WRS Team Championship Series Interest Thread

  • Thread starter Jump_Ace
I'm pretty sure Jerome means for all captains to make sure all their team drivers have done the default 3 events in the WRS and been placed in a division before the start of this comp to gauge their handicaps? I'm sure he'll let us know for sure anyway đź‘Ť

This. Sorry for the confusion fellas.

Just a reminder to have the captains do a roll call to make sure their drivers all have the 3 submitted entries completed with the Week 14 time trial. That way everyone will get a handicap and be placed in a division.

I thought we were going via the official registry as of the 4th at 23:59? So drivers had to complete their third event during week 12, as the week 13 results do not go official until the 5th of March at 23:59. Essentially, drivers needed to already be ranked by now to appear on the registry as it won't update in time.
Regardless, confirming my team is ranked already as per the registry:

[D1G] StigsTC / StigsTC / Australia (0.762)
[D1G] Mysteron71 / Mr P / UK (1.199)
[D1S] The_Noir_Antares / Antares26 / Philippines (1.558)
[D1B] TheAffliction_13 / Theaffliction / USA (1.678)
[D2S] StormPacer / Storm_SP17 / UK (2.349)
[D3S] ajh_1990 / andrew1990 / UK (3.498)

Edit: Hat tip to Ren for cleverly copying the whole Registry info instead of just the H'cap, so I've followed his lead.
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Jerome, the Prologue DOGs are good to go :cheers:

GTP_PASM / PASM / The Netherlands (1.305)
GTP_RikWrx / Rikson / Holland (2.083)
GTP_billyjoebobx / billyjoebobx / USA (2.305)
GTP_Ren / Ren / South Africa (3.294)
GTP_Eriba / dranddad / England (3.329)
GTP_DGiant2000 / DGiant2000 / PSN (3.802)
Thanks for not sandbagging @StigsTC :P
After GT6 I never thought I'd be unhappy with an event score of 1.142, but since week 1 of GTS I've clocked 0.626, 0.717 and 0.567 which, had they been my first 3 events I could have had a handicap of 0.65 or so!
But seriously, we had never intended nor wanted to sandbag, this event is part of a process of learning and improving for the G.E.A members, so that the team can become stronger and faster heading towards a potential Endurance racing series when one finally starts. We figured it was time to start really getting into something so that when a series starts, we're already in good shape.
Shouldn't have said you like those write ups, you'll only get more of them! And longer ones too! (Actually please no, they are too long already).
r_p_m 's mega handicap results will be worth heaps as he's absolutely flying right now making him a huge asset to his team, so it might be the wrong call from a trying to win standpoint, but our objective for the event is slightly different as stated above. Having strong internal targets fosters incredible rivalry and 'get good', which is our end target.
After GT6 I never thought I'd be unhappy with an event score of 1.142, but since week 1 of GTS I've clocked 0.626, 0.717 and 0.567 which, had they been my first 3 events I could have had a handicap of 0.65 or so!
But seriously, we had never intended nor wanted to sandbag, this event is part of a process of learning and improving for the G.E.A members, so that the team can become stronger and faster heading towards a potential Endurance racing series when one finally starts. We figured it was time to start really getting into something so that when a series starts, we're already in good shape.
Shouldn't have said you like those write ups, you'll only get more of them! And longer ones too! (Actually please no, they are too long already).
r_p_m 's mega handicap results will be worth heaps as he's absolutely flying right now making him a huge asset to his team, so it might be the wrong call from a trying to win standpoint, but our objective for the event is slightly different as stated above. Having strong internal targets fosters incredible rivalry and 'get good', which is our end target.

I'm very fresh to online racing. Previous to buying GT sport, a G29 and a PS4 a couple of months ago, I would get out my ironing board, mount a DFGT wheel with a squash ball under the brake pedal, and have a blast on GT5 in a Pagani every 3 months or so. I'd say I've done more time on GT sport in the last 2 months than any gaming in total for the last 10 years... including fifa!

I ran the week 1 WRS event offline just to see how I stacked up when I got the game. By the time this team championship thread came out, I'd joined up to GTP, but didn't envisage I'd be able to commit to a team by doing them every week.

Now, I'm hooked! And seem to be improving (I just ran week 9's TT again to see and was 8 tenths quicker in 10 laps). And want to improve more, so things like this are very appealing. Plus this seems like a friendly place so keen to get involved in stuff.

However, I can see why you went with Mr P. When I started looking at WRS, mysteron71 was a consistent name at the top of the timing sheets at first, and he posted youtube videos too... I'd often marvel at his laps and used them to try and improve. I did wonder why this super fast guy had disappeared, I don't know the politics, but good to see his back.
Essentially, drivers needed to already be ranked by now to appear on the registry as it won't update in time.
Week 13 goes final and the registry is updated with results from that week the day the results are posted for this event.

I know for sure that one of our team is counting on using that result for placement.

Will need @Jump_Ace to clarify.
Week 13 goes final and the registry is updated with results from that week the day the results are posted for this event.
This is correct. If a member wasn't placed in the registry, they had to run week 13 and have replay checked so it could be made official and placed in the registry before the official start of the march 4th (week 15) TT team competition.
Those updates from week 13 should happen Monday night Which is the official start of the competition
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This is correct. If a member wasn't placed in the registry, they had to run week 13 and have replay checked so it could be made official and placed in the registry before the official start of the march 4th (week 15) TT team competition.
Those updates from week 13 should happen Monday night Which is the official start of the competition
I disagree, and its pretty easy to see why.

  • Here's the event schedule - Series will start March 4th.

    Week 1: Date March 4th 2018

  • All Teams Finalized 11:59pm GMT
Monday is NOT the start of the competition, as that is the 5th.
Week 13 expired on February 26 at 11:59pm. This is the end of Monday.
The results do not go offical for a week, or 7 days. This means they are not official until AFTER Monday, 11:59pm on the 5th, which is when Week 14's results are released.
The Team Time Trial (TTT) started on Sunday, the 4th of March with Week 15 being posted, with teams to be finalised at 11:59pm.

The overlap of 1 day, based on the quirkiness of the way the WRS is run, where events END 8 days after they start, with 2 events running simultaneously for 1 day, in conjunction with Jump_Ace's choice of starting on Sunday night causes this weird offset where Week 12 was the last event one could do in order to be officially ranked in the Registry before the start of the TTT. I saw this problem back in week 11 when I was trying to get Affliction ranked, which forced him to run weeks 10, 11 and 12 to go official in the registry. To his credit, he did a great job in some very challenging cars to obtain a solid and representative rank.

tl;dr - blame the AJ and the GTPES for making me really good at rules and their implications.

Edit: Here is a clarified time table, the last available registry update is bolded.

Monday, 12th of February (00:38) - Week 12 event starts.
Monday, 12th of February (23:59) - Week 11 event ends, Week 10 goes official, Registry updated.
Sunday, 18th of February (18:06) - Week 13 event starts.
Monday, 19th of February (23:59) - Week 12 event ends, Week 11 goes official, Registry updated.
Sunday, 25th of February (16:09) - Week 14 event starts.
Monday, 26th of February (23:59) - Week 13 event ends, Week 12 goes official, Registry updated.
Sunday, 4th of March (03:54) - Week 15 event starts.
Sunday, 4th of March (23:59) - TTT finalises teams and handicaps.
Monday, 5th of March (23:59) - Week 14 event ends, Week 13 goes official, Registry updated.
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I disagree, and its pretty easy to see why.

Monday is NOT the start of the competition, as that is the 5th.
Week 13 expired on February 26 at 11:59pm. This is the end of Monday.
The results do not go offical for a week, or 7 days. This means they are not official until AFTER Monday, 11:59pm on the 5th, which is when Week 14's results are released.
The Team Time Trial (TTT) started on Sunday, the 4th of March with Week 15 being posted, with teams to be finalised at 11:59pm.

The overlap of 1 day, based on the quirkiness of the way the WRS is run, where events END 8 days after they start, with 2 events running simultaneously for 1 day, in conjunction with Jump_Ace's choice of starting on Sunday night causes this weird offset where Week 12 was the last event one could do in order to be officially ranked in the Registry before the start of the TTT. I saw this problem back in week 11 when I was trying to get Affliction ranked, which forced him to run weeks 10, 11 and 12 to go official in the registry. To his credit, he did a great job in some very challenging cars to obtain a solid and representative rank.

tl;dr - blame the AJ and the GTPES for making me really good at rules and their implications.

Edit: Here is a clarified time table, the last available registry update is bolded.

Monday, 12th of February (00:38) - Week 12 event starts.
Monday, 12th of February (23:59) - Week 11 event ends, Week 10 goes official, Registry updated.
Sunday, 18th of February (18:06) - Week 13 event starts.
Monday, 19th of February (23:59) - Week 12 event ends, Week 11 goes official, Registry updated.
Sunday, 25th of February (16:09) - Week 14 event starts.
Monday, 26th of February (23:59) - Week 13 event ends, Week 12 goes official, Registry updated.
Sunday, 4th of March (03:54) - Week 15 event starts.
Sunday, 4th of March (23:59) - TTT finalises teams and handicaps.
Monday, 5th of March (23:59) - Week 14 event ends, Week 13 goes official, Registry updated.
It's not really for you to rule on, and I'm not sure why you think it is.
It's not really for you to rule on, and I'm not sure why you think it is.
I agree, but I'm just putting forward how things stand. I have no opposition to things being changed to allow rookies to get ranked to allow maximum participation, but I want it clear that things HAVE to change from the initial conditions to do so.
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Team Hedgehogs are ready to rock, roll, slip and slide!
@Jump_Ace Just tell me what week I need to supply a time for and when the closing date/time is. Pretend I'm a child in a man's body... Shouldn't be too hard! :dunce:

D2G RuddRacer / RuddRacer / USA (2.185)
D2G turnupdaheat / turnupdaheat / Ireland (2.188)
D2S Espial_ / Espial / Austria (2.351)
D3G Renrag39 / Renrag39 / UK (3.160)
D4G mtbmik50 / mickyevs / UK (4.144)
D4B Maique / Maique / Portugal (4.926)
I agree, but I'm just putting forward how things stand. I have no opposition to things being changed to allow rookies to get ranked to allow maximum participation, but I want it clear that things HAVE to change from the initial conditions to do so.

I want to include week 14 as one last week to have teams get their teams together. I won't be entering any data until March 12/13th-ish, so weeks 14's results will be posted and since we verify replays pretty fast and @Vaxen always makes quick work of the results each week, I wanted to include that week's handicaps in there in case a team or two needed just one more week to finalize their teams.

Does it have any implications for the series this time? I'm not sure, I want to say everyone on the list is in the now registry (EDIT: just saw Kevin's post). Maybe @Argon can double check that for me (about to head out with the family for a bit). But I do see exactly where you are coming from buddy. While we are strict on replay verification, we are also a little heavy on guys having fun and participating every week, so I leaned more toward that in making the cutoff as late as possible. But I think I do need to take your advice and modify that part of the series thread for next time to avoid confusion đź‘Ť

And thanks captains for putting in your teams handicaps for me, killer idea :bowdown:

Hi all,

Im new to GTP and im available for any of youre upcoming events. Just let me know if a teams in need of a noob. Since im new im guessing my handicapp is quite large.

Best regards SolenX86

Hey man! Welcome to the boards! All are welcome here, no matter the handicap :) If you'd like to join our Weekly Race Series, jump right in with this car and track combo, post your sector splits (NOT the final time) HERE. While we can't fit you in a team this go-round, there's always next time đź‘Ť Once you submit 3 weeks worth of clean hotlaps, we'll put you in a division and give you a handicap. If you have questions about our Weekly Race Series, check this link out HERE

I am suffering in the 73 degree weather of Hawaii this week. Didn't see that we had post our teams handicap, if this is needed can one of my teammates do it for me please? Ill be back to submit times.

Perfect timing for a vacation, my home state is getting hit with 8 more inches of snow today after over a foot a couple weekends ago. Winter can end anytime now.
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I am suffering in the 73 degree nnybw weather of Hawaii this week. Didn't see that we had post our teams handicap, if this is needed can one of my teammates do it for me please? Ill be back to submit times.

Perfect timing for a vacation, my home state is getting hit with 8 more inches of snow today after over a foot a couple weekends ago. Winter can end anytime now.

No, you don't have to do it. Someone was just being super nice :D
