Official GTP Online Racing Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter Snaeper
I think the object is more for the site's features, not how you or someone else makes a thread. May just be me, but I don't really think there is anything wrong right now. Maybe some added search functions for series, more labels, and maybe moving spot races to a different location. Other than that I think we're good.

Zuel, I think you're trying to make a revolution happen, we are after more of a evolution I believe.
Revolution? I'm speaking of basic web design clean and simple. I'm sorry though the series thread in its current format is confusing, with information everyone that's confusing. I seeing something clear, simple and professional. You do understand basic web design? You've built one before so you should understand all the features correct?
I think Zuel's idea would just confuse new people. If there are 4 series using one thread, people will be confused when others are asking questions about different series in the same thread. Would get really confusing really fast
Now you all are confusing yourselves. I never stated anything about four series being on one page. I thought I clearly stated if series host more than one race format it will be more convenient to have hyper links under the series header with the name of those race formats. Click one of those links then it takes you to the respective page while staying in the same window. You look at that page and you see the same series header but under that the race formats header hence (Gran Sport) then right under the you'll see the same hyper links as before but one of the takes you back to the MAIN series page with out leaving that window. What is confusing about that? Basic web design.
I think the object is more for the site's features, not how you or someone else makes a thread. May just be me, but I don't really think there is anything wrong right now. Maybe some added search functions for series, more labels, and maybe moving spot races to a different location.

That's what I originally thought this discussion was about: Search fcn. from main page and ease of navigation. If I was on my notebook I would link to my post regarding the concerns of drivers that won't come to GTP due to navigation difficulties.
All I ask is if we could get a built in time zone converter.

All races are posted in in UTC 0 time and then it would convert from there.

And a clear distinction from room open time and race start time.
Hey Zuel, could you put together a graphical mock up of what you're proposing? Either with photoshop or just making a chart or something, i think it'd help a lot more in pushing your ideas more clearly.
Hey Zuel, could you put together a graphical mock up of what you're proposing? Either with photoshop or just making a chart or something, i think it'd help a lot more in pushing your ideas more clearly.
Yes, I'll do my best. I'm still learn SC5/6.
Instead of building one I took a snap shot of SpeedTv's header and it has hyper links under the header.
As you know if you click one of the links it will take you to the respective page while the header and links stay in tacked. The only area that changes is the page below the header.
I've seen forms with headers like this, I'm a member of such a form that have the features I'm trying to explain. It's not hard to navigate nor is it confusing. It's simple clean and right to the point. No need to keep opening a page or closing a page as we do now with the threads. Or having to find the other thread of a race format the series is show casing. SNAIL has the right idea but once you click it that hyper link it open another page which in turn is more data for the sever.
I've seen forms with headers like this, I'm a member of such a form that have the features I'm trying to explain. It's not hard to navigate nor is it confusing. It's simple clean and right to the point. No need to keep opening a page or closing a page as we do now with the threads. Or having to find the other thread of a race format the series is show casing. SNAIL has the right idea but once you click it that hyper link it open another page which in turn is more data for the sever.

So what you're saying is that we should have a separate forum for main series pages, and when you go to the main series page you'll get a header bar that will stay there as you navigate though the different threads for that series so you don't have to keep going back to the main series thread?

If so, I love that idea. While it's easy enough to link all of a racing organization's series on a main page, and just open the series links in a new tab, I can see how it could get annoying for some people to constantly be toggling windows or closing tabs. The header would be a nice touch, although personally, I have an easy enough time finding the different types of racing an organization has to offer as long as they have a main thread to showcase their different series and each of those series threads link back to that main page.
So what you're saying is that we should have a separate forum for main series pages, and when you go to the main series page you'll get a header bar that will stay there as you navigate though the different threads for that series so you don't have to keep going back to the main series thread?

If so, I love that idea. While it's easy enough to link all of a racing organization's series on a main page, and just open the series links in a new tab, I can see how it could get annoying for some people to constantly be toggling windows or closing tabs. The header would be a nice touch, although personally, I have an easy enough time finding the different types of racing an organization has to offer as long as they have a main thread to showcase their different series and each of those series threads link back to that main page.
Yes, All you got to do is go to a series main page, see the info about the main race format, see the hyper links for the other race formats they host, click that format and it takes you to that page with out leaving the main series page. All you're getting from clicking that hyper link is the info about that race format, ruling and etc.. A page within a page. Simple and easy and with out all the extra threads for a series, everything right there. 👍:dopey:
Yes, All you got to do is go to a series main page, see the info about the main race format, see the hyper links for the other race formats they host, click that format and it takes you to that page with out leaving the main series page. All you're getting from clicking that hyper link is the info about that race format, ruling and etc.. A page within a page. Simple and easy and with out all the extra threads for a series, everything right there. 👍:dopey:

Yeah, that sounds good. It could either have a header bar like that image of the SPEED website you posted or it could just keep the OP from the main series page at the top of the page. Of course, the owner of the organization would still have to keep their header updated just like they keep their threads updated now. Or if an organization has multiple people creating the different racing series, the person that's actually creating the racing series thread could send some sort of request message to the owner of the entire organization to have the link to the series page put into the header or OP. That way, not just anyone would be able to add to the header. I'm thinking it if a user creates an organization that organization's header would have to be linked to their account; much like how a YouTube channel page is. Then other users would be able to submit links that would need approval by the owner of that group. (I can't think of an example of a website that does things like that, but I know they're out there.)
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Yes Peel, a simple easy navigation system. If I would have continued to build pages up to now and didn't close my web design company I've would have known the code to do this. Now I'm really 🤬🤬 at myself for not keeping up with the code:banghead::banghead::irked:.
That would be wonderful, but it all depends on how Jordan's new update works and its limits.
And of course it's optional. But Zuel you are only one I hear complaining. GTP has a massive userbase, and they don't appear to have issues. Needs of a majority outweigh the view. Where's the majority complaining about the old design?

Again if it isn't broke don't fix it...

Also again, a series does not host multiple formats. A group does, a host does. Series hosting 101...

And what you are saying is the exact same as my suggestion with main thread = smaller titles and links below.

Also pointing out Zuel. Don't take this wrong way, but I have not seen you very active with series on GTP other than for some reason bizarrely bumping your own thread by a year.

If you look around a little more, you would see people already do the linking and off shoots on threads.
If talking about forum software and utilising it in order to better organise racing series or groups it seems to me to be quite simple:

1. A category is created in the forum for the biggest groups/series and named appropriately. An example could be "Official GTP Event Organisation" or some such.

2. Within that category a board is created for each group (presumably chosen by GTP staff) and named accordingly. An example would be "SNAIL Racing".

3. Group leader(s) then given the relevant powers in that board to moderate their group/series.

4. Series or spot races can then have their own threads therein and open or close as deemed appropriate by the group leader(s).

5. Appoint a global race mod and they can liaise with all group/series leaders to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

As for smaller series and groups? Well that would require further consideration due to the sheer number involved but with the well established and reputable ones with a decent member base the above can work well and with minimal fuss 👍
And of course it's optional. But Zuel you are only one I hear complaining. GTP has a massive userbase, and they don't appear to have issues. Needs of a majority outweigh the view. Where's the majority complaining about the old design?

Again if it isn't broke don't fix it...

Also again, a series does not host multiple formats. A group does, a host does. Series hosting 101...

And what you are saying is the exact same as my suggestion with main thread = smaller titles and links below.

Also pointing out Zuel. Don't take this wrong way, but I have not seen you very active with series on GTP other than for some reason bizarrely bumping your own thread by a year.

If you look around a little more, you would see people already do the linking and off shoots on threads.

I understand that no one is complaining about the old style neither I. I got use to using the forms in the current. The reason why were here discussing ideas is to insure that the new, old members don't complain in the future. The reason why I haven't been active in any series is due to I got very tired of the tuning method that is still carried on. I'm really tired of overly building the motors then using the Power Limiter to reduce the power but still have gobs amount of torque, every car might as well be a TDI, as well having a limited car selection within a series just for the reason its to fast because its been overly built. And for my series, it did well for sometime but it died out because people wouldn't bother running the specs because they thought the cars was slow or what ever. And now I seeing more and more people following suit now because they got tired of the same thing. There were a lot of thing that should have stayed in GT5 Prologue and the current tuning method and the power limiter are the two mains.

I know people put links in the body of the word window and pending on that link you must read or go through page after page to find it. Would it be more convenient and cleaner if all of that was under a header?

If talking about forum software and utilising it in order to better organise racing series or groups it seems to me to be quite simple:

1. A category is created in the forum for the biggest groups/series and named appropriately. An example could be "Official GTP Event Organisation" or some such.

2. Within that category a board is created for each group (presumably chosen by GTP staff) and named accordingly. An example would be "SNAIL Racing".

3. Group leader(s) then given the relevant powers in that board to moderate their group/series.

4. Series or spot races can then have their own threads therein and open or close as deemed appropriate by the group leader(s).

5. Appoint a global race mod and they can liaise with all group/series leaders to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

As for smaller series and groups? Well that would require further consideration due to the sheer number involved but with the well established and reputable ones with a decent member base the above can work well and with minimal fuss 👍

I'll just put this. :)👍
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If talking about forum software and utilising it in order to better organise racing series or groups it seems to me to be quite simple:

1. A category is created in the forum for the biggest groups/series and named appropriately. An example could be "Official GTP Event Organisation" or some such.

Why should the biggest groups be seperated from the so called smaller groups?

There's one club I race with, he has grids with around 10 or more people every race who regulary turn up, would that be classed as a small group and not warrant been included in the category.

As for smaller series and groups? Well that would require further consideration due to the sheer number involved but with the well established and reputable ones with a decent member base the above can work well and with minimal fuss 👍[/B]

All the larger series started out as small ones. Would you like to of been seperated from other series if you were starting a new one?

  • The idea of having the sub forums with the different class of racing I think is good in that it makes it easier for the user to find a series with a car class they are looking for.
  • A Sticky for time conversion would be great and asking people to give the race time in GMT/UTC as well as there local time would be a bonus.
  • A basic canvass for a new organiser to make a new series could be handy, it would maybe help to keep people away from the blocks of text when a new series is made.
  • Making use of the calendar to see when races are on to suit the users time. It might get updated with the new site, but it still requires the host to add the race time to it.
I agree Heathenpride that the series threads should have mods, it would allow things to ran more effortlessly like I stated before.
I agree Heathenpride that the series threads should have mods, it would allow things to ran more effortlessly like I stated before.

They already should do effortlessly providing the host is competent.
They already should do effortlessly providing the host is competent.
The issue is to re-leave the work load on the series creator. If a series grows large and fast enough the series creator is going to need help, the same for 3D3. Jordan has a board helping him, Whom ever started the WRS has a board now to help. A number of series are going to grow at a fast pace once GT6 arrives and they'll need help, they'll form a board.
Yeah, that sounds good. It could either have a header bar like that image of the SPEED website you posted or it could just keep the OP from the main series page at the top of the page. Of course, the owner of the organization would still have to keep their header updated just like they keep their threads updated now. Or if an organization has multiple people creating the different racing series, the person that's actually creating the racing series thread could send some sort of request message to the owner of the entire organization to have the link to the series page put into the header or OP. That way, not just anyone would be able to add to the header. I'm thinking it if a user creates an organization that organization's header would have to be linked to their account; much like how a YouTube channel page is. Then other users would be able to submit links that would need approval by the owner of that group. (I can't think of an example of a website that does things like that, but I know they're out there.)

It will make promoting better for a series along with allowing updates seamlessly if they out grow their current form or include other type of racing formats. Right now a number of series organizers have a great deal of work to do to make sure that series operates with out any issues. I believe that work load will increase by 5 soon after GT6 is released. Like I said before racing in a whole is going to grow at a rapid pace within the GT Planet forms and some may not be able to cope with the influx.
I've done little research and looked at the code a little to see if I notice anything familiar besides the normal code. I may have found the codes that will allow a enter form to be tied to the thread along with sending the information to an assigned email or emails. The header code can have a field code allowing the person to add a header with text if I remember correctly. The code used to make polls or a selection of some type along with another code that sends the information to an email can be used together to make a entry form.

I can not believe what I just found. I found a OLD site that I built back in the day of AOL when I used Falcon 4.0 You'll notice scrolling window to the left which I will call the header. When you click the links the information requested will be shown in the right window without any changes to the whole body. By clicking the linked mark
it will take you to another area that allows you to sign up. Every entry is the fields are sent directly to an email seamlessly. Take a look around to see what I'm talking about.

I don't have any ideas at the moment as you covered all the bases but a good search engine for finding races that you would like would be great.

  • Regimented Racing "Semesters" Available Block Scheduling System

I don't know how something like this would be coordinated but if end dates of the series that use same cars would be close, you would get new drivers only if they didn't like something about the series they were in.
Different time slots would be good but for the organizers it would also be good if they somehow knew if there is a demand for the same time slot, racing in the similar series.

  • Uniform car regulations
Oink's Suggestion

I'm with Oink on this one.👍

  • Merge the Interest Check, Racing Series and Single Event Section into one area and distinguish them with colored titles.

It would be great to have a tool that would tell others if there are places available or not.

What if there was a master time trial that all leagues used. This would allow people to have an idea of where they would fit in. For instance if I am a D4 racer and if a series is made up of mostly D1 guys I would have an idea about how I would compare and may want to look for a different series with guys a bit slower.

Second is to try to group people into regions. While these could be geographically based I think they would be more time based. This would allow people to find people that race at a similar time.

How could this work? We'll say there was a drivers roster on GTplanet. It could look like this

1. Jobyone - D4 - R4
2. Some Alien - D1 -R4
3. Some Mortal - D3 - R4

So I could see that all three of these guys are in my region but only Some Mortal is likely to be a similar speed as I am. So he would be a good person to reach out to.

Now if we also had a series lineup on GTplanet it could list the days the league runs, the region (time) it runs and the average division of the racers. This could look like

1. Performance Cap - Monday - R4 - D2
2. Academy Practice - Wed/Sat - R3 - D1
3. Some series - Saturday - R4 - D4

I could see that Some Series might be a good fit for me. It is my region and largely made up of people of a similar speed.

I like this idea very much because I like a good challenge and to race with others as close as possible. It's never a good thing if you're to fast or not quick enough for the series.

mij2003 also has a good point. If organizers had the same template it would be less confusing.
if it isn't broke don't fix it...

While that saying is true on some occasions, haven't you heard the saying, "There is always room for improvement."?

The reason why I haven't been active in any series is due to I got very tired of the tuning method that is still carried on. I'm really tired of overly building the motors then using the Power Limiter to reduce the power but still have gobs amount of torque, every car might as well be a TDI, as well having a limited car selection within a series just for the reason its to fast because its been overly built. And for my series, it did well for sometime but it died out because people wouldn't bother running the specs because they thought the cars was slow or what ever. And now I seeing more and more people following suit now because they got tired of the same thing. There were a lot of thing that should have stayed in GT5 Prologue and the current tuning method and the power limiter are the two mains.

Personally, I enjoy the inclusion of the power limiter. I run restrictor plate NASCAR and being able to reduce the horsepower is very useful to get those realistic speeds. Seeing how you can detune 1 horsepower at a time it allows you to get very specific. What I would like to see, is the horsepower regulation settings get an adjustment. You can adjust regulations 1 PP at a time so why can't we do regulations for horsepower 1 HP at a time? I would also like to be able to have a limit to HP and PP at the same time.

Getting back on topic...

I know people put links in the body of the word window and pending on that link you must read or go through page after page to find it. Would it be more convenient and cleaner if all of that was under a header?
I agree that it would be more convenient and cleaner, I remember you mentioning somewhere else that it would "reduce the workload on the Event Coordinator." It actually wouldn't really, the Event Coordinator and/or League Manager would have to still format their Header and list all links. It would just make navigation for users easier.

Also about those frames, frames are basic HTML and while they work great for certain websites, I can't see how they would work in a forum. Maybe the Event Organizer's could have something like a group page where there would be an option to add a frame to it.
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If talking about forum software and utilising it in order to better organise racing series or groups it seems to me to be quite simple:

1. A category is created in the forum for the biggest groups/series and named appropriately. An example could be "Official GTP Event Organisation" or some such.

2. Within that category a board is created for each group (presumably chosen by GTP staff) and named accordingly. An example would be "SNAIL Racing".

3. Group leader(s) then given the relevant powers in that board to moderate their group/series.

4. Series or spot races can then have their own threads therein and open or close as deemed appropriate by the group leader(s).

5. Appoint a global race mod and they can liaise with all group/series leaders to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

As for smaller series and groups? Well that would require further consideration due to the sheer number involved but with the well established and reputable ones with a decent member base the above can work well and with minimal fuss 👍

Some good ideas here.

I think GT6 online is going to be quite a bit bigger than GT5 was and I think some separation of series with a sort of "GTP Official" tag for hosts that have proven their ability to conduct professional racing series following the GTP OLR or a closely related version of it, is a good idea. You might designate these series as GTP Platinum, with other series Gold, Silver and Bronze with perhaps an unranked level as well for brand new hosts. Difficulty but also professionalism increases as you go up the scale. Would take some work on the part of GTP mods keeping up on the goings on of different series, but the rewards to the users would be tremendous IMO.
Monday may be the day that we see a change in the racing thread. I hope the thoughts we put in has helped with the evolution on the series/racing threads.
could we discuss revising online racing rules like the OLR I find that rules on it could be edited again for GT6.
I was just looking over the rules myself.. I agree with @Izzyracer97, I feel things may become a little more competitive, serious for the some of the individuals participating. The level of competition has risen greatly over the last five years, along with evolving level of play or should I say driving. After the release of GT6 once we seen what we're able to achieve with the in-place tiring system that the user lobbies will have along with the Championship options as, then we should convene to discuss what can be done.
could we discuss revising online racing rules like the OLR I find that rules on it could be edited again for GT6.

They will be updated, not necessarily before GT6 is released though.