Nurburgring Race Series Week 6 (DODGE RAM 1500 HEMI QUAD CAB)

United Kingdom
Hello everyone and welcome to Week 6 of the NRS!


I have had to post the week 6 car choices early due to being away for the weekend, but the same format as usual applies, PM me your choices by sunday 9PM GMT 20.11.05

Well it was said at the start of the series that you guys wanted a truck/suv week, and here it is!! This week is all about a bit of fun, maybe a chance to have a break and take it easier a bit, the trucks are not going to fall in line with our constantly rising power figures, but it should be fun to see just how well they can be hustled round the "Ring"!

There are only four choices this week and i need you to vote for your top TWO, not three as usual, if i missed anything obvious let me know but i think i picked the motors you guys were talking about :)

Onto the trucks!!


Dodge Ram 1500 Hemi Quad cab!


Chevrolet SS Silverado Concept (Can be won in the Beginners/Sport truck race)


Ford F150 Lightning


Land Rover Range Stormer Concept (Can be won in Special conditions/Easy/Catherdral Rocks/Trail 1)

Got some interesting tuning lined up for these beasts so get voting and lets see how things pan out by sunday... 👍

Remember no talking about your voting but feel free to discuss the motors on here. :)

cheers all

This could be controversial. In some versions of the game the Ford Lightning is given a 4WD drivetrain and a FR in others. I think this would make a disparity in submitted times if we were to run this machine.
Trucks 👍 :P good for variety, and I'm big on that.

It'll be interesting to see how this transpires with what Speedy has said above, but votes submitted in the meantime.
"10 - 4 Big Buddy, looks like we got us a CONVOY "

Vote submitted

Lookin forward to a bit o Truckin Action 👍
Now lets see, were did I put the blue wifebeater and the no-doze :sly:

Sorry about not competing recently Dave. You don't mind if I pop in and out, do you?

I may have to run this one, though. Could be interesting. If the Ram is the winner I suggest a sport suspension (or whichever lifts the highest), a straight 4" dual exhaust, 35" tires, and a Dixie horn. Apparently that makes for a fast truck because that is what everyone does around here. :indiff:

Edit: I knew I forgot to say something.

Due to the F-150 being "AWD" for some game versions, could it be replaced with the Tacoma?
Hello all, the results of the Truck voting are here!!​

Well an extremely close week this week with just two points seperating all four motors!!

In joint 3rd with 13 points each - The Landrover Range and the Chevy Silverado..

In 2nd with 14 points - The Ford F150 Lightning

In 1st place with 15 points - The Dodge 1500 Larame Hemi Quad Cab!

(This can be purchased new from the Dodge manufacturers showroom.)

Tuning for this week is finishing off our sports suspension and S1 tyres so have fun and see what you can make of the Dodge and try to keep it on track!!

Specific Tuning parts to be fitted:

RIGIDITY INCREASE (It needs it...)



POWER (In your tuning screen) = 537HP
WEIGHT (In your garage screen) = 2031KGS

Power to weight this week of 264HP/TON

Brick-like aerodynamics come free of charge and there is unlimited funds for everyone to buy a set of ladders to climb up and get in :)

Seriously hope you enjoy this one, bit of fun i think, rules same as ever everyone, no cheating two wheels on track at all times and all rumbles concrete etc is legal.

Submit your best time to me by next monday 9PM GMT 28/11/2005 and no discussing final lap times on here, use anything upto T10 or the usual faves of T2,T4,T7 and T10 👍

This week there is a bonus 5 points up for grabs for the best action photo of the Dodge for those of you that feel like trying photomode out with the winning photo being used in the results thread! PM these to me and dont put them in this thread 👍

Good luck everyone :)


HA! Awesome ... love the photomode idea as well ... hehehe ... I'll have some fun with this tonight! 👍
After about 5 laps:
Is that me or that track became narrow ?;-)
I have noticed one thing (wich you guys could nitice long time ago ;) ) in this car its nice to stop breaking on some turns and let the back of a car turn for you - if you know what i mean...
Finaly some vibrations of DS2 ;)
Ok so after those few laps this is what i have:
T1: 48.207
T2: 1.26.648 (have seen 0,3 better)
T3: 1.57.282
T4: 2.53.083
T5: 3.35.028
T6: 4.05.285
T7: 4.59.645(small error just befor T5 (that right turn) = 0,5s lost :/)
T8: 5.45.886
T9: 6.09.622
T10: 6.56.234

Those t times want be very different from my final lap...

Oh and about setaup lowest ride hight, angle -> 2/2 and ASM +2 (anti oversteer?..)
Just had my first few laps with the Ram, surprisingly impressive for a 2 ton monster!!

T2 1'27.574
T4 2'54.137
T7 4'59.232
T10 6'55.124

My settings : I found this truck needed dropping with slight front bias ie nearly lowest at front few mm higher at back with 5/8 damping and high camber 3/2.7 i think, seems quite chuckable with this!


Oh my ... this thing is quite the battleship! I couldn't get over how *high* i'm sitting!!!

I'm a few seconds off where I want to start posting splits, so I'll leave that for now. Currently running stock, but I'll wait to see what you guys are doing with your setups before I start tinkering with that. Thing understeers a little too much for me ... I tend to prefer them a little looser ... but aside from that's it's quite the ride!
I swear i will submit one of these weex.....


Im having some serious problems irl at the mo, but i intend to get some time in soon, and start showing my face around here more often.

Im surprised chips didnt race last week, but i know he's busy too.....

Dave, im upset the toyota tacoma isnt in here, its a better truck, but i know you are the guy doin the research, and so i trust your judgement..

Im lookin forward to havin a go at this.

Where do we post the photos? In this thread? or directly to you in a pm?

Well done on another enticing combo, believe it or not, i have run every week of this competition so far.....

Thats a good point from Vexd please post any pics to me by PM to keep it a surprise, i have updated the spec with an oil change which i forgot first time round.

Sorry about the Toyota Vexd i must have missed it...... :indiff:


Yeah, shame about that Dave, its a good truck, usually wins everytime in a truck race.

Im off to have a go at this again, and try to get the time in on time.

When is this weex submission Dave, i know we had an extra day cos of the car change last week, does that mean its on Monday nite again?

Maybe i should go read the first post.....

ahhhh, i see.

Monday at 9.

cushty :irked:👍
Just had my first few laps with the Ram, surprisingly impressive for a 2 ton monster!!

The modifications make a big difference. I bought the truck, changed the oil, and took it straight to a Track Meet. The game must base the competition on power/weight ratio because it put me up against a 1963 Skyline and Fiat Panda! LOL.

It was a real beast to get up to speed. Far from exciting.

BTW, it runs out of gas on lap 7!!! :-D

80mi / 20gal = 4mpg

a 6'55 T10 is not a bad time Dave.

I got that on lap one, but it wasnt a bad lap.

Just a couple of things to mention though.

Is anyone getting the tail to vanish from under you with full throttle when you hit the dip just as you are about to go into Adenauer Forst from Fuchsrohre?

I find im tootling along at over a hundred in something designed for "and they walked away" videos and all of a sudden it just goes.....

Im sure it would make a great photo opp, but i cant get the thing back before the twisties...

I have had to lift off to get the truck through that dip, and set it up for Adenauer.

Anyone else?

Maybe i have the truck too low?

Im going to experiment with different setups when i get time to run this week, but for now, i found that T10 of 6'55 set by Dave to be a good benchmark for the faster guys to try and destroy by ten seconds or so.

Im sure they wont.

Oh yeah, and watch the tail come past you as you use the Karussell!! hehe :sly:

Rightio, im off to work.... ahem....

Well done Dave, good time...

EDIT: ive had an idea.... does anyone have a few spare dead deer or yak or something to put in the back of the RAM? give me some stability through that dip?

a 6'55 T10 is not a bad time Dave.

I got that on lap one, but it wasnt a bad lap.

Just a couple of things to mention though.

Is anyone getting the tail to vanish from under you with full throttle when you hit the dip just as you are about to go into Adenauer Forst from Fuchsrohre?

I find im tootling along at over a hundred in something designed for "and they walked away" videos and all of a sudden it just goes.....

Im sure it would make a great photo opp, but i cant get the thing back before the twisties...

I have had to lift off to get the truck through that dip, and set it up for Adenauer.

Anyone else?

Maybe i have the truck too low?

Im going to experiment with different setups when i get time to run this week, but for now, i found that T10 of 6'55 set by Dave to be a good benchmark for the faster guys to try and destroy by ten seconds or so.

Im sure they wont.

Oh yeah, and watch the tail come past you as you use the Karussell!! hehe :sly:

Rightio, im off to work.... ahem....

Well done Dave, good time...

EDIT: ive had an idea.... does anyone have a few spare dead deer or yak or something to put in the back of the RAM? give me some stability through that dip?

Yes i have had the same thing happen vexd.....the view going backwards through the top of Fuchsrohre is quite something....!!
Im not lifting though here just altered my entry line a bit....

Had three laps before work this afternoon and got my T10 down to 6' but dropped it onto the grass in the last chicane trying to beat my ghost which was also a dirty lap....another lap or two should have seen a clean 6'51 for me but alas i didnt have the time :grumpy:

Really quite a fun week, can you imagine for a second what this would be like in real life.....scary thought....!


It seems your trucking brilliant idea to have trucks round the ring has killed off the competition this week.

At least, this thread seems quiet...... (tumbleweed rolls past)

Maybe its my turn to be higher up the leaderboard... oh no wait, ive never submitted yet.

If you're getting 6'51's Dave, then you must have a setup that worx, care to share?

I haven't gone anywhere ... I ran on Monday, set a time, didn't run yesterday, that's all. And it wasn't his edea soley to run trucks, but he caved in after we - the competitors - asked for it.

I'm currently running at 6:57 ... not worth posting, hence no splits from me.
It seems your trucking brilliant idea to have trucks round the ring has killed off the competition this week.

At least, this thread seems quiet...... (tumbleweed rolls past)

Maybe its my turn to be higher up the leaderboard... oh no wait, ive never submitted yet.

If you're getting 6'51's Dave, then you must have a setup that worx, care to share?


My idea!! This idea was thought up by someone else within the NRS and i aksed if the general feeling was this might be a good idea to which people said yes!!

I think a few more folk will post as the week goes on, remember we are only 2 days in!

My set up is as i posted earlier pretty much, lowest ride height at front, few mm higher at rear, dampers at 4/8 and camber i reduced slightly now at 2.8/2.4, seems to work for me as this thing has a lot of mechanical grip it was just a case of getting rid of some understeer......

Hoping for a clean lap when i get in this evening as it may be my last chance to run before the end of the weekend :indiff:


The strangest thing I've found this week is that the braking points for this 2000kg behemoth are as late or later than those for the GT-R. :odd: Sure, the Ram is not going so fast but it's a truck for heaven's sake!

I've also had some interesting moments at Fuchsrohre and Karussell, we need some bags of cement in the tray of this thing or at least - in the great Australian tradition - a cattle dog. ;)

I'll post my splits when I have time to jot them down. 👍
Yes yes yes, we asked for trucks, and we got a beaut. Its a handfull and a half getting
this baby around here, and to this point I have only one clean lap saved from a 🤬 load
of starts, it has some great fish-tailing action, dust everywhere, legs akimbo, yes it is
slow but it's clean thankfully :P .

Vexd, at the dip yes I'm finding the rear end wanting to compete with the front end ,
she just lets go, not a lot of warning at all :ouch: .Just feathering the throtle thru there now
but still feels very very very twitchy. Havn't found "the" setup yet that I feel at least comfy with, so I will keep pluggin away.

Not quick but here are my splits anywho :

T2 - 1.28.395
T4 - 2.56.081
T7 - 5.03.451
T10 - 7.02.910

Now , what was it Mum said about asking for things mmmmm ?

T10: 6'55.864

I've been 1 second faster at T9, but blew it on the right hander before T10 and ended up in an off road excursion this Dodge did not agree with, so I'm sure I can get a little faster.

Currently running with:
190/191 ride height
5/6 Shocks
1/2 Camber

My 'logic' here (as I fumble to try and actually get better at this, was to lower the truck somewhat, but not all the way, because it's a bumpy track and I think it needs a little clearance.

I also wanted to induce a little oversteer, although it's not there yet and I'm thinking about increasing the rear springs a little more. Both have been increased a tad, and I did this to try and ensure that I don't bottom out with all of these jumps and also to minimize the BOINGING effect I noticed in one or two places.

Camber I just through on there, because it seemed like a good set of numbers :P
we need some bags of cement in the tray of this thing or at least - in the great Australian tradition - a cattle dog. ;)

hmm... is ballast weight against the rules?
whats one of those australian blue cattle dogs weigh?
hmm... is ballast weight against the rules?
whats one of those australian blue cattle dogs weigh?

Not enough for this project...

Actually, as an aside, there was a fellow competing in a Holden ute in the Australian Rally Championship who had a special passenger on events. They got a stuffed toy cattle dog and cable-tied him into the tray. His name was Ralph. :dopey:

Currently running with:
190/191 ride height
5/6 Shocks
1/2 Camber

Kolyana, I think if you want to induce a bit of oversteer you need to reverse those camber figures. With more camber on the front you will make the front more "pointy", helping your turn-in.

As an intermediate position, try 1.5 front and rear and see if it feels better.

Also try dropping the front ride height a little to give the "car" a bit of rake. However this may make it too light in the rear.
Had two laps this morning and think i found my submission lap!

Settings of 181/184, dampers at 4/9 and camber at 2.7/2.2 the truck seems to be still biased towards understeer but im finding i can still push on regardless of this, the only thing i found out was keep that back end off the grass as it comes round faster than you think, pleased with these splits though and think its all i will have time for this week now...

T1 47.916
T2 1'25.733
T3 1'56.119
T4 2'50.536
T5 3'31.304
T6 4'01.218
T7 4'54.782
T8 5'40.183
T9 6'03.447
T10 6'48.907


Bloody hell Dave!!

I had a quick lap this morning, and managed a T10 of 6'53.

I thought that was a good time, but youre 5 seconds quicker already.

Well done.

btw, it seems ive offended a few of you with what i said yesterday whilst trying to make conversation, i apologise, i didnt mean to upset.

Ill butt out.

Bloody hell Dave!!

I had a quick lap this morning, and managed a T10 of 6'53.

I thought that was a good time, but youre 5 seconds quicker already.

Well done.

btw, it seems ive offended a few of you with what i said yesterday whilst trying to make conversation, i apologise, i didnt mean to upset.

Ill butt out.


Cheers Vexd, this truck is quicker than you think when you realise how its going to react to your steering inputs, im finding it a lot of fun! Im sure my time will be beat by monday!

