Official GTPlanet GTA V Crew | Covering the World of Grand Theft Auto

  • Thread starter Katiegan
If we ever had racing championships with crews representing other websites, I might have a crew-themed car. If I chose to represent our crew in a championship, I would definitely not choose the Comet since it isn't that good of a race car compared to the Massacro, Elegy RH8, or Benefactor Feltzer.

If we were in serious racing championships we would all have to use the Elegy anyway given how much it dominates the rest of the Sports class.
If we were in serious racing championships we would all have to use the Elegy anyway given how much it dominates the rest of the Sports class.

Unfortunately, you're right. Although in a crew vs crew match with Broughy1332 and GUN1T123, they were racing Massacros and Feltzers, and those two cars were fairly matched up.
@Katiegan - I would like to join the crew Please

Name: Werner Kumm

Age: 43
Location and/or time zone: South Africa GMT + 2
Social Club Username: Stopforpetrol
PlayStation Network ID: wernerkumm


Ps. Sorry for the message on the Social network but a friend kept on telling me I should join there - guess he forgot how it was done?
Thanks guy's 👍
@Katiegan - I would like to join the crew Please

Name: Werner Kumm
Location and/or time zone: South Africa GMT + 2
Social Club Username: Stopforpetrol
PlayStation Network ID: wernerkumm

Ps. Sorry for the message on the Social network but a friend kept on telling me I should join there - guess he forgot how it was done?
Thanks guy's 👍

An invite has been sent. 👍
Name: (Chandler)
Age: 17
Location and/or time zone: Texas, Central Time Zone
Social Club Username: BeAsT_Pk_RIPPER
PlayStation Network ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: BeAsT_Pk_RIPPER :gtplanet:
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Name: Jay
Age: Wrong side of 40
Location and/or time zone: UK/GMT
Social Club Username: x-J47-x
PlayStation Network ID: x-J47-x

Crew invite request already sent.
@Katiegan sorry, was sent while reading another thread.
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Name: Jay
Age: Wrong side of 40
Location and/or time zone: UK/GMT
Social Club Username: x-J47-x
PlayStation Network ID: x-J47-x

Crew invite request already sent.
@Katiegan sorry, was sent while reading another thread.
Request confirmed. 👍

BTW I deleted a whole bunch of unclaimed requests to reduce the clutter if that's okay.
I would like to join this crew!
Get to know me:
I play every now and then, as I also like to play GT6 a lot.
I'd rather hang out and drive rather than do races, and I hate killing people, as I'm not remotely a gun person, only when I'm doing missions or somebody kills me first. I either run away or take a brave pill and bite back.

Name: Troy (friends call me Buck)
Age: I prefer to keep it private, over 13. PM me if you really need to know.
Location: New Hampshire, Eastern Time.
Play Station Network: RS73private
Social Club: Same as PSN, V8 Vantage Avatar.
:gtplanet: :)
Thank you for your time and effort. Catch me in a Yellow Bodhi, or sometimes a purple Mini.
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I would like to join this crew!
Get to know me:
I play every now and then, as I also like to play GT6 a lot.
I'd rather hang out and drive rather than do races, and I hate killing people, as I'm not remotely a gun person, only when I'm doing missions or somebody kills me first. I either run away or take a brave pill and bite back.

Name: Troy
Age: I prefer to keep it private, over 13. PM me if you really need to know.
Location: New Hampshire, Eastern Time.
Play Station Network: RS73private
Social Club: Same as PSN, V8 Vantage Avatar.
:gtplanet: :)
Thank you for your time and effort. Catch me in a Yellow Bodhi, or sometimes a purple Mini.

Couldn't find your request, so I sent a recruitment to you

Guys don't ask me why you got demoted. I dont play GTA V anymore, and i havn't been on Social Club on ages. If you wondering why you got demoted. Ask @Katiegan.


Guys don't ask me why you got demoted. I dont play GTA V anymore, and i havn't been on Social Club on ages. If you wondering why you got demoted. Ask @Katiegan.


Hi. I was just wondering why I didn't get promoted. :P

 I was also wondering if anybody knew about the three requests that are pending. (Seeing those is entirely new to me and I'm just trying to be helpful. )
Hi. I was just wondering why I didn't get promoted. :P

 I was also wondering if anybody knew about the three requests that are pending. (Seeing those is entirely new to me and I'm just trying to be helpful. )
If they don't post here and follow all the rules in the OP, they don't get accepted, and eventually they get deleted.
Just a quick question regarding the whole demotion thing, should we expect to get our rankings back?

I don't mind the outcome just curious as to what is going on.

EDIT: Nevermind, still have my rank in the crew.

Also whoever has the PSN of cmterenato, me saluting you does not give you permission to take my bounty.

Please message someone before taking their bounty.
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Just a quick question regarding the whole demotion thing, should we expect to get our rankings back?

I don't mind the outcome just curious as to what is going on.

EDIT: Nevermind, still have my rank in the crew.

Also whoever has the PSN of cmterenato, me saluting you does not give you permission to take my bounty.

Please message someone before taking their bounty.

Yes, people do have the ability to earn their ranks back, as do people who are promoted have the chance of being demoted again.

This bounty stealing thing appears to be an increasing issue, so I'll add that rule into the OP.