It is not 'starting'.
And to daan.
If it was passed as clean, then it was.
But here is my point.
This is the second video in the 'same location' of Holl01 that he has come 'this close' from hitting that wall.
I know it is not intentional, that is obvious. I'm just saying in the future he might want to 'alter' his line a bit so that spot is 'never close'.
He came close in the Minolta one as well (although, not as close as this one was.)
Because here is a scenario.
Say sometime down the line there is a Nurby lap for the WRS and I'm running in it (or take someone else for example if not me) and Holl01 ends up winning by .1 or less.
If he is that close to the wall again, and my lap (or someone else's) has no close spots, then if it looks 'that close' again, then the person who ends up second might feel cheated for the fact he/she had no close spots whatsoever. That is what I am saying.
What if the person who ended up second kept 4 on the track at all times and there was a time that had this obvious 'questionable' spot.
All I'm saying is maybe he should just alter the line he takes a bit, and not leave it close.
Yes, the rules state 2 wheels on the track at all times, and no wall touches. However - this time albeit was classed as 'clean' - it does have this spot that is pretty darn hairy.
In the future I would like to see Nurby times from Holl01 'not' leave that wall to chance and alter his line a bit. So I would have no question in my mind whether it was clean or not.
And I think that the 'fast racers' out there, including myself, should try and stick to a higher standard than 'close' calls, because we can do the laps again.
I know for me when I'm running, it's a difference of .5 to .7 a lap on longer tracks for my 'normal' and 'peak laps'. Which means I can do it again pretty easily. (Shorter ones the gap is smaller generally)
What I am saying is that if others are like me in that means in which they could 'touch up' a spot, they should do that and not use a 'fast time' that has a questionable spot.
Albeit the time is 'clean' by the rules, I think as 'racers' we should not leave 'close' to chance.
That's my 2 cents.
In my opinion, I think the rules should be changed to 2 wheels on track at all times for races, and 4 (atleast 3) wheels on track at all times for a lap time.
And I also think that this would lead to more 'fun' in the online scene, because 'pushing too hard' is generally what leads to this close calls, and sometimes people say 'I think this is clean' and then submit it with a question in their mind.
I think a good rule of thumb is: If there's something 'questionable', run it again.
But that's just my opinion.
And I'll say this for another reason.
'Some' of the WRs from GT3 (and close times to the record) required using 'rumbles' and cutting things 'close' in some occasions.
I could do 1'17s all day without the rumbles at GVS easy. To get a 1'15.474 that I have, I had to resort to 'aggressive driving' that you would not do in a real lap. And the result was 2 seconds faster.
Quite frankly I did not 'like' having to resort to this, because I did not feel it was a 'good thing' to do. Yes, it's legal, but still - I wish we could have more 'strict' rules for an official 'competition'.
Once again, that's just what I think. I do not know other people's opinions.
And I would also like to add on a different topic:
I would like to see 'races' of like 10-15 lappers be run more often when I start racing because of the fact I stated above.
Because it would actually give someone a reason to do a bit of 'hotlapping' beforehand, in order to be 'ready' for the race.
Maybe a round of practice (the hotlap) and the race itself for the second part of the competition. (I think that would be a great idea)
But, this is holl01's thread, and I will not 'hijack' it with my thoughts. I will carry them elsewhere.