On-line Comparison

  • Thread starter jjaisli
There are occasional problems connecting with other players in FC, but in my experience they are quite rare. In general, I have no problems with FC online except the constant problem of stuttering frame rate (& sound) when you are very close to another car. This effect varies in intensity from barely noticeable to the "bouncing car" extreme. It is the biggest negative with FC & seriously impacts the online experience. However, it generally does not effect the outcome of a race - faster racers will manage a clean overtake 95% of the time & when racing more than about 50 - 100 metres from another car, the experience is mostly completely lag-free.

The compensating factor for the lag issues in FC is the fantastic selection of tracks, the great physics & FFB & the ability to set up the lobbies/races the way you want. In that sense it is similar to F1CE, except, in my experience, without the weird smoke, tire marks, lag bubble & erratic car behaviour of F1CE online (except when "close racing"). I love F1CE offline, but definitely prefer FC as an online experience. I particularly like the ability to get together, at will, with racers from Europe, Australia & other parts of the world.

Ardius, I would strongly suggest you hook up with a couple of the GTP drivers here & run a few trial races where you can control (& discuss) what is happening with the other participants. If you continue to have problems then you would be completely justified in giving up on FC online.