Good, I knew you were smarter than that. You had me worried for a second.
What I find humorous about this is that many of these people protesting are Republicans or at least right-wingers and we had more frivolous spending under Bush. At least Obama's frivolous is for the good of the country while Bush's was in obliterate a distant foreign land. We'll always be in debt as long as the government spends money on crap, I don't care who's in charge.
I agree this is not just about Obama, but your spending figures are wrong. The first bailout alone was already more than the entire cost of the war in Iraq, and almost as much as the entire cost of the War on Terror
(tm) up to that point.. See here: About $660 billion in Iraq, $850 billion on Iraq and Afghanistan. First Bailout ~$700 billion. Second
bailout stimulus (according to the Congressional Budget Office) $787 billion. This does not account for pre-bailout individual bank bailouts and auto industry bailout money.
If you think the War on Terror
(tm) is expensive you should be choking on your beverage at this stuff.
Now, I personally recognize that Bush started this and Obama is continuing it. Where I think Obama has done even worse is to unbalance the tax system even more and begin meddling with private industry after the fact. If he did not think they could run their own companies without intervention he shouldn't have given them money to start with.
That fact that he is renegotiating the terms of the deal, without renegotiating what requirements must be met for them to be able to pay the money back (Goldman and Lehman are upset over this) is not cool at all and does scream socialist intervention.
Sadly, while typing this I thought of this:
Lando: Lord Vader, what about Leia and the Wookie?
Darth Vader: They must never again leave this city.
Lando: [outraged] That was *never* a condition of our agreement, nor was giving Han to this bounty hunter!
Darth Vader: Perhaps you think you're being treated unfairly?
Lando: [after a pause] No.
Darth Vader: Good. It would be unfortunate if I had to leave a garrison here.
Lando: [to himself] This deal is getting worse all the time.
Darth Vader: Calrissian. Take the princess and the Wookie to my ship.
Lando: You said they'd be left at the city under my supervision.
Darth Vader: I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further.
It was on the local news yesterday so no I don't have any links but I have to imagine all media outlets were the same. Pick the biggest nut job and interview them and there you go, you have the voice for that rally. We no longer get the newspaper because the Detroit Free Press felt the need to fail so I can't read anything with my morning tea.
I've seen it go both ways and have been surprised at how little in the middle stuff was shown.
Walking around with a sign won't solve the problem, all it is is loud complaining. It's not solving anything.
"The squeaky wheel gets the oil," comes to mind.
And at the end of the day many protests are a combination of things, not just yelling at your government. The press showed up, not all press outlets showed the loons, the message got into a lot of homes that hadn't heard it.
This isn't Mission Accomplished by any means, but if news coverage gets just 1% of the viewers to check out a Web site or rethink their opinion then it is a small victory.
I think politician asshattery is universal.
Which is why I constantly bring up the Constitution. It was designed to keep this to a minimum, but we haven't paid attention to it in a while.
I'm not really going to delve into my personal finances here, but I think I paid enough in taxes this year since it all wasn't paid on 15 April. Anytime I cash in investments I end up paying the taxes right away, which going back has equalled quite a bit of money. So I have paid my dues and while I don't think it's fair I just accept it because I know no matter where else I go in the world the tax system will be the same but probably worse.
I don't need to know your personal finances. I know enough from conversations to know you got an income tax cut (as did I) while others got a tax increase, simply because they made more money. It is discrimination and encourages class warfare.
Song lyric of the moment
And the trees are all kept equal
By hatchet, axe, and saw.