Now, in the GT4 forums, I remembered viewing a video at my community college of Hans Stuck (I believe) racing a BMW M3 GTR around Nürburgring Nordschleife. The thing I immediately realized about the video is that I figured the actual Nürburgring course is actually part of the course. Look at it in GT4, however, and while the F1 course is there, it's all in low detail and of course, blocked out by tire walls and stuff. Being the kind of guy I am, I usually cannot fathom an already-long race course made longer by about two or three miles. I cannot remember where the video or thread was, but there was an strange element to it. The BMW raced in the video sounds like many of the cars used in past ToCA-style games by Codemasters. I do find it a bit strange that PD doesn't pick up the roar of that car and use it with the BMW M3 GTR. Unless there's this weird case of certain game makers having certain distinct engine noises for cars.
But back to the Nürburgring Nordschleife deal, I don't have the download you are bringing up, but sort of already know what to expect when it comes to the next GT if PD has their way. The track really takes skill and (especially) time to master. I don't mean one part of it, another part of it, not even half of the course... I'm talking about skillfully mastering ALL of the course. But for those who know what it takes to master the course and what racing this 10+ mile monster is about, to the victor goes the spoils. I know you can dig that, right?