Whoever said that Gran Turismo is a "driving game" has it totally wrong. It is a racing game that uses everyday cars, rather than just racecars.
Kazunori Yamauchi is wrong about the game he developed the concept for and has complete control over? Wow...well hopefully he'll consult you before he goes and makes another crazy game that he calls a "driving game"!
There is no known origin as to the "Driving Simulator" part.
It's right on the front of the box.
Right below where it says "Gran Turismo 4", if you'll look closely there's some sort of marking. Now, over here in Americaland, we actually have the ability to decipher these markings, and believe it or not, they are roughly translated as "The real driving simulator", which is eerily similar to the phrase "Driving Simulator" for which you claim there are no origins. You really should warn Kaz before he makes the same mistake again.
As for my opinions, as long as the graphics, physics, and track count are up to par (I don't really care much about the AI, but that would be a plus), they can put whatever cars in it they want. If they want to put an amphibious vehicle in, or even a battleship that just sits on the starting line the entire race, I don't care. They designed it, they put in the effort, they paid for it (until I pay for it), and they have the right to put in whatever cars they want. What I care about is what cars ARE in it. As long as the cars I want are in it, I don't care what else is there. I've driven less than half the cars in GT4, but I've driven more than half of the "strange" cars that you don't want in there. Why? Because there are plenty of normal cars that I don't care about, but very few "strange" cars that I don't care about, so I'll drive the strange ones first.
If you decide a Skyline doesn't belong in GT:HD because it's overweight, shares the same driveline concept with "off-road" vehicles, and is too large for a 2-door, does that mean it shouldn't be in the game? I wouldn't miss it, but a lot of people would. I don't even understand the point of this thread.