Offering Remote Races - racing 24H!

  • Thread starter zipzic
I got a 23 and a 1967 if you want them???
Hi PLease add GM_Anth for remote racing
I offer the following
Classic Muscle car - Historic Rally car - 1000 ticket - Modern muscle car

please let me know if your interested and if so give instructions what you need me to do.
Recived: 2006, 2005 and some cars!
Thanks everyone! Continue with remote races tomorrow!!
Volkswagen New Beetle Cup Car ‘00 #2red sent.

That's 3 cars now so should get 60 races. Pretty sure I have had 11 so far.

Looks like you are already sued for the 2 tickets that I have. So that's me done.

Great trading with you mate.
Recived level 15 and year 2004 tickets + some cars! First post updated!
Recived BD 2003 and 1990, special Classic Muscel car ticket and Beetle Cup Car #20.

If you're interested I can get you a 1000 ticket, a '67 ticket and a Classic Muscle ticket.

EDIT: Oops, I was on the app, I couldn't see what you scratched off!
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I will send another ticket shortly
plz keep racing my bobs ill keep send tickets/cars etc


I'm interested in your proposal.

I have a #15 Bordeaux VW New Beetle Cup Car '00 with 1/6.370 km/0 - oil change and rebuilds. I can apply a restore ticket before I send.

Want it?

I can also buy and send you the Cappuccino.

Are you still remote racing? if so can i join
send me a list of what tickets etc you need

psn: Tony1409
#15 Bordeaux VW New Beetle Cup Car '00 sent to zipzic.

I probably can only send a Suzuki in a couple of days, though.

Recived 1988, 2000 and Modern Muscle car tickets + two cars!

Thanks for the remote races. 👍

A VW Beetle Cup Car #23 Black has just shown up in my UCD, so I'll send it to you after the reset, for one more day of remote races, okay?

Also, just curious, why do you want that Suzuki since you can buy it in the New Car Dealers?


EDIT: VW Beetle #23 Black sent.
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