imagine America, let alone an American President, would support using Nuclear weapons on effectively a third world country run by a dictator.

And America's invasions haven't gone so well in recent experience, and lets not mention jungles.
How? I don't imagine America, let alone an American President, would support using Nuclear weapons on effectively a third world country run by a dictator

We don't exactly know its status....
We don't exactly know its status....

When millions of a country's citizens are starving, I'm probably sure that qualifies a country as a 3rd world (or as everyone prefers to say nowadays, developing world) country.
We don't exactly know its status....
Sounds delightful.
Daily Telegraph Travel
I have special, rare dispensation as a travel writer because Nick Bonner, the founder of Koryo Tours, believes that the more the world engages with North Korea, the more North Korea will engage with the world. And because I've agreed in advance that I shan't write about North Korea's human rights record or in any way insult the Dear Leader. It's strongly impressed on all of us before we leave that if we misbehave, it's not us but our guides who'll bear the brunt of any "repercussions".
And America's invasions haven't gone so well in recent experience, and lets not mention jungles.
Recent American invasions have gone quite well actually, for whatever that is worth. It is American occupations that fall apart, though I'd see absolutely no reason why we would ever do that for North Korea.
Recent American invasions have gone quite well actually, for whatever that is worth. It is American occupations that fall apart, though I'd see absolutely no reason why we would ever do that for North Korea.
Picky, but a fair point.
I wonder how many times the Soviets threatened us with strikes during the cold war...
Former Soviet & North Korea are two completely different animals though. Neither like(d) to play nice, but I think the similarity pretty much end there.
And America's invasions haven't gone so well in recent experience, and lets not mention jungles.
Toronado already touched on it, but as I posted earlier, they are very good at "invasion". It's the politically correct occupation they have problems with. And I don't believe for second that North Korean troops & civilians would support their leadership for long, should they be invaded by Western forces. I expect white flags & insubordination, almost immediately. North Koreans are starving, defecting, oppressed, etc. I think they would jump at the opportunity to unite with their friends & relatives down south.
We don't exactly know its status....
North Korea depends heavily on foreign aid. Sanctions have them nearly on life support, but that never stops them from investing heavily on military.
Toronado already touched on it, but as I posted earlier, they are very good at "invasion". It's the politically correct occupation they have problems with. And I don't believe for second that North Korean troops & civilians would support their leadership for long, should they be invaded by Western forces. I expect white flags & insubordination, almost immediately. North Koreans are starving, defecting, oppressed, etc. I think they would jump at the opportunity to unite with their friends & relatives down south.
I'm completely accepting of the clarification between invasion and occupation.

However, your second point. Wow. Have you learnt nothing from 2 occupations?

The Taliban were a massively oppressive regime, Saddam was no better. Neither had much of a standing army to command, let alone overthrow them. And yet there are forces remaining in bother countries are terribly effective at crippling the Allied forces.

Yet North Korea reportedly has a standing army of a million men. More than enough for a military coup if feelings are so strongly against the regime. But it hasn't happened, so what on earth would give you the impression they're going to play along with an occupational force from the west!?
If North Korea were to launch a nuke, there would be nowhere they could run. No-one would support them, and a military response would be inevitable. They would not be able to hold off anyone who came for them.

They can't be that stupid. Can they?
If North Korea were to launch a nuke, there would be nowhere they could run. No-one would support them, and a military response would be inevitable. They would not be able to hold off anyone who came for them.

They can't be that stupid. Can they?
Yes they can. don't underestimate the sick mind of a dictator.
We're talking about a country run by a man who has every single grain of rice he eats inspected for colour, shape and size prior to his meal, compared to most of the population who are starving. How developed can it be?
They can't be that stupid. Can they?

All humans by nature are damaged goods. You can count on them to make dubious decisions at every possible point.

Europeans, generally accounted fairly smart, sent whole armies over the top of their trenches directly into withering machine gun fire in WWI. After 16 million men died and the front lines hardly moved an inch, the insanity of their ways only slowly dawned on them.

The population of North Korea is about 24 million. You can rest assured they are highly nationalist like the rest of the world, and would resist attack. They are well dug in and are equipped with excellent artillery and short/medium range missiles. If they have supersonic wave-hugging cruise missiles and undetectable submarines with miracle bubble torpedoes like maybe sunk the Cheonan, then they could sink an American carrier with a complement of 5000 and 80 jet aircraft aboard. The deaths of all 24 million North Koreans would not make up for such a stupid loss.

The North Koreans have very little love for Americans. The roots of the Korean War go back to WWII. Japan attacked Korea and occupied it. After the end of the WWII, rather than return Korea to the Koreans, the US simply assumed the positions of the occupying Japanese forces. There the matter still rests.
If North Korea were to launch a nuke, there would be nowhere they could run. No-one would support them, and a military response would be inevitable. They would not be able to hold off anyone who came for them.

They can't be that stupid. Can they?

Its not about being stupid, its about being pushed into a corner. People can do rather drastic things when pushed to the edge. North Korea is most certainly being pushed to the edge.
And America's invasions haven't gone so well in recent experience, and lets not mention jungles.

I don't see an invasion of North Korea. I see a crippling bombing campaign during which we decimate the NK military overnight. We could do it with bombers flown from right here in the states. We've already bought them, we've already bought the bombs, and we're already paying for the pilots. I don't think it would cost us one dime - and probably not one human life. Not a single US soldier needs to set foot on North Korean soil. In short, North Korea is so insignificant a threat that the US wouldn't even notice crippling their military.

North Korea knows this, and that is why they have been so desperately developing nuclear weapons. They know that the only chance in hell that they have is to hold someone (south korea, japan) hostage with the threat of nuclear destruction. It's unclear whether they have the rocket technology to hit Japan. Maybe, but it certainly hasn't been proven. It's also unclear whether we have the rocket technology to intercept a strike from them on japan - maybe, but it certainly hasn't been proven. They have had some successful tests with rocketry at the Japan range, and we have had some successful tests shooting down rockets from boats parked off shore. In addition, it's unclear just how nuclearly capable they are. They've detonated some tests (which we've monitored), but to my knowledge, they haven't had a really big bang.

We're basically waiting for NK to collapse under their own weight (Soviet Union anyone?). It may happen, or they might try a nuclear strike first. If they try a nuclear strike one of two things will happen.

A) They hit Japan/SK and kill millions. Our response would be swift, non-nuclear, and devastating to their military. The South Korean military would move in and occupy the north, uniting Korea.

B) We intercept the the attack and Japan/SK is safe. Our response would be swift, non-nuclear, and devastating to their military. The South Korean military would move in and occupy the north, uniting Korea.

Of course, neither of those things will happen - because they won't try a nuclear strike. They have threatened a nuclear "demonstration" - and that's all they're going to do. They'll brandish their nukes and rockets as best they can to try to scare us away. It won't work - and that's where we'll sit for the time being.

To make sure the record is straight, North Korea has not demonstrated (and you need to demonstrate it to be able to do it) the ability to strike US soil with rocketry. Until they do, I'm not worried about it.
All humans by nature are damaged goods. You can count on them to make dubious decisions at every possible point.

I guess one can only speak for himself not for the whole Humankind...

To make sure the record is straight, North Korea has not demonstrated (and you need to demonstrate it to be able to do it) the ability to strike US soil with rocketry. Until they do, I'm not worried about it.

Sure because only American lives matter...👎
The lives of millions of N.K. citizens innocent victims hostages of a evil Regime are irrelevant,no?:ouch:
Luckily Your new leaders seem to have a different that doesn't feed inane hate towards USA and Western Civilization that lead to events like the one occurred in 11\9...:nervous:
Sure because only American lives matter...👎
It kind of does for the U.S. to consider military action against the country.

I'm curious what your point actually is, because you criticize the U.S. for not caring unless it directly affects them; and then you turn around and complain about the U.S. government (lol Bush sux) intervening in the past.
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