Olympic Games

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I don't know but I'll tell you what I don't like.

Events like horseback riding, feild hockey, softball, baseball, soccer, basketball and volleyball. These events do not belong in the olympics. I don't think team sports (or things that aren't sports) belong. Imagine having football (American version) in the Olympics, it's rediculous.

Track, now there's an olympic sport. High jump, pole vault, swimming, discus... these are olympic.
I wouldn't really count out team sports from the Olympics, danoff. They might not be as traditional as individual sports, but they do deserve a spot in the Olympics.

It's "sports" like table tennis that shouldn't belong in the Olympics. Yeah, they require extraordinary reaction time and a certain finesse, but come on! It's table tennis[/b! Doesn't exactly bring that athletically toned image to mind.
Basketball. But I can't watch any of the ****ing games because I know the score to the game several hours before tipoff.

The only way to avoid this is to rip my eyes and ears out.

**** you, NBC.
I wouldn't really count out team sports from the Olympics, danoff. They might not be as traditional as individual sports, but they do deserve a spot in the Olympics.

I don't know, doesn't seem olympic to me. If they have basketball, baseball and field hockey, why not football or crickett (sp?)?

And if they have ping pong, why not air hockey or foozeball (sp?) ?
I don't know, doesn't seem olympic to me. If they have basketball, baseball and field hockey, why not football or crickett (sp?)?

And if they have ping pong, why not air hockey or foozeball (sp?) ?

They do, in fact, have football.

Cricket isn't recognised by the IOC because only 9 nations are officially recognised as Test Cricket nations - Australia, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Pakistan, India, England, Kenya, the West Indies and Zimbabwe. Bangladesh I'm not sure about, so it may be 10. This gives the other 240 countries no chance at competing - in fact Holland and the Republic of Ireland play cricket, but they are only recognised as county sides. The same thing goes for American Football and Australian Rules Football - they are effectively one-nation sports, although American Football clubs do exist in Europe.

Air hockey isn't recognised by the IOC as it's a past-time. Same with table football.

Technically, Athletics - track AND field - is a team sport. In all other meetings bar the Olympics and World Championships, the nations compete as a team, with results for all events counting towards a final team total.

Then again, technially, the entire Olympics is a team sport, what with the medal tables and all.

the_cobbinator: Football (Association Football) pre-dates the modern Olympics by 40 years. Ergo it, even as a "non-traditional" team sport, is more traditional than the Olympics.

Cricket isn't recognised by the IOC because only 9 nations are officially recognised as Test Cricket nations - Australia, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Pakistan, India, England, Kenya, the West Indies and Zimbabwe. Bangladesh I'm not sure about, so it may be 10.

*cough* South Africa *cough* ;)

And there is already a thread on this in the RS 👍
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