- 48
- Buenos Aires
- Juan_de_Suarez
Share the career mode with other people, like in the PES mode (soccer game) "master league ONLINE").
The players should be grouped by the "virtual" day of progress ("virtual" days was a feature present in older GT'S).
Then, should be a schedule of available events to enter. So, the players must meet the requirements to enter an specific event like in the offline career mode.
Another feature to balance the fields of players, should be to implement a point system per race. Every player will gain points, depending on the results of the race. This accumulative points should be visible for every player taking part of an event, and sorted automatically by the servers when many players are taking part for the same event, dividing the grid in multiple races at the same time.
The players should be grouped by the "virtual" day of progress ("virtual" days was a feature present in older GT'S).
Then, should be a schedule of available events to enter. So, the players must meet the requirements to enter an specific event like in the offline career mode.
Another feature to balance the fields of players, should be to implement a point system per race. Every player will gain points, depending on the results of the race. This accumulative points should be visible for every player taking part of an event, and sorted automatically by the servers when many players are taking part for the same event, dividing the grid in multiple races at the same time.