Ok so I was going through the candidates and came across some rather interesting people:
Frank Moore: Born with Cerebral Palsy and can not talk or walk...how on Earth does someone running for president think they can do a good job if they can not walk or talk? That makes no sense. Not that he'll win, but still.
Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey: Leader of the Vampires, Witches, and Pagans Party...I really don't think I need to say any more on the subject.
Anyways I'm really at a loss who to cast my vote for come November, McCain and Obama aren't really doing it for me although I suppose I would take Obama over McCain...but that is like saying you'd rather have your leg cut off over your arm, it's going to suck either way.
I looked at Bob Barr, the Libertarian candidate, and his views don't really match mine and he doesn't really seem overly Libertarian considering his past.
Chuck Baldwin seems overly religious to me and that is not a quality I want in someone running for office.
The Green Party doesn't support any of the ideas that I hold, and Brian Moore and the Socialist party hold some ideas I support but for the most part do not.
You the more I think about it the more Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey seems like a good idea, I mean a vampire running the country can't be that bad can it

. Nah I wouldn't vote for that nut-job. But I'm still left in a conundrum on who to vote for, guess I will just have to wait and see what all shakes down. I guess if push comes to shove there is always the write in.
I'm not doing this to cause a huge debate, if you support one of the candidates I mentioned above then I fully support your right to do so.