NTSC Championship S1 - Round 3 of 8 - (Finished)

  • Thread starter Earth

What Car Do You Want To Use For The Next Tournament

  • 750pp Chevrolet Corvette C6 Tuned

    Votes: 13 48.1%
  • 750pp Ford GT LM Spec II Test Car

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • 750pp Amuse Honda S2000 Tuned

    Votes: 8 29.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Hey earth,
7 disconnects,I thought we were waiting for the make up races if they got dissconnected?

Some of us out of desperation broke the rules and tried to reconnect immediately only to be denied once the race disconnected on the grid or after a few seconds.

One make up race suzuka was me 1st and Kumabar 2nd

Thanks, this will be added. I couldnt take it anymore and quit. So did Spyhunter I think. I can only take so many disconnects
Hey earth,
I think your doing a great job with what you got to work with.
Maybe only have 2 make up races then reward points like first 2 tourneys? (disconnects=3 points)?

Your avatar scares me.LOL
Hey just a thought, but how about PMing all the racers the times (and day) for the races because it never seems to be as busy as when we are playing a tourney, just something I noticed... :) (what I am trying to say is that I think people see when we are going to be on so they can race with us...)

Hey just a thought, but how about PMing all the racers the times (and day) for the races because it never seems to be as busy as when we are playing a tourney, just something I noticed... :) (what I am trying to say is that I think people see when we are going to be on so they can race with us...)

Yep, noticed that too. Good idea; I'll bring it up in the chat.
earth, i dont think spyhunter thought i would give you that bumb and he didnt look left before switching inside.

True story. I did see you bump him, though, just as I was getting ready to move over. I then looked to see where Earth ended up, but must not have straightened the wheel enough. By the time I saw that I was still headed over, I had bumped him. I thought we were both fine, but must have hit him hard enough to have him come back into me. I think bump drafting is fine, but don't agree with your timing. All good, though. 👍

That last race at Suzuka was shaping up to be a good one. Didn't actually intend to pass you in Casio, but you braked a little earlier and harder then I anticipated, so I dove to the inside to avoid you. Worked out ok, though. :D Then going into the esses I see you go flying past me, wide of the corner. I thought that was weird, as I didn't expect you to blow that corner. Then when you passed me, through the sand, I knew something was up. Next thing I know, disconnected. :(

You are very quick! 👍

Good racing, when we could get it, to everyone! Hope I didn't cause anyone any problems.
I think we should move to PP500. It's near deserted there. And it is just as hard to get a 500 around the track as a 600 or 750...maybe harder. Because the name of the game in 500PP is momentum.
I missed racing you guys tonight, I wish I could have watched. I had a really nice setup for my R8. At least all the disconnects weren't on ME hosting ;-))
AND, the real winner is...
Well in the chat we have been discussing this tournament and there will be big changes, once again for the better.

Some may have to drop out because of the changes but it should improve the racing.

500pp is a good idea as the traffic is light, but the new rule changes will open up everything

After tonight's debacle something had to be done to make sure it doesn't happen again and I think we have the answer
True story. I did see you bump him, though, just as I was getting ready to move over. I then looked to see where Earth ended up, but must not have straightened the wheel enough. By the time I saw that I was still headed over, I had bumped him. I thought we were both fine, but must have hit him hard enough to have him come back into me. I think bump drafting is fine, but don't agree with your timing. All good, though. 👍

That last race at Suzuka was shaping up to be a good one. Didn't actually intend to pass you in Casio, but you braked a little earlier and harder then I anticipated, so I dove to the inside to avoid you. Worked out ok, though. :D Then going into the esses I see you go flying past me, wide of the corner. I thought that was weird, as I didn't expect you to blow that corner. Then when you passed me, through the sand, I knew something was up. Next thing I know, disconnected. :(

You are very quick! 👍

Good racing, when we could get it, to everyone! Hope I didn't cause anyone any problems.

the reason why i braked late was cause i thought you were on my inside and were going to try and pass so i just left open the inside line for you and took the outside line. most people once they are a little on the inside just take that line without regard for the outside driver so i just didnt want to get hit while turning into the apex like has happened in the past. good racing bro. i should of had you on HSR though :sly:
The Vett @ Suzuka 2'04 range.. NO MATTER how I tuned, for speed, or grip or in between..2'04 range. Tell me I am fast or slow?
The Vett @ Suzuka 2'04 range.. NO MATTER how I tuned, for speed, or grip or in between..2'04 range. Tell me I am fast or slow?

After about an hour of tunes, I'm getting about the same times, but consistently get between a 2:04.50 and 2:05.00 (If I don't spin).

My fastest lap yet is a 2:03.5xx. I think I can shave this down to a 2:02 or maybe, even a 2:01.50 and keep it consistent if I can just keep the throttle controlled a little better.

Side note: These times would be way better with a wheel, or if I could use the analog sticks on the Sixaxis... those dang buttons have horrible sensitivity.
With the S2K I can hit 2:01s consistently with the wheel and in free run mode.

On another matter, can all of you who were at the races today post a quick run down of your tune.

For all of the tracks I ran min weight and as much HP as 595PP would allow. When you reduced max HP output the torque seems to level out and increase a bit in the bottom end, so it wasn't much of a trade off IMO.

For my suspension this is what I ran.

Height: -20F -10R
Springs: 6F 10R
Damp: 6F 10R
Toe: 0.10 of toe out at the rear
Cam: 5.0F 5.0R
Brake: 3F 1R
Tuned the gear box so that I would only use 3rd, 4th, and 5th gear only.

Height: -20F -20R
Springs: 6F 8R
Damp: 6F 8R
Toe: 0.25 of toe out at the rear
Cam: 3.0F 2.0R
Brake: 7F 1R
Tuned the gear box so that I would only use 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th gear only.

Same as Fuji except that I added 0.15 of toe-in at the front, and I tuned the gearbox so that I would only use 3rd, 4th, and 5th gear only. Sounds weird but shifting less seemed to save a quite a few tenths. I didn't even use 2nd for the hairpin, took in 3rd. Also starting in 2nd gear and just mashing the throttle in seemed to help get the jump on almost every standing start.

Good times, loved racing with all of you. And thanks Earth for setting this up. 👍👍👍
i should of had you on HSR though :sly:

Yeah, I saw you late. No way I was going to be able to not drift out there at that point. Hard to make a pass on the outside of a corner, though. You definitly had a good run coming out of that corner.

It really sucked that Suzuka was such a mess. That is my best track, and the only one I really practiced on.

What are these changes?
What are these changes?

Too many to list here and I'm still working on ironing out the details

The tournament may be delayed a week I have so much work to do.

I won't run it again until I solve the problems that have been encountered so far, and it's not easy dealing with the online mode the way it is
Too many to list here and I'm still working on ironing out the details

The tournament may be delayed a week I have so much work to do.

I won't run it again until I solve the problems that have been encountered so far, and it's not easy dealing with the online mode the way it is

No problem. Wouldn't have time to run next week anyway.
Well what can I say... I'm in a video mood today.

To be honest I had no wish after the set of races Group B had to upload the videos but I saw them today again and I remembered what a great time I had. (before the Suzuka incident) of course.

So, here they are!
HSR We had to deal with a non GTP member and you can see the trouble he caused. By the way, nice to have served as wall cushioning guys :lol:

Suzuka Well what can we say about Suzuka that day... I just uploaded this for kicks: See how I gain the lead, take the s bends in a blistering speed hehe, here comes degner... well watch it and laugh until the end. Angelx had a similar race, but crueler. :crazy:

Fuji I remember this with joy. The non GTP members simply couldn't keep up, in the end of the race: all of we could watch of them was: running...

Suzuka Make up race #? I don't know how many times we tried to have this race until only 2 of group B finally had it, I should've won that one but the dirty tactics of that (you guessed it) Subaru on Casio in the last lap took me out. Why if he took the inside line would have moved to the outside one right after the turn. Scandinavian flick?