OMG BOP off Gr4 cars. You MUST do this!

  • Thread starter mattikake
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Given I mostly race online in leagues and lobbies I realised I'm exclusively playing gr4 cars with BOP on since the physics update. Then by chance I found a lobby with BOP off (with a pp limit, so no performance mods) which meant I could try fixing the understeery dullness that is all the race cars in GT7...

What a transformation! It was like I had found a secret unlock for the game. I picked the GTR because it's the only car that, sort of, turns on power but it understeery horribly on the way into corners.

So I slapped in a rough fix and it was an utter joy to drive! I was giggling like a kid in a sweet shop. It would turn everywhere on command, just like race car should and I could corner as fast on hard tyres as I could on softs.

PD must do a BOP off PP limited daily race format. I'll be there several times a day.

If, like me, you've been doing BOP on everywhere you must try setting up lobbies with BOP off (yes, that's also a kind of request to those who run lobbies).

I'm still stunned. Try it. You can see my setup for the GTR in the vid.
Well true but PD won't listen. Honestly, bring on AC2

Before the physics update I'm sure playing with setup did nothing other than cause cars to slide when they should grip.
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Haha and on trying to set up a BOP on setup on lobby, it turns out it's bugged.

You can't have BOP on and allow for cars setups because every time you hit the green tick it resets your settings to the default BOP.

What a mess.

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I know literally zero about cars so this is a genuine question but;

Should a car be able to corner as fast on Hards as it can on softs? If so what would be the point of softs?
The short answer is no.

Soft have more grip so you can corner faster.
Hards have less grip but last longer, meaning you can pit one or avoid it at all.

So if your lap times on soft + pittime are faster then x amount of laps on hard without pit you can make a choice.
Hard tires also lowers pp.
The short answer is no.

Soft have more grip so you can corner faster.
Hards have less grip but last longer, meaning you can pit one or avoid it at all.

So if your lap times on soft + pittime are faster then x amount of laps on hard without pit you can make a choice.
Hard tires also lowers pp.
That’s what I thought it “should” be like which is why the original poster saying her could corner as fast on hard as he could on softs made me think “hmmmm”
TBF I did say "almost" as fast in a moment of joyous emotion.

But the long answer is you can. You can corner, it seems, about as fast on hards with a setup as softs on BOP. This will mainly because you can control the contact patches better by improving the balance and loading of the tyres with a good setup. But this would mean with the same setup you would be even faster on softs.

Edit: that is to say the net corner time might be the same or faster because you might be able to go into the corner and out of the corner faster, but the overall apex grip may be slightly less.

So you got me thinking about comparing. I remember a BOP on softs race (albeit in a different car) and I've just compared the apex speeds at St Croix. Turn 1 apex speed was within 1mph on hards setup and on softs BOP. Same for turn 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15. All +/- about 1mph (i.e. driver skill factor).

Laptime with BOP on softs, tyre wear off was a 2m18. Laptime with BOP off with setup on hards, tyre wear off was a 2m18. And I was pushing the limit much more in the BOP race. The setup on hards race above I was still finding the limit and not maxed at all.

Go figure.

See for yourself (first race).

The default BOP setups are crap and presumably designed to be easy to drive for the average player.
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Well BoP IRL can only decrease power (with a restrictor plate) or add weight (ballast) to cars to make them closer in performance so it should be expected that the cars are better performing when BoP is turned off. I’m not totally sure how it works since I haven’t messed with Sport Mode yet but I would imagine it’s the same.
Polyphony baffles me . They can adjust the BOP using AI algorithms using all the meta data they collect REAL time .