Odd/Funny AI Names

  • Thread starter Suzumiya
This make me go Ohm:


There's actually Paul Walker drivng the GT by Citroen! (Paul Walker: September 12 1973 - November 30 2013)

EDIT: Another interesting one:

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I once encountered L. Klammer (Leena Klammer, the true identity of that girl from "Orphan") driving a BMW M3 GTR Race Car '01 in Midfield, Arcade Mode, while I was driving an Audi A4 Touring Car.

Seriously. How can someone so creepy drive my favorite car?
Spanish and Portuguese share same surnames. ;)

Lots of names share origins, and it's no different here, but the names i mentioned are 'final' variations present only in spanish language countries. What i've seen in the game are spelled differently here, trust me.
Here's the story:
I was racing the Supercar Festival once, with ummmmmm.... something, at Monza.
Then, I saw a S.Miyamoto driving a Ford GT Concept.
I was like "What the heck?!"
While racing in Death Valley, I got A.Trujillo, the owner of "Ana Trujillo Emparedados y helados". You might not get it unless you're a sysadmin or a programmer (I am not) or ever lurked the Microsoft Access' (version 2003 or older) Northwind sample database. ;)

The one I got has American flag; I think it's supposed to Mexican.
The GT300 series has not one, but two rare AI driver names.

First, Takayuki Aoki (WedsSport Celica) is represented by N.Aoki in-game... which leads to Nobuatsu Aoki, the MotoGP rider in the old days. Remember Proton Team KR?

Second, Morio Nitta (Super Autobacs MR-S) is represented by J.Nitta in-game... which leads to... wait, WHAT?... Jun Nitta, author of the H-manga (lewd!) Pay Back, which gave birth to a meme that the Touhou community would remix and popularize further.

Proof: in GT5, I ecountered J.Greer (@Jordan ) when I was driving a hybrided Evo 7

View attachment 395412

Blurry, but you got the idea right?

I've heard rumors of my name in there, but had never seen a picture. Thanks for sharing. :D

I've seen a J.Greer many times; brought a smile to my face.

I've also seen a 'Jordan' as a surname - can't remember the initial.

Found the Leader! In GT5 he drove the Aventador - in GT6 he drives the 2X - and drives for the US. He appeared first for me when the 2X was released and I took it out to the Arcade to run it around. He appears at the Professional Level. Most often seen at the higher speed tracks. I've never seen him drive anything else in GT6 except the 2X, and always for the States.


As for 'Jordan' as surname - there's an I. Jordan racing now in the current A-Spec Seasonals at Eifel.
S. Gomez

I'm not kidding...

. . . and what was 'she' driving? There could be some connection or it could be some Gomez related to the marque/car they were driving. For instance Paul Walker is one of my favourite drivers ( I have many of his movies, too - even the obscure ones) and I'd like to think that Paul was connected to Citroen - but actually the Walkers are quite a famous Citroen dealer - and maybe it was to pay homage to them - maybe the manufacturers had a say in the matter.
If so then Chevy wanted J.Greer driving the 2X for a similar reason.

Some trails lead nowhere - or are extremely hard to find - but some connections come up immediately when appropriately googled.
The names are definitely not random - there are too many famous names connected with just the right car to be totally random.
In any case - there is only a limited amount of cars and so a limited amount of drivers. Very rarely do the drivers change cars - even if the color changes the driver stays the same.
Investigations at the AI Hub though have shown a small amount of cars that have drivers with different names including VGT cars that come up as one-make races in Arcade.

Otherwise - Gomez is still driving the same car. As for Wang - he was quite famous for computing - or maybe it's the one who is a film director - what cars do they drive? The connections are always fun to uncover.

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