Notes on Maximising A-Spec Points

  • Thread starter Famine
Usefull? You even say that A-Spec points have no value in the game. Anyway, you wouldn't have posted this topic if not for egotistical gain. If you were a true non egoist you would have posted all of this on a new random account and then came in on your original account and then complimented the random account. Sure, this method seems sort of out of the way. But at least you are covered from any mistakes and people like me who hate people who try to explain things like they know all and are scientists and stuff. Anyway, find a portal to heaven or cure some disease and explain that and then I won't have a problem.
I hate people who randomly spam useful threads.

Yes, I agree - but I put it in slightly more euphemistic words :D

Anyway, TW, I'm not sure. mk didn't extract any information from the game itself - just the user garage or race details. Given how points vary depending on your opponents, I doubt there's an "A-spec points multiplier" attached to your car, dependant on the level of tune.

I see. Some day we will figure it out, I guess. Just like the horsepower drop as a function of mileage was, in GT3.

This is another subject for our little research:
it would be interesting to determine how the horsepower vary in GT4. If it is just a plain function of mileage and dirty oil, like it was in GT3, or if other elements affect it - as I read somewhere that it is (apparently) possible to damage the engine if you overrev it for too long.

But this belong into another thread.

The Wizard.
Yes. I took time out of actually playing the game to find out these figures purely because I'm an egotist. Just like I took time out of playing the game to post the Used Car Cycle database - which YOU were asking for - and the Race Database. Not because I'm being helpful, oh no.

This thread is located in the "Look Here Before You Ask" thread, so clearly someone thinks it IS useful.

I have helped to detect and cure colorectal cancer in 200 people. That good enough for you?

And, if you want to discuss religion, there's a thread here for you to do it.

In the meantime, can we let everyone capable of discussing the actual topic at hand do so?
BTW, I never asked for a used car database. There is already one at gamefaqs. Anyway, I think you are to concerned with your ego because you try hard to create lists and facts. Why make something like that? If not for money, shear boredom? Or maybe just respect points or egoistics. I bet you thought before the game came out that you had to be the first to make some sort of guide just so you could call your self some master and all knower of GT4 topics and issues. Anyway, I am done talking to you because there are so many more just like you all over the internet. I guess its ok, because there are many people like you in real life as well. (Bodybuilders, people with Rolls Royce Phantoms, the President, ect.)
Usefull? You even say that A-Spec points have no value in the game. Anyway, you wouldn't have posted this topic if not for egotistical gain. If you were a true non egoist you would have posted all of this on a new random account and then came in on your original account and then complimented the random account. Sure, this method seems sort of out of the way. But at least you are covered from any mistakes and people like me who hate people who try to explain things like they know all and are scientists and stuff. Anyway, find a portal to heaven or cure some disease and explain that and then I won't have a problem.
What is your point? I'd like to know for future reference, because right now I'm confused as hell.
Seriously, what's wrong with making a guideline for somebody else to read/enjoy/extract useful information from?

Don't you go to gamefaqs for the same reason? Or are all those that post guides and faqs in there egocentric people with big cars?

Personally, I found the information that Famine posted so far useful, as now I have a better insight on how/why A-spec points increase/decrease depending on the choices you make concerning the vehicle entered in a race.

I am sure other people have found this information useful as well, and obviously the moderators/administrators did, as the post got stickied.

Why turning this thread into a battlezone about grammar or who has the biggest ego? I don't think this was the original point of the thread.

Respect others, and you will be respected as well 👍

EDIT: The post itself is not stickied, but it was placed into the 'Look Here Before You Ask' thread - my mistake.

The Wizard.
Famine, don't rise to the guy, he's just here to flame the thing, I personally have enjoyed this topic so far and don't want to see it spammed to hell.

re1987 I hope a mod is keeping an eye on you?
No - the more B-SPEC points you have, the quicker your B-spec driver is. Or, the more he races, the better he is at it.

A-spec points have no functional operation in GT4 at all.

RaDZio - How do you manage 300 points when the maximum is 200?

Actually, I think I got 250 points for beating the NSX/NSX (GT) Overpass Mission...

Oh, wait, you have the Japanese version so you probably can't get over 200.

English Git. :sly:
I am not flaming the topic. I am flaming the post creator. BTW, I hope your special avatar and member account makes you feel more special than you really are. The only people who should be wearing there medals on their chest are military people. At least they put them selves on the line all the time.
I am not flaming the topic. I am flaming the post creator. BTW, I hope your special avatar and member account makes you feel more special than you really are. The only people who should be wearing there medals on their chest are military people. At least they put them selves on the line all the time.
You're a little messed up, that's okay though. Just don't make anymore off-topic posts.
Are you drunk or just stoned?
Famine edited his post. He had less instead of more and I pointed that out.

Next time try giving the benefit of the doubt.
I am not flaming the topic. I am flaming the post creator. BTW, I hope your special avatar and member account makes you feel more special than you really are. The only people who should be wearing there medals on their chest are military people. At least they put them selves on the line all the time.
So because Famine creates useful threads and provides a lot of info he's egotistical. Your a moron and what you said before about creating multiple accounts is not only stupid, I mean why shouldn't Famine get the credit for what he's created, but I believe it's also against the AUP.
OK, let's let our little friend here wander off and be bitter all by himself. Don't worry, we've got our eye on him in case he decides to have another little pout.
Le Batistador
Actually, I think I got 250 points for beating the NSX/NSX (GT) Overpass Mission...

Oh, wait, you have the Japanese version so you probably can't get over 200.

English Git. :sly:


(before anyone asks, I know Le Batistador from elsewhere. He's cool :D)

So, anyway. This thread became bizarre quickly. Looks like I'm not the only one to feel the brunt of re1987's rather haphazard wrath though...

Wow, nice trying to draw attention to yourself. Even if it was true, who cares? Try curing cancer next time and then make a thread about it.

I did. In 200 people. Apparently that's not good enough for you though.

And how many days off will out local 18 year old be taking to play GT4:

NONE. Why? Because I don't have a job. And never will have a job for the rest of my life. People who do have jobs should not be playing videogames. (Sorry, I hate boring people with jobs.)

Incase you are wondering I am attending my first Army National Guard training session this summer and I intend to be a career soldier.

"I can't stand people who think they are better than everyone else."

Then again, he wouldn't need to take any days off...

If there are no Ferraris I will not be buying this game!

In that case, what are you doing in this forum?
if i don't win anything for the amount of a spec points i get, then **** it, y do it...
i'm getting like 10 a spec points per race, cuz i like to use my fully tuned s2k, b/c i love driving it so much, so if they don't mean anything, i'll just keep doing this
I'm playing the Japanese version of the game.

Tires DEFINATELY make a difference in A-spec points. (As well they should, since it makes a huge difference in lap times.)

Also, I think all five of opponents are taken into account for A-spec points. I've had a few races with four really weak opponents, one impossible-to-beat opponent, and low A-spec points. So in order for comparisons to be accurate, you will need to have an identical 5-car field.

NOS does not have an effect on A-spec points. I havent done any experimenting to find out if other modifications such as suspension, ride hieght, brakes, etc affect A-spec points.

Some of the manufactuer's races seem to have 200 points no matter what kind of car you are in.
My theory is that the game comes up with some kind of power and traction values for your car. Tires, weight, and suspension mods all seem to have an effect on your A spec points, as well as power. I am thinking the game some how figures out the maximum traction available to your car by considering weight of the vehicle, tire compound, suspension parts installed, center of gravity maybe, etc. Whether you can use all of that traction may be up to your tuning, but it just assigns all of that as a traction value. Same with HP, which is pretty straightforward, although you may not be using your HP effectively due to gearing or inertial mods like flywheels and driveshafts and whatknot. It then either multiplies or divides the two values to get some kind of ratio, or maybe adds them together to come up with some arbitrary speed value of how fast your car potentially is. It then figures out the same thing for the AI cars, not solely on the lead car but some kind of average on the whole AI field, probably weighted. (Or possibly just averaged?). There are really limitless ways the devolpoers could have done this, I'm just throwing out some ideas so maybe someone who is good at math might think in a new direction and figure it out. Maybe the strategy guide will answer some of these questions, but I wouldn't count on a thorough explaination.

Sorry if my spelling's bad...I wish this reply box had spellcheck.:dunce:
Le Batistador
Actually, I think I got 250 points for beating the NSX/NSX (GT) Overpass Mission...

In the NTSC North American version of the game, you do get 250 A-spec points for each of the Driving Missions.
As far as I know, though (at least in the races I have tried so far), you get up to 200 A-spec points for the other races, where you can actually choose and tune the vehicle you enter them with.

Does this apply to the Japanese version of the game as well, or is the maximum available amount of points equal to 200 in any single event?

The Wizard.
👍 To Famine for the work. Its always good having a scientist in the house :).

Keep up the good work.
Uncle Harry
Famine have you looked at factoring the price of the car into the equation?

The thought occurred. :D

I'd have to take two otherwise identical cars, so I'm thinking two of the R34s. Maybe the Special Colour Midnight Purple III and the M-Spec?

I'll get back to you.

Awaji Islander
I'm playing the Japanese version of the game.

Tires DEFINATELY make a difference in A-spec points. (As well they should, since it makes a huge difference in lap times.)

Also, I think all five of opponents are taken into account for A-spec points. I've had a few races with four really weak opponents, one impossible-to-beat opponent, and low A-spec points. So in order for comparisons to be accurate, you will need to have an identical 5-car field.

That's certainly a possibility, although I don't believe it's the case. I'm also toying with the idea that track length/"difficulty" (if that can be quantified) may have an effect.

I'm doing the GTWC in Professional Mode currently. My first three races with the CLK-GTR got me 10 points, running R2/R1 tyres. I switched to R3/R1 tyres for round four and got 9 points, then to R1/R1 for round five and got 30 points. Back to R2/R1 for round six and I got 10 points again. Obviously the field remained the same and the only things to change were the tracks and my tyres...
I think the track may also factor into it some how. I remember getting 9 points for one race in a championship series and the next race I got 12 without changing anything on my car. Thats happened two or three times IIRC.
Japanese version 200 points for a normal race and 250 points for the missions. This is the version I am currently using.

I have done some extensvie experimenting with the Dodge Ram. Using all the body and suspension mods including full weight reduction and a race gearbox I managed 200 points for each Sunday Cup race running about 370 HP. The 4WD series was the same as was the Truck series though I am not sure if I increased the power for that.

On the Easy Special Condition races I had a Supercharger fitted for over 550 HP with 200 points a race (the thing was surprisingly easy to drive even on dirt or ice) unless I was up against the Toyota GT-Four which gave 196 points. I repeated the race the first time that happened to with another car to get the 200.

On Professional I did the Clubman Cup with the Dodge upgraded with a Stage 3 N/A with over 700 HP (400 metres was 11.289 seconds I think). Again 200 points a race. That spec is good for 200 points on the Normal Special Condition races but I have only done one so not sure how easy it will be. On all the races I have done with it so far they have been pretty easy.

So, at 15.3% I have 9874 A-spec points! That, on my second game. I got 14,000 or so on my 100% get all the cars in the arcade as quickly as possible game.
Just to confirm - suspension types (normal, sports, semi-racing, full racing) has no bearing on A-spec points. I tested that one out today... :D
Just to confirm - suspension types (normal, sports, semi-racing, full racing) has no bearing on A-spec points. I tested that one out today... :D
Famine you fu**ing rock...
now can you explain to me how to do the 6 person LAN thing? :scared: and suspension also play into A-Spec while this is correct in spots, it's missing things.

Tires weigh heavily on A-spec points.
EDIT : Famine

My suggestion is to run test 1 to 3 takin' into account one more figure : torque-to-weight ratio (kgm/tonne as it was in GT3). Just upgrade engines and reduce weight mantaining original gear ratios (as I assume you already did).
Maybe this could explain result of test 3 (when Lupo 1.4i, 122PS, 933 kg, 130.8 PWR/weight ratio unexpectedly was the most rewarded one).

Another reason for re-run that test is that the bunch of opponent cars is reduced to 2 models ; since it's not sure whether opponent pack count in term of rewarded A-spec point it's better to concentrate efforts on one single parameter to obtain validation.

I believe this should works because PD crew had to implement A-spec point system on already existing figures (and they had it since GT3 for most of the cars but the new one in GT4).

I'd like to help you, anyway I can but I don't have GT4 yet (that's why - after checking GT3 menu - I posted my suggestions).


PS - Many thanks 4 your efforts ; me and my friends really appreciate your job !