I have a flickr account but they pissed me off by only allowing me to have 150 photos (I think) which I can use with a free account -.- NO THANKS.
I used to upload all photos to facebook until the beginning of this year, then they wrecked the uploading system and it crashed EVERY time when I uploaded more then 2 pictures...
Sadly I don't have the ability to edit photos properly, I have Photoshop CS2 but thats too complicated if you look at it when you don't have much time (because school and the scrams of my PS3 that wants to be used
). I'd love it when somebody could actually give me some beginner-tips (maybe via IM) how to edid my photos. The abilities in paint.net (where I work with quit a lot) aren't that much I think
EDIT: I really need a 70s Celica, I want to make some pictures but this car never apears at my OCD
Also, any wishes or suggestions for a next set, I ran out of ideas because I think "you had this track already two days ago" and so I get quite a bit demotivated and shut down the console. I need some more tracks, why don't they bring Hong Kong and the other city tracks of GT4? I miss Amalfi so bad, was my favourite track ever