nsx type r '02 550pp SPA setup needed

  • Thread starter gtgta86
I need a setup for my honda nsx type r '02, which is the premium in the dealer, the track is spa, and the limit is 550pp, my fastest lap at the moment is 2,15,9 but my setup is not very good, it doesnt turn very good, a corner that i can only go 230kmh some others go 260kmh, any help on this setup would be greatly appreciated, i can also give something to you if im happy with the setup, thanks
As quoted below

Every public tune is listed in the link , you just need to test em out .

I cant find any setups for the nsx in there and i was searching 20 mins lol was hoping there would be someone out there who knows about making setups who could help ;)
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I cant find any setups for the nsx in there and i was searching 20 mins


I literally don't know how to make it any easier.

Feel free to check out this setup.. It's tuned on Sports Hard tires but works exceptionally well on Sports Soft tires.. If you're wanting to run it on racing tires, it will still be very fast being that it's an NSX still but with plenty of room for improvement with stiffer springs and stronger damper settings. Try it out, you won't be disappointed.

Seems my samsung galaxy s doesnt want to open the links, when i click a link on the first page it just takes me to the last page, so cant find any setups there, thabks anyway
I literally don't know how to make it any easier.

Look guys, im on my phone so not all links are working, and i dont see how posting a pictures which says a load of tuners will make it any easier lol, u didnt even post a link or anything, how will staring at a picture help me, thanks anyway guys, can somebody just post the setup here? Not just post a load of links that dont help me out, because i need to search 30 mins just to look at a few pages on my phone, and half the links just take me from the 1st post to the last post lol and looking through 40 pages on my phone is like 2 hours
Ok, im not looking for setups anymore because that is not getting me anywhere, is there anyvody out there who kbows what i need ti do to suspension/wheels ect, to get my car to turn sharper, thats all i need to know, at the moment im running 0,7 front camber and 0,9 back camber, anymore and it doesnt seem to turn as sharp, something is not right or other people are cheating, im not blowing my horn lol, but i use a pad and im pretty good at controlling with pad, but when im maxed out and can only go 230-240kmh round a corner without going off the track and the same car with different setup can go 260kmh round the same corner, while using the exact same racing line, so then my cars setup is the thing holding me back, any ideas?
Motor City Hami
Here. Last chance for you to stop looking a fool. Here is the link to 24 tunes for the car you are asking about.


I don't believe that there is a mobile version yet, so you may need to scroll down until you get to H for Honda.

Ok thats more like it thanks, if someone just posted this in the beggining i wouldnt have to stress out and look like an idiot, the guy who just posted a picture of the different tuners in the link u just gave must be a real idiot then lol no offence but doesnt help whatsoever
Maybe you should re read post #2; assuming you can count that high.

Should have guessed you were the guy who posted how the google tuning should look like without the link, then try to make out im an idiot for not managing to use your picture
This is a joke... right?

No Lol, your saying i cant count to 2 yet im asking for setups and you post me a picture with no setups on it with a message saying you cant make it any easier than that, when to be honest you just added to the confusion, was thinking people were seeing different stuff than im seeing in your picture on my phone
None of the tunes on the google link help me, because im looking for a setup to race with, and they are for: wheelie, drift, drag, gymkana, RM, DLC ect, nothing for actual racing
None of the tunes on the google link help me, because im looking for a setup to race with, and they are for: wheelie, drift, drag, gymkana, RM, DLC ect, nothing for actual racing

Of 24 tunes for the car you requested, you cannot find any insight or ideas for improving your tuning for the car? One of the most respected tuning garages on GT Planet, RKM Motorsports has four tunes posted for this specific car.

Just hopeless. People aren't going to spoon feed you here.
Motor City Hami
Of 24 tunes for the car you requested, you cannot find any insight or ideas for improving your tuning for the car? One of the most respected tuning garages on GT Planet, RKM Motorsports has four tunes posted for this specific car.

Just hopeless. People aren't going to spoon feed you here.

Sorry, but driving round spa on over a 2,0 camber and still being fast is impossible, it doesnt even want to turn the corner, im not interested in drag or drift or any of that, just pure racing for the fastest lap, if your telling me rkm is the best racing tuner on gtp and is racing a nsx with 2,7 camber LOL enought said
Sorry, but driving round spa on over a 2,0 camber and still being fast is impossible, it doesnt even want to turn the corner, im not interested in drag or drift or any of that, just pure racing for the fastest lap, if your telling me rkm is the best racing tuner on gtp and is racing a nsx with 2,7 camber LOL enought said

I'm sorry. Wut? That NSX and it's other RKM counterparts are renown for its handling. They have been, along with…just about every setup on competitive tyres ever posted here, running over 2.0 or 2.0 camber for donkeys years with positive effects on the cars grip.

The fact that it can't turn could be, and here comes a revolutionary thought for you, your driving style. I mean…I'm not the greatest driver, by any lengths, and I can still get that NSX to victory in 550PP rooms at Spa without any, any, of the issues you state.

And may I take a guess…the corner where the NSX refuses to turn is Eu Rouge? If so…slow the bloody hell down, the car doesn't have front downforce to give it the grip for that bit at full throttle, and the best you could do is just lift a bit, let the car readjust and then gun it. Everywhere else though…well, last bit of help. Try this version. If you fail to like this one, then I'm sorry, you're just not normal.
Sorry, but driving round spa on over a 2,0 camber and still being fast is impossible, it doesnt even want to turn the corner, im not interested in drag or drift or any of that, just pure racing for the fastest lap, if your telling me rkm is the best racing tuner on gtp and is racing a nsx with 2,7 camber LOL enought said

I highly doubt you could put down the effort to make a tuning garage on GT-planet like RKM has done , or any other garage for that matter .
Seeing you come accross as beeing even to lazy to look and test a tune for you'reself .

There is a search button , there are numerous of garages out there with NSX tunes , trough Gran Turismo 5 Tuning Database you get links towards 24 different tunes .

If you cannot find anything that you consider good enough , to bad for you

oh yeah what onboy said is +1

edited a typo
No Lol, your saying i cant count to 2 yet im asking for setups and you post me a picture with no setups on it with a message saying you cant make it any easier than that, when to be honest you just added to the confusion, was thinking people were seeing different stuff than im seeing in your picture on my phone
Why not simply following his advice and rereading post #2?
Seriously, it shouldn't be a problem to find the second post of this thread.
When you found it, then click on that link. There's only one link, you can't miss it. A new website will apear and you should really take the time to check it out.

Hint: Scroll down!!!!!!

Ok? If not, then you're just a troll.......

EDIT: Onboy 👍
I'm sorry. Wut? That NSX and it's other RKM counterparts are renown for its handling. They have been, along with…just about every setup on competitive tyres ever posted here, running over 2.0 or 2.0 camber for donkeys years with positive effects on the cars grip.

The fact that it can't turn could be, and here comes a revolutionary thought for you, your driving style. I mean…I'm not the greatest driver, by any lengths, and I can still get that NSX to victory in 550PP rooms at Spa without any, any, of the issues you state.

And may I take a guess…the corner where the NSX refuses to turn is Eu Rouge? If so…slow the bloody hell down, the car doesn't have front downforce to give it the grip for that bit at full throttle, and the best you could do is just lift a bit, let the car readjust and then gun it. Everywhere else though…well, last bit of help. Try this version. If you fail to like this one, then I'm sorry, you're just not normal.

No mate, la rouge is fine, just the big sweepy corner where i can only go 220 before touching grass and spinning, and also fast corner before the chicane, others going 260kmh and my car does 230-240, i asked for a setup because mine is crap, but the first setup i tried with 2,7 front camber was absolutely ****, and i also win in the 550pp spa rooms, my fastest 3 laps from starting 12th, was a 6,50, but i have a friend doing 6,45s but he doesnt want to give me the setup, i was up for testing everything, but when i tested the 1st setup i thought, well my setup is 10 times better lol, and its all stock except the ride height and camber, then i started getting p'd off and making myself look like an idiot, and also the la rouge corner is hard, i can only go 220kmh there, i dont know nothing about setting cars up, but what i do know is the setup i tried from a post on the 1st page was not cutting it.
I'm sorry. Wut? That NSX and it's other RKM counterparts are renown for its handling. They have been, along with…just about every setup on competitive tyres ever posted here, running over 2.0 or 2.0 camber for donkeys years with positive effects on the cars grip.

The fact that it can't turn could be, and here comes a revolutionary thought for you, your driving style. I mean…I'm not the greatest driver, by any lengths, and I can still get that NSX to victory in 550PP rooms at Spa without any, any, of the issues you state.

And may I take a guess…the corner where the NSX refuses to turn is Eu Rouge? If so…slow the bloody hell down, the car doesn't have front downforce to give it the grip for that bit at full throttle, and the best you could do is just lift a bit, let the car readjust and then gun it. Everywhere else though…well, last bit of help. Try this version. If you fail to like this one, then I'm sorry, you're just not normal.

Onboy, the reason i am not sure about any of these tunes is that it says: 536pp and im at 550pp, also says manual gearbox and i use auto, and im on a pad lol, pretty much everybody has wheels nowadays which is a big advantage to handling, but i dont have the 100s of euros to buy a wheel