Novice Returns

  • Thread starter Fangio
Finest fangio,
I observe that thou art a citizen of premium status. It is mine belief that members of such standing have certain privileges not bestowed upon us regular folk, such as the ability to choose a new moniker from time to time. Might I be so bold as to suggest that thou takes the time to browse the member list such that you may discover a less convoluted numerical moniker not already taken. I am sure that your good friend Sir Jordan would be only too pleased to make the necessary alterations thus reducing your own confusion and distress at having to recall such an unweildy alphanumeric suffix.
Respectfully yours

Gosh did I give myself brainache trying to write that!
Greetings Squire Car-less!
First of all allow me to comiserate with you over your brain ache, for I too suffer from the occaisional skull cramp when pressed to use my grey matter! Do not be of worry, these too shall pass.
While I apprecaite the suggestion to inquire of good Sir Jordan, I would not presume upon his kindness, for he hast already been most generous. I am especially grateful for the handicapped parking space he has given me! The numerals while a mild annoyance, also provide a certain distinction! I shall live with them for a time, or until I cnnot recall them anymore!
Again Thanks Be To You Kind Squire
I Remain,
Your Skull Cramped Servant,
I confess that I too had been trying to interpret "fangio12151956" as being a date, namely, 12/15/1956, especially after noting that Fangio was at the peak of his prowess in the year 1956. So that is just a coincidence, then?

(Myself, in that year, was just dimly aware of such things as the Indy 500)
Greetings Kind Bobk,
The numbers that follow my monicker are inded a cosmic coincidence. I confess to not being cognizant enough to realize that JMF was at his zenith in the year of Our Lord 1956. Your keen awarness, is to be commended Good Squire! But I should not expect any the less from a New Englander. Your breeding and bearing are immediately evident, and I doff my cap to you!
I did not realize that my identity would be the cause of such consternation, in this stellar community! My regrets are hereby expressed!
I Remain, However
Your Grey Headed Servant