Good job this isn't so I can actually say how I feel about the pack without getting a barrage of "Don't like it, don't buy it"
What a jip, I forked out for the season pass because I thought it'd be a wise move, I was expecting maybe one FM4 rehash in every pack, which I didn't mind so much. But then I found out the car packs were only 6 cars, hmm, okay, acceptable, just.
But a 6 car pack, 3 cars from FM4 and 3 tweaked ones? Rip off, pretty pissed off with both T10 and Playground Games, mainly T10 because I feel this was more down to them, but I could be wrong. Anyway the point is, I've had every Forza game since release, FM3 and 4 I had within 2 or 3 days of release. I bought DLC for both of those games, I went out and bought the LCE FH, forked out more for the season pass only to be given this half-assed car pack? I really do hope the coming packs are better, otherwise I'll have lost a great deal of faith in the Forza series