- 1,822
- Punkeydoodles Corners, Ontario, Canada. (aka GT2t
Two very different Copperheads. The USvsUK prize is sort of a "Copperhead LM" (Concept Car LM). It's yellow or purple, whereas the B license prize is orangey red.
SportWagonTwo very different Copperheads. The USvsUK prize is sort of a "Copperhead LM" (Concept Car LM). It's yellow or purple, whereas the B license prize is orangey red.
SportWagonAnd it only weighs, what, about 1000 pounds?
TMMYes it is quite light weight as well...
Take an extended vacation from work and alternate between acid and coke, you'll never fall asleep, and there you go, plenty of time to get it done.
Buy a PS3, preferrably 60gb or 80gb model so it will play PS2 games as's been on it's way out for a while but now it just refuses to read them at all
I combined my birthday and three months of saving to get mine.meanwhile back in the real world where i dont have a bottomless pit of money..............
I combined my birthday and three months of saving to get mine.
Just tell teh kids that they were bad and Santa isn't bringing them anything this year, but you have been exceptionally good and he is bringing you a nice big gift.
Or new PS2s aren't too expensive these days.
a new slim ps2 would make me happy, i dont want to make the next gen jump yet
now you're just being silly. I got my PS2 slim in May of 2004, and it still works fine. It cost $149 at the time, so i'm sure you can find it cheaper nowadays. Not sure why you'd want to hold off on a great deal...
... It's NTSC though.