- 7,284
- Inverness, Scotland
- GTP_PaulMac/paulmac2k9
I voted Czechs and Germans. I don't like Portugal .
Another interesting fact is that after the groups stages nobody has scored a penalty yet.
Sweden v France
Possession, 43%: 86 points
Goals, 2: 10 points
Shots (On Target), 12 (7): (12 + 21) 33
Bonus': Win bonus, 20 points; Clean Sheet bonus, 10 points
Yellow Cards, 2: -6 points
86 + 10 + 33 + 30 - 6 = 153 points
Possession, 57%: 114 points
Goal's, 0: 0 points
Shots (On Target), 24 (10): (24 + 10) 34 points
Bonus': N/A
Yellow Cards, 1: -3 points
114 + 34 - 3 = 145 points
MattyBecause France..
It was a mistake okay.. And this is exactly why I put the scores up here.
Tomorrow for the tables, because there's another game on the same pick form tomorrow. Just in a bit the points will be up.
How many ppl chose czech's matty?
I can't say
I can't say
MUSC4EVERIm in 3rd..and i didnt pick the czechs!
SpacegoatI'm in 4th and I didn't pick the Czechs either.
That means Yes. My money is on mattythedog.
RossI'm 5th and I picked Portugal so it's either haitch or mattythedog.
haitch40I picked portugal too if memory serves me right.